
  • 网络tender offer
  1. 要约收购则是上市公司收购的重要形式。

    Tender offer is a main form of listed company acquisition .

  2. 本文提出以下思路:第一,修改强制性要约收购规则,最重要的是调整流通股要约价格;

    First , we should modify the rules on mandatory tender offer , especially to adjust the offer price for circulating shares .

  3. 与高度分散的所有权(NCS结构)相对应的是控制权转让的要约收购方式。

    Dispersed ownership structure corresponds to the tender off model .

  4. 尽管美国专门制定威廉姆斯法(theWilliamsAct)以严格规制要约收购,但是威廉姆斯法的规制范围并不限于要约收购。

    Despite that the Williams Act strictly regulates tender offers , it is in no way limited to tender offers only .

  5. 美国众议院迅速通过了一项非强制性决议,要求美国外国投资委员会(committeeonforeigninvestment)迅速就中海油要约收购优尼科一事展开调查,并称该交易“可能危及美国国家安全”。

    The house of Representatives quickly passed a non-binding resolution calling for an immediate investigation by the Committee on foreign investments in the United States ( CFIUS ) , saying the deal " would threaten to impair the national security of the United States " .

  6. 诺顿罗氏律师事务所的资深顾问RachelChan表示,除这次配股之外,诺顿罗氏也为人和商业的银行融资和要约收购提供建议,这些被整合成一项前所未有的三层融资安排。

    As well as the rights issue , Norton Rose Fulbright advised Renhe on bank financing and tender offers that were combined into a triple-layered financing arrangement , which had not been done before , says Rachel Chan , senior counsel at the law firm .

  7. 在我国,要约收购制度应与国际接轨。

    Chinese bidding acquisition must be in line with international practice .

  8. 要约收购法律规则的几大重要规则都贯穿了这一原则。

    This principle runs through all rules of hostile takeover regulation .

  9. 强制要约收购制度研究

    A Study on System of Mandatory Offer On Offer Purchasing

  10. 存在两种基本交易结构:跨国法定兼并和股票要约收购。

    There are two basic deal structures : merger and tender offer .

  11. 论上市公司要约收购制度的完善

    On Perfection of Tender Offer System for Public Held Corporation

  12. 要约收购中股东权益保护问题研究

    On the Protection of Shareholders ' Interests in Tender Offer

  13. 笔者对我国要约收购中小股东利益保护的相关立法进行了总结并且提出了自己的一些建议。

    The author summarized our relevant legislation and put forward some recommendations .

  14. 我国上市公司要约收购法律监管研究

    Research on the Legal Regulation of Tender Offers of Listed Companies in China

  15. 中国式要约收购开展效果的实证研究

    A Study on the Performance of Chinese Tender Offer

  16. 被要约收购的沪深A股上市公司绩效研究

    Research on the Performance of Chinese A-Share Listed Companies with Tender Offer Events

  17. 如果没有,则应当建立强制要约收购制度,强制要约收购制度将发挥其作用。

    To establish a classified compulsory offer acquisition system ;

  18. 试论公开要约收购对少数股东利益的保护

    Protection of Minor Shareholders ' Rights in the Open Taking Over the Listing Company

  19. 同时对强制要约收购制度和股东平等待遇进行了深入思考。

    Meanwhile , mandatory tender offer and shareholders equal treatment system conducted in-depth thinking .

  20. 论我国强制要约收购制度的法律完善

    On the Legal Perfection of the System of Mandatory Tender Offer in Our Country

  21. 我国强制要约收购制度探析

    Studies on Mandatory Bid of Our Country

  22. 第七十八条上市公司收购可以采取要约收购或者协议收购的方式。

    Article 78 . A listed company may be purchased by offer or by agreement .

  23. 要约收购若干问题研究

    Research on Some Problems of Tender Offer

  24. 上市公司的要约收购研究

    Research on Tender Offers of Listed Company

  25. 要约收购中收购方股东保护的法律问题

    The Legal Problems of Protection of Bidder Company Shareholders in the Process of Tender Offer

  26. 第三章是面临要约收购时计划受托人的信义义务。

    The third chapter focuses the fiduciary duties of plan trustee in face of tender offer .

  27. 要约收购制度的国际比较

    Comparison of International Tender Offer System

  28. 要约收购刍议

    Hostile Takeover On Offer of Purchase

  29. 强制要约收购与小股东利益保护研究

    On the System of Compulsive Offer of Stock Acquisition and Protection of Minor Shareholders ' Rights

  30. 本文从收购者角度出发,对要约收购中的若干个问题进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses several problems of the tender offer from the standpoint of the acquiring firm .