
  • 网络factor contribution
  1. 经济增长要素贡献评价模型和技术进步约束条件

    Appraisal Pattern of Economic Growth Factor Contribution & Binding Condition of Technological

  2. 按要素贡献分配与要素(资源)贡献价值论

    Distribution by Factor Contribution and Value Theory of Factor ( Resources ) Contribution

  3. 试论按生产要素贡献分配的劳动价值论基础

    Distribution according to Contribution of Production Factors : A Labor-Axiology Rationale

  4. 人力资本要素贡献与企业制度创新

    Contributions of Human Capital Factor and Institution Innovation of Enterprise

  5. 产权制度与按要素贡献分配原则

    Property Rights System and the Distribution Principle According to the Factors Contribution

  6. 要素贡献与市场贡献之间的关系较为复杂。

    The relation between factor and market contribution is complicated .

  7. 贵州省经济增长的结构效应及要素贡献研究

    The Research on Guizhou Province Economic Growth 's Structure and Factor Inputs Contribution

  8. 四要素贡献之间相互依存。

    The relations among four factor contribution are interdependent .

  9. 河北省经济增长需求要素贡献分析

    Research on the Contribution of Demands Factors to Economic Growth of Hebei Province

  10. 论按生产要素贡献分配及缩小收入差距

    On Distribution according to Factors of Production and Reduction of Inequality of Income

  11. 直辖市间做了要素贡献率和收获人口红利的对比分析。

    Contribution made between the municipality and harvest the demographic dividend rate comparison analysis .

  12. 本文研究和探讨农业要素贡献问题。

    This dissertation attempts to investigate and discuss the problem of agricultural factor contribution .

  13. 我国蔬菜产业增长途径分析&基于要素贡献的角度

    Analysis of Increase Approach on Vegetable Industry of China & Based on Factors Contribution

  14. 改革以来乡村企业的增长:要素贡献与技术进步

    On The Development of Township Enterprises Since Reform : Factors ′ Contributions and Technological Advance

  15. 山东省蚕茧产量增长要素贡献率分析

    Analysis on the Contribution Rate of Key Elements of Cocoon Production Increases in Shandong Province

  16. 其中,要素贡献包括资本和劳动。

    Factor contribution includes capital and labor .

  17. 按生产要素贡献分配原则,是社会主义分配原则的创新。

    Distributing labour products according to the factors of production is the innovation of socialistic distribution principle .

  18. 笔者认为,农地转非后的自然增值,应按要素贡献进行合理分配。

    The unearned increment of land should be made a reasonable distribution according to the contributions of essential elements .

  19. 宁波对外贸易增长方式转变研究&基于要素贡献角度的分析

    Research on the Transform of the Foreign Trade Rising Mode in Ningbo & Analysis Based on the view of the Factor Contribution

  20. 其不仅不符合按劳分配的原则,也不符合按要素贡献分配的原则。

    Not only inconsistent with the principle of distribution according to work , does not conform to the principle of element contribution allocated .

  21. 我国经济增长要素贡献实证分析:不同人力资本指标比较人力资本有效性指标体系的评价研究

    An Empirical Study on the Contribution of Production Factors to Economic Growth in China : Based on Comparison among Different Human Capital Indices

  22. 衡量生产要素贡献大小与收益多少,可借助于社会财富的价值形式和边际分析的方法。

    When measuring the contribution and value of production factors , the value pattern and marginal analytical method of social wealth is employed .

  23. 我国分配制度演进的方向是按生产要素贡献分配,而按技术分配是按生产要素贡献分配的重要形式。

    The direction of our distribution institution is distribution according to the contribution of productive factor and distribution according to technology is the former important mode .

  24. 分配原则是按要素贡献分配,就是要在要素的贡献与报酬之间建立因果关系。

    The principle of allocation is according to the factors ' contribution , in other words , we should establish causal relationship between contribution and rewards .

  25. 按生产要素贡献参与分配的实质是按资分配,即等量资本获取等量利润。

    So the distribution of essential factors of production is the distribution of capital by nature & equal amount of capital can get equal amount of profit .

  26. 因此,必须在尊重人力资本要素贡献的基础上对传统的企业制度创新,以实现国家、企业和劳动者的激励相容。

    Further the tradition institution of enterprise must be innovated on the basis of cherishing human capital for realizing encouragement unification of country and enterprise and labors .

  27. 运用相关分析法分析了湖南农业产业化对城市化的贡献:农业产品贡献、市场贡献、要素贡献;

    Firstly , the contribution including agricultural products contribution , market contribution and factor contribution of agricultural industrialization for urbanization in Hunan was analyzed by correlation analysis method .

  28. 按生产要素贡献分配可以理解为按要素价值进行分配。

    From the thesis , we know distributing according to the contribution of productive elements can be understood as distributing in the light of the value of the elements .

  29. 公司治理结构是一种基于效率原则的关于企业组织内部各要素贡献者之间责任、权利、风险、与利益相匹配的制度安排,其模式主要有英美模式、大陆模式和家族模式。

    Corporate governance is a system arrangement among responsibility , rights , risk and benefit . The main models are Britain and America model , mainland model and family model .

  30. 不能用生产要素贡献论、价值共创论来论证我国社会主义市场经济条件下按生产要素分配的必要性和合理性。

    The necessity and rationality of production essential factors ' distribution are not demonstrated by means of contribution theory regarding the essential factors of production and the theory of creation value in common ;