
  • 网络Western Ethical Thought;western moral thought
  1. 摘要在中西方伦理思想中,“爱”都是一个十分核心的概念。

    In Chinese and Western ethic ideas ," love " is a very kernal concept .

  2. 麦金太尔将休谟问题置于西方伦理思想史发展的整个过程之中,用历史主义的观点来论述这个问题。

    Macintyre analyzed Hume Problem from the aspect of historicism and the development of west ethnics .

  3. 幸福观是西方伦理思想史上一种重要的伦理思想。

    The conception of happiness is an important thought in the history of Western Ethical Thought .

  4. 在接受西方伦理思想时,我们应具备四道视角:全球视角、学术视角、历史视角和辩证视角。

    To deal with western ethics , indispensable are four following perspectives : global , academic , historical , and dialectical perspectives .

  5. 作为美国社会保障的重要门类,教育保障制度深受西方伦理思想、资产阶级福利经济学、过早死亡论等社会保障指导思想的影响,尤其与其中的公共教育思想有着极深的渊源;

    As the important category , ESS was deeply affected by the Western Ethic , Bourgeoisie Welfare Economics and the Theory of Early Death , particularly by the Theory of Public Schooling .

  6. 因此,在我国传媒市场化背景下进一步发展创新中西方伦理思想,提高伦理抉择能力,并将应用伦理学与传媒行业深度结合,对于传媒行业及其从业者而言,都具有丰富的理论及实践意义。

    Therefore , in our country under the background of media market and further understanding the western ethics , the media industry and its practitioners , has a rich theoretical and practical significance .

  7. 罗尔斯顿从整个西方伦理思想发展的角度出发,认为道德是人的存在方式,环境伦理的产生不是要推翻或取代人际伦理,而是要为自然共同体中的人类确立生存方式。

    Rolston considers that morality is our human existence and the environmental ethic is to determine the existence for human beings in the natural community instead of overthrowing or replacing the traditional human ethics .

  8. 作者探讨了西方伦理思想史上道德意志的心理发生因元信念,培养机制自制,目标归宿自由,及其现代价值。

    The author probes into the original psychological factor ( belief ) , training mechanism ( self-control ), and objective ( freedom ) of moral will in the history of moral thought of the West .

  9. 第二部分利用中国古代伦理思想、西方伦理思想和马克思主义伦理观为理论支撑,阐述其在与贸易交往中的作用,深度剖析贸易摩擦产生的伦理基础。

    The second part of the use of Ancient Chinese Ethics , Western Ethics and Marxist Ethics as the theoretical support to explain their role in the trade exchanges , the depth of analysis of the ethical basis of trade friction .

  10. 西方政治伦理思想的历史流变及其启示

    Historical Evolution of Western Thoughts of Political Ethics and Its Enlightenment

  11. 国内近代西方科技伦理思想研究综述

    Domestic Science and Technology in Modern Western Ethics Review

  12. 论西方公益伦理思想的两大历史传统

    On the Two Historical Traditions of Public Welfare Ethical Thought in Western Countries

  13. 西方生态伦理思想如何发展?

    How should western eco - ethical thought develop ?

  14. 西方医患伦理思想的演变

    Development of Doctor-patient Ethics Thought in The West

  15. 二是西方生态伦理思想;

    Two is western ecosystem ethics ;

  16. 西方消费伦理思想溯源;

    The second part is mainly to trace the origin of the western consumption ethics thoughts ;

  17. 西方经济伦理思想述略

    On Western Economic Ethics Thoughts

  18. 与同时代的西方环境伦理思想相比,它具有独特性和超前性的价值。

    Compared with western environmental ethics theory during the same period , it had the unique and advanced value .

  19. 非人类中心主义是近代西方环境伦理思想的主流,主要包括以辛格、雷根为代表的动物解放/权利论;以施韦策、泰勒为代表的生物中心论;

    Anti-anthropocentrism is the main trend of the Western environmental ethics in modern times , including three schools of thoughts .

  20. 西方责任伦理思想和中国传统义利思想是企业家责任伦理的渊源。

    The western ethical responsibility ideas and Chinese traditional justice and benefit idea are of the source of business ethics .

  21. 西方科技伦理思想经过几千年的发展,已经形成了一个完善的体系,其内涵十分丰富。

    Experiencing the development of thousand-year-long , western ethical ideology of science and technology has formed a completed system with abundant connotations .

  22. 全文重在回答两个方面问题:1.西方生态伦理思想何以产生?

    This paper tries to answer the following two kinds of questions : 1 . How did western eco - ethical thought come into being ?

  23. 它的理想是提示观众建立人与自然的和谐关系。第二章论述了生态电影的思想资源,包括中国传统的生态伦理思想、西方生态伦理思想,同时介绍了马克思主义的生态观。

    The second chapter analyzes the theory resources of the ecological film , which including Chinese traditional ecological ethics , western ecological ethics and Marxism ecological thoughts .

  24. 本文主要通过中西方科技伦理思想的演变,探讨其对科学技术价值向度的影响。

    Probing into the degree of value of science and technology from the development of ethical thoughts of science and technology between China and west countries in this article .

  25. 对日本环境伦理思想的评价要从其与日本传统文化的渊源关系,与西方环境伦理思想的比较入手。

    This article tries to evaluate Japanese environmental ethic thought from the perspective of its relationship with the Japanese traditional culture , and by comparing it with Western environmetal ethic thought .

  26. 经济人的理论,功利主义思想,自由、平等、效率和自由放任的思想,是近代西方经济伦理思想的主要遗产。

    The theory of ' economic being ' , the utilitarian thinking , the idea of freedom , equality , efficiency and unrestraint are the main legacy of modern western economic ethic thinking .

  27. 再次,在对中西方幸福伦理思想的梳理过程当中,我们还看到我们民族千百年来传承下来的美德正在经受着西方所谓现代文明的冲击。

    Thirdly , when hackling happiness ethics thoughts of china and western countries , we find Chinese virtues which have been transferred for thousands of years being striked by what is called western modern civilization .

  28. 第二章中外环境伦理思想观点剖析,对中国古代环境伦理思想的哲学基础及西方环境伦理思想进行了深层的挖掘和剖析。

    Chapter two environmental ethics thought views of China and foreign countries are analyzed , ancient environmental ethics philosophical foundation and western environmental ethics thought of thought carry on the deep excavating and analysis to China .

  29. 试图在对中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想及通过与西方环境伦理思想进程、特点相比较,为建立一种可持续发展环境伦理观埋下伏笔。

    Attempt in and through compare with western environmental ethics thought process , characteristic to China environmental ethics thought of the traditional culture , bury hint foreshadowing in order to set up a kind of sustainable development environment ethics .

  30. 论西方政治信用伦理思想的历史演变

    On the historical evolution of political credit ethics in the west