
  • 网络Berlin;west berlin;West-Berlin
  1. 西柏林市长称德国人是世界上最幸福的人。

    The Mayor of West Berlin described the Germans as the happiest people in the world

  2. 另一边是充斥着擅自占用房屋者和艺术家,靠补贴度日,因大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)而闻名的西柏林。

    on the other , the subsidized West Berlin of squatters and artists made famous by David Bowie .

  3. 最初,西柏林的确有过一些享誉国际的市长,如恩斯特·罗伊特(ErnstReuter)和维利·勃兰特(WillyBrandt)。

    Early on , West Berlin did have internationally known mayors like Ernst Reuter and Willy Brandt .

  4. 一边是呈现波将金式繁荣的东柏林;另一边是充斥着擅自占用房屋者和艺术家,靠补贴度日,因大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)而闻名的西柏林。

    On one side , the Potemkin prosperity of East Berlin ; on the other , the subsidized West Berlin of squatters and artists made famous by David Bowie .

  5. 马泽尔首次担任音乐总监是在西柏林的德国歌剧院(DeutscheOpera),同时还有柏林广播交响乐团(BerlinRadioSymphonyOrchestra),他从1965年到1971年一直担任这个职务。1972年,他接受了克利夫兰交响乐团的总监职位。

    Mr. Maazel 's first music directorship was that of the Deutsche Opera , in West Berlin , jointly with the Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra , a position he held from 1965 until 1971 , when he accepted the directorship of the Cleveland Orchestra , to begin in 1972 .

  6. 1957年西柏林成为共和国正式首都。

    In1957 West Berlin becomes the formal capital of the republic .

  7. 他说,“它们就是我们的西柏林”。

    " They are our West Berlin ," he says .

  8. 我和我西柏林的朋友一起去的,只是出于好奇。

    I went with my West Berlin friends only out of curiosity .

  9. 能与此相比较的,是冷战期间的西柏林。

    The same way West-Berlin was during the Cold War .

  10. 他们把这些看起来手舞足蹈的人放进了西柏林。

    They had to IET these festive people pass through to the west .

  11. 从南越到西柏林,我国将信守自己的承诺。

    This Nation will keep its commitments from South Viet-Nam to West Berlin .

  12. 城市规划中的几个问题&西柏林城市建设印象与联想

    Impressions of Urban Planning of Western Berlin

  13. 东柏林与西柏林接壤的边界上设有若干检查站。

    There are a number of checkpoints on the border between East and West Berlin .

  14. 前东德于1961年建造了城墙以分割东、西柏林。

    The former East Germany built the wall in 1961 to divide East and West Berlin .

  15. 在西柏林最高的恶魔山山顶上,静静地伫立着一个冷战的遗址。

    This relic of the Cold War sits silently atop the highest peak in West Berlin .

  16. 1987年西柏林国际建筑大展

    International Building Exhibition Berlin 1987

  17. 仅仅从1950到1960,居住在西德和西柏林的人民的生活水平提高了2倍!

    From 1950 to 1960 alone , the standard of living in West Germany and Berlin doubled .

  18. 西柏林国家图书馆

    National Library , West Berlin

  19. 在德国的美国法官需要认定:把东德的飞机劫持到西柏林的合法性。

    American judge in Germany must decide if the hijacking of an East German plane into West Berlin was justified .

  20. 而后小泽接收奖学金赴西柏林跟随著名奥地利指挥与指挥——卡拉扬学习。

    Receiving a scholarship to study conducting with famous Austrian conductor , Herbert von Karajan , Ozawa moved to West Berlin .

  21. (人群)数量超过了边防军的人数,这是自1961年以来,东、西柏林人第一次可以自由交往。

    Border guards were outnumbered , and for the first time since 1961 , Berliners from East and West mixed freely .

  22. 本次比赛的项目调查的城市内的核心,它曾经是西柏林的中心站点的发展。

    This competition project investigated the development of a central site within the city-core , which used to be West Berlin .

  23. 他在农场工作过,也去过矿井,做过石匠学徒,随后在杜塞尔多夫和西柏林学习雕塑。

    He then worked on a farm , in a mine and as an apprentice stonemason before studying sculpture in Duesseldorf and West Berlin .

  24. 从这个有利的地点,就是这个小岛的制高点就是西柏林,而无论你从哪个方向看都是东柏林。

    From this vantage point , right on top of the tiny island that was West Berlin , every-which direction you looked , was East , the Eastern Block .

  25. 许多东德的民众受够了这样的生活状况,又十分反感所谓的共产主义政府强加的诸多限制,便移居到西柏林开始新生活。

    Fed up with this existence and the restrictive nature of the communist government , many East Germans simply walked into West Berlin and established a new life there .

  26. 威廉皇帝纪念教堂的钟塔始建于1895年,如今提醒着人们莫要忘了战争的残酷和恐怖。同时,它也象征着西柏林的决心和德意志民族伟大的战后复兴。

    Built in 1895 , the tower has remained a poignant reminder of the horrors of war , as well as being a symbol of West Berlin 's determination and extraordinary post-war recovery .

  27. 当这一天最终来临&它必将来临时,西柏林人民将能对这一点感到欣慰:几乎二十年时间里他们站在第一线。

    When that day finally comes , as it will , the people of West Berlin can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines for almost two decades .

  28. 故事重点讲述了一群年轻人的刺激冒险,他们试图从西柏林伯纳尔大街上的一家塑料吸管工厂内挖地洞潜入东部,该工厂紧邻柏林墙。

    The narrative focuses on the escapades of the gang of young men who sought to burrow into the east from a plastic-straw factory in West Berlin 's Bernauer Strasse , which ran adjacent to the wall .

  29. 我16岁时参加了一个交流项目,在柏林西柏林,因为当时仍有一道将这座城市分隔开的一个家庭中住了三个月。

    WHEN I WAS 16 , I went to Berlin ─ West Berlin , since at that time a wall still divided the city ─ to live for three months with a family on an exchange program .

  30. 通往西柏林的空运还在进行着,美国空军开始在英国境内进行临时停靠。刚刚吃完战时配给的瘦弱的英国人承办了奥运会,结果最后被美国人拔得了头筹。

    The US Air Force had begun its temporary stay on British soil , and Americans were overtaking plucky British losers in the Empire Stadium , where a scraggy , rationed Britain was hosting the Olympic Games .