
  • 网络ECOWAS;ceao;waec
  1. 联合国要求西非区域性组织西非经济共同体(ECOWAS)对几内亚和尼日尔实施更严厉制裁。

    The United Nations has called on the West African regional group ECOWAS to impose tougher sanctions on Guinea and Niger .

  2. 他受西非经济共同体的委托介入并执行停火协定。

    He 'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire

  3. 来自欧盟、英联邦、西非经济共同体的观察员也对选情做出了类似的评估。

    Observers from the European Union , the Commonwealth and the West African Economic Community , ECOWAS , echoed this assessment .

  4. 来自卡特中心以及西非经济共同体国家的选举观察员表示,投票很大程度上是自由和公正的。

    Electoral observers from the Carter Center and the Economic Community of West African States say the vote was largely free and fair .

  5. 近期其他加深融合的例子还有东加勒比经济与货币联盟(EasternCaribbeanEconomicandMonetaryUnion)和西非国家经济共同体(EconomicCommunityofWestAfricanStates)。

    Other recent examples of deeper integration include the Eastern Caribbean Economic and Monetary Union and the Economic Community of West African States .

  6. 该基金将由西非国家经济共同体的投资与开发银行(EBID)建立。

    The fund will be set up by the Bank for Investment and Development ( EBID ) of the Economic Community of West African States .

  7. 他说,西非国家经济共同体绝不容忍对这些原则的不尊重。

    He says ECOWAS should not tolerate disrespect for those rules .

  8. 西非国家经济共同体五国委员会

    Committee of Five of the Economic Community of West African States

  9. 西非国家经济共同体投资论坛

    Investment Forum for the Economic Community of West African States

  10. 西非国家经济共同体协会

    Association of the West African States for an Economic Community

  11. 西非国家经济共同体表示,将可能对尼日尔实行制裁。

    The economic community of West African States says it may impose sanctions on Niger .

  12. 选举观察员们将包括一个来自加纳,西非国家经济共同体区域集团及联合国的联盟。

    Election observers will include a coalition from Ghana , the regional bloc ECOWAS and the United Nations .

  13. 加纳是西非国家经济共同体的重要成员,近年来发展势头良好。

    And Ghana is an important member of Economic Community of West African States and its development momentum is sound .

  14. 非洲联盟和西非国家经济共同体正准备向几内亚派遣平民监督员。

    The African Union and the Economic Community of West African States are preparing to send civilian monitors to Guinea .

  15. 由于坦贾违反宪法规则,西非国家经济共同体终止了尼日尔的成员国资格。

    The Economic Community of West African States suspended Niger because of what it called President Tandja 's unconstitutional rule .

  16. 西非国家经济共同体委员会对几内亚恢复和平与稳定表示乐观。

    The Economic Community of West African States Commission has expressed optimism in the restoration of peace and stability in Guinea .

  17. 西非国家经济共同体领导人要求恢复宪法秩序,并立即释放孔戴。

    Leaders from the Economic Community of West African States demanded a return to the constitutional order and Conde 's immediate release .

  18. 第五部分为本文的结语,对西非国家经济共同体一体化的经验和教训做了总结和归纳。

    The last pat is the conclusion of this paper . It summarizes the experience and the lessons from the integration in ECOWAS .

  19. 科特迪瓦总统还说,要由地区性联盟比如西非国家经济共同体来改革这个更大的、拥有54个成员国的非洲联盟。

    The Ivorian president says it is up to regional alliances such as the Economic Community of West African States to improve the larger 54-member group .

  20. 西非国家经济共同体代表团上周抵达几内亚首都科纳克里,与推翻总统阿尔法·孔戴的军事政变领导人举行会谈。他们与几内亚政变军队领导人举行了闭门会议,之后看望了被关押在军营的孔戴。

    A delegation from ECOWAS arrived in the Guinean capital Conakry last week for talks with the leader of a military coup that removed President Alpha Conde .

  21. 同时介绍西非国家经济共同体的宗旨和体制安排,以及此种体制安排对共同体一体化发展的影响。

    As the same time , it also states its aims and institutional arrangements and the influence that the institutional arrangements make on the integration in West Africa .

  22. 该组织的政治分析师阿卜杜勒·法塔·姆沙称,假如有必要,西非国家经济共同体会尽可能快地进入尼日尔,并确保命令能顺利下达。

    The organization 's political director Abdel-Fatau Musah said that if needed , Ecowas would be in the country as quickly as it could to ensure order was maintained .

  23. 她在佛得角发表讲话时,包括将如何最好的对尼日尔本月举行的宪法公投进行回应。尼日尔总统欲改变宪法,以延长其在职时间。佛得角总理内维斯称,西非国家经济共同体将严格遵守宪法秩序,尊重法律准则。

    Cape Verde Prime Minister Jose Maria Pereira Neves says the Economic Community of West African States defends strict with constitutional order and respect for the rule of law .

  24. 西非国家经济共同体、美国和欧盟都呼吁巴博将权力转交给瓦塔拉。

    The Economic Community of West African States , the European Union , the United States , and the African Union are all calling for Gbabgo to yield power to Ouatarra .

  25. 30、我们赞赏非盟、西非国家经济共同体和马里为恢复马里主权和领土完整的努力。

    30 . We commend the efforts of the AU , the Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) and Mali aimed at restoring sovereignty and territorial integrity of Mali .

  26. 至于尼日尔的宪法公投,内维斯称,西非国家经济共同体必须探讨是否实行对总统坦贾进行制裁的威胁。

    the constitutional referendum in Niger , the prime minister says ECOWAS will have to discuss whether to follow through on the threat of s against the government of President Mamdou Tandja .

  27. 在西非,西非国家经济共同体(简称西共体)在利比里亚的维和行动有力促成了利国内和平的实现,为维护西非地区的和平与稳定做出了积极贡献。

    In West Africa , ECOWAS ' peacekeeping mission to Liberia effectively restored internal peace to the country and order to the whole region .

  28. 作为西非区域最大的一体化组织,西非国家经济共同体一体化的成败直接关系到西非发展前景。

    As the major regional organization in West Africa , the integration in Economic Community of West African States ( ECOWAS ) directly affects developing prospect of West Africa .