
xī bù rén
  • the westerner
  1. 西部人指责说该党被北方和南方不同寻常的联盟所操控。

    Westerners charged that the party was run by an unholy coalition between North and South .

  2. 乡间强盗正在学习早期西部人的做法,先让牛群受惊四处乱窜以转移农民的注意力,然后再洗劫他们的房屋。

    Countryside robbers are learning the ways of the wild west by stampeding cattle to distract farmers before raiding their homes .

  3. 西部人:价值观念的冲突与重构

    On the Conflict and Reconstruction of Value Sense of the Westerners

  4. 但可能这正是西部人有魅力的地方。

    But perhaps that 's what gives Westerners their charm .

  5. 西部人过了若干时间才发现了这种黄金。

    Westerners took some time to discover that gold .

  6. 2005年,西部人谁使字幕开始了跨文化对话仰泳。

    In2005 , the backstroke of the west subtitler began a cross cultural conversation .

  7. 犹他州人也是西部人,对个人自由有广泛尊重。

    Utahans are also Westerners , people with a wide respect for individual liberty .

  8. 这座山脉还使得西部人无法把他们的木材和农产品运往东部。

    The mountains also prevented people in the West from sending their wood and farm products east .

  9. 对民族文化生态的保护和建设,是摆在西部人面前的一项具有挑战性的课题。

    It ′ s a challenging task which is confronted to all the westerners about how to protect and construct the national and cultural ecology .

  10. 本文对比分析了西部人思想观念的主要表现以及形成的自然和历史的原因。

    This text compared and analyzed the main performance and the historical and natural reasons for the ideas and concepts of people in western China .

  11. 再次,西部人现代性人格的建构应以马克思的人的发展的三阶段理论为指导,大胆地将人格定位、落实在物役性人格的建构上。

    Thirdly , People in the western region should develop their character under the guidance of Marxist theory on the three developing stages of human race .

  12. 继而又从市场数量、市场规模及其发展趋势方面论述了我国商品市场发育的东、中、西部人地带性差异特征;

    Secondly , zonation differentiation of the market numbers , market scale and development tendency among the eastern , central and western areas of China is revealed .

  13. 东部人的基本网络中相互联系要比西部人多,这种高密度的网络对创业是有利的。

    In the primary network , people in eastern region have more connections than people in western region . At the same time , higher network density is better for self-employment .

  14. 对增强西部人的现代都市意识,改进西部城市建设措施,提升西部城市形象,加快西部大开发的步伐等方面具有实践意义。

    It also has some practical value on strengthening the westerners ' modern city consciousness , improving Western cities ' construction measure , promoting western cities ' identity , accelerating the exploitation of western China .

  15. 宁夏小说的本土化特征主要表现在题材的本土化上,一是对西部人命运和人生的展示,一是对西部自然风光以及风俗人情的描画。

    The localization characteristics of Ningxia novels mainly display on the theme . On the one hand , it reflects the western human destiny and life . On the other hand , it describes the natural scenery and the custom .

  16. 西部的人对于环境的反应是极其自然的。

    The westerner 's reaction to his environment was natural enough .

  17. 西部图书馆人的生存与发展理念&来自西部贫困山区图书馆的报告

    Survival and development thoughts of librarians in the west of China

  18. 在旧时候的西部很多人被骗买了假的金矿。

    In the Old West many people were tricked into buying fake gold mines .

  19. 用法语教学,但是有一个国际研讨会是用英文举行,项目主要招募的是来自法国西部的人。

    Taught in French , but with an international seminar held in English , the programme recruits mainly from France 's western region .

  20. 针对我国西部地区人地复合系统的特征,将分形方法引入区域经济系统的研究中,通过对区域内城市间经济联系强度模型的推导,确定了其在空间的分形特征。

    Fractal method is introduced into the study of regional economy based on the analysis of human-environment complex system in western China . The spatial fractal characteristics are determined by the results from the economic relation intensity model .

  21. 这有点像美国旧西部,任何人都可以说他的产品是绿色的。

    " It 's kind of a Wild West , anybody can claim themselves to be green . "

  22. 我们欢迎任何愿意来中国西部投资的人。

    We welcome whoever would like to invest in West China .

  23. 来自西部的那人打开那张小纸条。

    The man from the West unfolded the little piece of paper .

  24. 西部地区的人说,他们都无法记得有少雨的时候了,特别是这半个世纪。

    Some people in the West say they cannot remember a time with less rain in half a century .

  25. 本周维吉尼亚西部矿井十二人死亡,去年像这样的例子有二百八十起。

    The West Virginia mine where twelve people died this week had two hundred eight safety citations last year .

  26. 陇南是秦人的发祥地,又是我国古代西部民族氐人和羌人活动的核心地区。

    Longnan is the birthplace of Qin , but also the whole of China and the ancient Qiang nation west of the core areas of activity .

  27. 在东部,他们仍然只是边境居民,只不过常常侵袭城市;但是在西部,这些人却不断占领城市,驱逐文明的爱琴海人。

    In the East they were still only Borderers and raiders , but in the west they were taking cities and driving out the civilized Aegean populations .

  28. 因为这些都是实时发生的,所以很显然居住在东部海岸的人比较那些居住在西部海岸的人来说是会有点辛苦。

    These events are in real time , so obviously people on the West coast have fewer problems the next day than do people who live on the East coast .

  29. 最后对西部小城镇人文化发展的趋势、生态化发展的动向和社会化发展的目标进行了透视。

    At last , to the whole town system in west china , a clairvoyance to the tendency of its cultural development , the direction of its ecological development and the target of its socialized development was carried out .

  30. 西部开发与西部人素质

    The general development of Wset China and the qualities of the westerners