
  • 网络History of Western Architecture;Western architectural history
  1. 小论西方建筑史上的空间概念

    Talk about the space concept in the western building history small

  2. 纵观西方建筑史,从实用主义观点来看其实这就是一场围绕功能而展开的漫长革命。

    Viewed from western architecture , this is long-term revolution relating to function in pragmatist viewpoint .

  3. 在分析空间和知觉的基础上,从设计思维角度寻索西方建筑史中从平面到剖面的思维演变,指出剖面设计在当今时代的重要性。

    Based on the analysis of space and perception , we try to find out the evolvement of the history of the western architecture from plan to section , and then point out the importance of the section design in current time .

  4. 从早期哥特建筑、辐射式哥特建筑、火焰式风格、装饰风格、垂直风格五大建筑风格阐述了哥特建筑发展进程中的建筑形式美感,指出歌特式建筑曾在西方建筑史上占有重要地位。

    From early Gothic architecture , radial Gothic architecture , flame-type style , decoration and vertical style the form-beauty of architecture in development course of Gothic architecture is discussed . Author points out that Gothic architecture played important roles in the history of western architecture at one time .

  5. 本文有助于我们更加全面深刻地了解西方现代建筑史以及当代活跃的先锋建筑思想;

    This thesis first redounds to further understanding of western architecture history and the active architecture ideology of contemporary avant-guard ;

  6. 首先从西方建筑思想史的源头开始考察,主要是以希腊神庙为例,分析希腊建筑的特点,并归纳出整个西方古典建筑思想的基本特点。

    It begins with the investigation of the beginning of the western architecture thinking , and analyses the characteristics of the Greek buildings , and induces the basic characteristics of the whole classical architecture thinking .

  7. 从西方建筑艺术教育史看建筑教育的发展

    The research in the history of education of architecture in west