
  • 网络Spanish Dance;dance of Spain
  1. 一种西班牙舞蹈以三拍子的节奏伴随着吉他和响板。

    A Spanish dance in triple time accompanied by guitar and castanets .

  2. 男:有一个西班牙舞蹈节。

    M : There 's a Spanish Dance Festival .

  3. 问题9:为什么讲话者今晚放弃参加西班牙舞蹈节?

    Question 9 . Why do the speakers give up going to the Spanish Dance Festival tonight ?

  4. 考前,她学了一段西班牙舞蹈和民歌《南泥湾》。

    She learned a segment from a Spanish dance ensemble and the folk song Nan ni wan just before she sat for the exams .

  5. 乔一边急切地说着,一边死劲儿甩着手里的蓝色军袜,直甩得编织针像西班牙舞蹈女郎手中的响板叮当作响,而毛线团则在房间里滚过来,滚过去。

    And I can only stay home and knit , like a poky old woman ! 'And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets , and her ball bounded across the room .

  6. 你可以看到民俗的乐器,像西班牙吉他、伦巴舞蹈,就是古巴承袭的整个传统。

    You can see the folkloric instrument [ s ] . You know , the Spanish guitar , the rumba ; it 's sort of like , you know , the whole heritage , you know , what Cubahas inherited .