
  • 网络Spanair;Iberia Airlines;Span Air
  1. 机组人员在去年秋天由于薪酬问题继续罢工,但通过和西班牙航空进行谈判后,他们获得新合同,也承诺洽谈期间不会罢工。

    Cabin crews went on strike last autumn over pay , but are currently negotiating a new contract with Iberia and have pledged not to strike while the talks continue .

  2. 这架MD-83飞机租借自西班牙航空公司Swiftair。

    The MD-83 had been chartered from Spanish airline Swiftair .

  3. 这场惨剧可能对西班牙航空造成严重影响。该公司由斯堪的纳维亚航空公司(SAS)拥有,本已在艰难应对燃料成本飙升、激烈竞争和国内市场下滑。

    The tragedy is likely to have serious repercussions for the airline , owned by Scandinavian group SAS , which was already struggling against soaring fuel costs , intense competition and a downturn in the domestic market .

  4. 国际航协预测(这些公司)存在“极高的”破产的风险,事实上,已经有两家规模不小的航空公司——匈牙利航空和西班牙航空面临破产。

    IATA predicts that there is a " serious risk " of bankruptcies . Indeed , Malev and Spainair , two fair-sized European airlines , have already gone bust .

  5. 航空调度员罢工已经导致了马德里、马略卡岛、米诺卡岛、伊比沙岛加纳利群岛、加利西亚地区和所有西班牙航空机场的关闭。

    Closure of the airports of Madrid , Mallorca , Minorca and Ibiza , the Canary Islands and in the region of Galicia , as well as causing the closure all Spanish airspace .

  6. 非常抱歉,前往马德里的西班牙伊比利亚航空公司的IB551次航班将延迟两个小时起飞。

    Iberia Airlines of Spain regret to advise a delay of two hours on their flight IB551 to Madrid .

  7. 在上月就任澳航首席执行官以来的首次公开讲话中,乔伊斯排除了包括西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(Iberia)在内三方交易的可能性。伊比利亚航空公司在同时与英航进行谈判。

    In his first public comments since taking the helm at the Australian carrier last month , Mr Joyce ruled out a three-way deal including Iberia , the Spanish airline that is simultaneously in talks with the British carrier .

  8. 上周星期五,在毫无征兆的情况下,西班牙机场航空调度员突然举行了罢工,并导致西班牙机场陷入混乱。

    A lightening strike by Spanish air traffic controllers has caused chaos in Spain Friday .

  9. 英国航空公司正在和西班牙伊比利亚航空公司和澳大利亚快达航空公司讨论并购的问题。

    British Airways has been talking to Spain 's Iberia and Australian carrier Qantas about a merger .