
  1. 实际上它是阿拉伯地方传统与西方社会主义思想相结合形成的一种新思潮。

    In fact , it is a new thought combining Arab tradition with western socialist thoughts .

  2. 大同思想是中国社会主义的萌芽形式,它随着中西文明撞击和西方社会主义思想传入而发展起来。

    The theory of Great Unity is the seeds style of Chinese Socialism and it has long been developed along with the collide between oriental and occidental civilization , with western Socialism spreading in China .

  3. 西方市场社会主义理论及其对我国的启示

    Market Socialist Theory in the West and Its Inspiration to China

  4. 西方市场社会主义理论的价值研究

    A Study of the Value of Western Market Socialist Theory

  5. 当代西方生态社会主义思潮及其对我国社会主义建设的启示

    Contemporary Western Ecological Socialism Thought and Its Inspirations for Our Socialist Constructions

  6. 西方市场社会主义经济效率理论系统探析

    A Systematic Analysis of the Economic Efficiency Theory of Western Market Socialism

  7. 当代西方市场社会主义:理论探微·比较分析·借鉴价值

    Contemporary Western Market Socialism : Theoretical Exploration , Comparative Analysis , Reference Value

  8. 论西方市场社会主义思潮对中国市场经济的影响

    An Influence of Western Market Socialist Thought on the Market Economy in China

  9. 九十年代以来西方市场社会主义思潮评析

    Comment on Western Market Socialism Trend Since 90 Decade

  10. 西方市场社会主义者对微观激励机制的建构

    The Contemporary Western Market Socialists Probed and Constructed Micro-Excitation Power and New Mechanism in Socialism Economy Area

  11. 西方市场社会主义是以实现社会主义与市场机制相结合为目标的一种理论思潮。

    Western market socialism is a theoretical ideological trend to realize the organic unity of socialism and market .

  12. 西方市场社会主义思潮对我国青年的影响及对策

    A Study on the Influence on Chinese Youth , Which Comes from Western Market-Socialism , and the Countermeasures toward the Ideological Trend

  13. 在取其精华的基础上,严格区分了西方市场社会主义与我国社会主义市场经济的区别。

    At last , it strictly distinguishes the differences between the market socialism of western countries and the socialist market economy of China .

  14. 从当代西方市场社会主义的理论内容和目的出发,我们认定其仍然坚持了社会主义的价值取向。

    Looking at the theories and the objective of the western market socialists of today , we hold that they still persist in the socialist order of value .

  15. 而西方生态社会主义者则在全球化的过程中看到了它所带来的全球生态危机,并对造成这一后果的责任者资本主义进行了批判。

    The western ecological socialist has seen the global ecocrisis that it brings during the process of globalization , and has criticized the capitalism , which should be responsible for the consequence .

  16. 西方国家说社会主义国家的政治是铁幕,纯属诬蔑之词。

    Western countries saying socialist countries practice autocratic rule is just slander .

  17. 政治经济学,西方经济学,社会主义经济理论与实践,宏观经济分析。

    Political Economy , Western Economics , Theory and Application of Economics , Macroeconomic Analysis .

  18. 他们于晚年从西方发达国家社会主义道路转向东方落后国家社会主义道路的探索。

    They , in their later years , shifted focus of research on socialist road from western developed countries to eastern backward ones .

  19. 在这一过程中,传统文化与现代文化、东方文化与西方文化、社会主义道德与资本主义、封建主义道德发生了激烈的碰撞,社会道德面貌呈现出混乱状况。

    In this course , traditional culture conflicts with modern culture , oriental culture conflicts with western culture and socialist morality conflicts with capitalist and feudal morality . Social morality is in a state of chaos .

  20. 最后指出,配给券市场社会主义理论,作为西方经济学家对社会主义未来的发展方向探讨的结果,克服了早期市场社会主义模式的短处,在更大程度上考虑了效率与公平的实现问题。

    In the end , the writer points out that , as a result of western economists ' study on the future of socialism , coupon market socialism theory conquered the shortages of early market socialism theories and focused more on how to realize efficiency and equality simultaneously .

  21. 西方管理技术与社会主义建设

    The Relevance of Western Management Techniques to The Process of Socialist Construction

  22. 论西方马克思主义的社会主义观

    On the Socialist Theory of Western Marxism

  23. 20世纪下半叶,西方国家兴起生态社会主义思潮。

    In the latter half of20th century , the trend of thought in ecological socialism sprung up in the western countries .

  24. 父权制和资本主义制度对女性的压迫问题,是当代西方马克思主义/社会主义女权主义关注的重要范畴。

    The oppression of Patriarchy and Capitalism to women is a significant issue included in contemporary western Marxism / Socialist Feminism .

  25. 你可以辨别出来列宁主义、资本主义、道家、西方消费社会、社会主义、法家帝国传统等等因素。

    You can discern elements of Leninism , capitalism , Taoism , Western consumer society , socialism , the imperial tradition of Legalism-and more .

  26. 同时在与西方国家、其他社会主义国家、新兴市场经济国家比较中更加增强道路自信。

    At the same time , through the comparison with the western countries , other socialist countries and the emerging-market-economy countries , we will enhance the road confidence .

  27. 广义地分析,澳大利亚参加朝鲜战争是西方资本主义阵营对社会主义阵营采取的敌对行动。

    In a broad sense , Australia 's engagement in the Korean War was a step of hostile acts that the western capitalistic bloc versus the socialistic bloc .

  28. 当然,也有少部分持不同政见者的主张和行动客观上迎合了西方国家和平演变社会主义苏联的企图,但他们采取的手段是和平的,主要是思想和道义上的。

    Certainly , the views and actions of a few dissidents objectively catered to the attempts for the Western countries to overthrew the socialism peacefully in the Soviet Union , but the methods they adopted were peaceful and their objection was mainly ideological and moral .

  29. 清律对明律成功的继承和发展,对今天继承传统法律、移植西方法律、完善社会主义法律、建设社会主义法治国家,无疑具有重要的现实借鉴意义。

    There is no doubt that the successful heritage and development of the law of Qing Dynasty to the law of Ming Dynasty have very practical significance for China to inherit traditional law , transplant western law , improve socialist law and construct socialist lawful country .

  30. 本部分主要通过阐述西方经济学家、马恩等经典作家,传统社会主义者及西方市场社会主义者在对社会主义与市场经济关系上的不同认识来揭示其认识的不同视角及方法。

    Views on the relation between socialism and market economy by western economists , Writer of classical such as Marx and Engels , traditional socialists and western market socialists are elaborated so as to reveal the different perspectives and methods hold by them .