
  1. 洛佩兹今年22岁,于2011年起服役于西班牙军队。

    The 22 year-old joined the Spanish Army in 2011 .

  2. 他曾在西班牙军队里崭露头角,并且很富有。

    He had distinguishes himself in the Spanish army and was very rich .

  3. 这耽搁有助西班牙军队在七月的拜伦战役中取胜。

    This delay facilitated the Spanish victory in the Battle of Bailen in July .

  4. 西班牙军队从伊拉克撤军可能会引起连锁反应。

    The withdraw of Spanish army from Iraq might lead to a chain of reactions .

  5. 17日凌晨,西班牙军队将摩洛哥士兵逐出该小岛。

    The Spanish armed forces ousted the Moroccan detachment from the tiny island early on July 17 .

  6. 西班牙军队大笑着用长矛将其推开,火攻船最后自行燃烧沉没河底。

    Laughing , the Spanish army pushed them away with pikes until the vessels burned themselves into the river .

  7. 洛佩兹今年22岁,于2011年起服役于西班牙军队。尽管被誉为世界上最英俊的男人,洛佩兹仍无意放弃军队服役生涯。

    The 22 year-old joined the Spanish Army in 2011 . Despite having being named the most handsome man in the world , Mr L ó pez has no intention of giving up his army profession .

  8. 西班牙的军队在古巴海岸的圣第亚哥投降后,西班牙首先做出了和平的举动。

    Spain had made the first move toward peace after its forces surrendered at Santiago , on the Cuban coast .

  9. 1527年的今天,西班牙和德国军队洗劫罗马;这一事件被一些学者看作是文艺复兴的终结。

    1527-Spanish and German troops sack Rome ; some consider this the end of the Renaissance .

  10. 西班牙已经派遣军队帮助解决该国南部Andalucían地区日益严重的野火。

    Spain has sent in the military to help tackle growing wildfires in the country 's south in Andaluc í an .

  11. 中国应学习西班牙战争的教训,西班牙共和国的军队是从极困难的境遇中创造出来的。

    A revival of the spirit of those days is absolutely necessary . China should learn from the war in Spain where the Republican army has been built up under extremely adverse circumstances .

  12. 他们还利用流入西班牙的白银,为交付黄金、支付驻扎在低地国家的西班牙军队提供融资,这实际上是一种证券化。

    In a form of securitisation they also used inflows of silver to Spain to finance the delivery of gold to pay Spanish troops in the low countries .