
  • 【地名】【朝鲜】Sǒho-ri
  1. 它是目前西湖里最大的游船。

    It is the largest pleasure boat on West Lake today .

  2. 他们在西湖里游泳。

    They swam in the West lake .

  3. 葛老板和他的伙计们现在每天都在西湖里撒下一千多个捕笼,每个捕笼每天捕获的湖蟹约为3公斤。

    Ge and his assistants lay about 1,000 traps in the Lake every day , and the catch per trap usually weighs around 3 kilos .

  4. 它们南飞而来,在西湖里越冬,在杭停留至多不过半年,接着便飞返北方,从不在此下卵孵蛋。

    They fly from the north to seek winter shelter in West Lake , stay in Hangzhou for , at most , half a year , and then fly back without laying a hatch .