
zhuānɡ shì yīn
  • ornament;grace;grace note;twiddle
  1. 对于装饰音的分析研究最终目的是为了指导演奏。

    Ornament for the analysis of the ultimate goal is to guide play .

  2. 他唱歌不用装饰音。

    He sang without ornament or embellishment .

  3. 符号较小的一种装饰音。

    An embellishing note usually written in smaller size .

  4. 论巴赫键盘作品装饰音的演奏

    Performance of Ornamentation in Bach 's Keyboard Music

  5. 装饰音修饰旋律的音节旋转金刚石修整工具修整超硬磨料砂轮的研究

    A note that embellishes a melody . Dressing of diamond grinding wheels using rotary diamond dresser

  6. 用华美的装饰音歌唱。

    Singing with florid ornamentation .

  7. 他的这些使用的装饰音方法也作为一种表达手法也影响了维也纳古典乐派。

    His usage of the ornament as a express measure also affect the Vienna Classical Music School .

  8. 不和谐的装饰音,极为普遍的是倚音,是与节拍同步的;

    Dissonant grace notes , the most common of which are appoggiaturas , are played on the beat ;

  9. 如果觉得有必要的话,可以忽略掉装饰音,但要随着节拍前进。

    Drop the odd note if you have to , but keep going in time with the rhythm .

  10. 也会有滑奏做为装饰音。声音非常悠扬典雅,适合独奏和伴奏。

    Sounding melodious and elegant , it is as important solo instrument now , and often in accompaniments as well .

  11. 连接两下的鼓声:由两个几乎同时的击声构成的鼓声,前一个是个快速的装饰音。″。

    Flam : a drumbeat consisting of two almost simultaneous strokes of which the first is a very rapid grace note .

  12. 在圆滑、弱及不该被忽略的装饰音处做记号。它们写在那里就是为了装饰整个谱。

    Markings for slurs , dynamics and ornaments should not be observed . They are only there to embellish the score .

  13. 直声演唱、假声半假声演唱,及在演唱中巧妙使用连顿音、滑音装饰音等,是其演唱特色。

    The singing characteristics include singing with level tone , falsetto or semi-falsetto and the ingenious use of tied note , portamento and ornament .

  14. 节奏通常是4/4拍,但是戈登他们还加入了异国情调的装饰音和必须的圆形节奏的切分。

    The rhythms are usually a4 / 4 beat , but the Gordons also offer the exotic embellishments and vital syncopations of global rhythms .

  15. 邓丽君在扎实的演唱技术基础上,通过对装饰音、音色、力度的变化与处理以达到对不同风格作品的诠释。

    On the basic of solid singing skills , she dealt with works of different styles by handing the decorative tone , timbre and intensity .

  16. 本文通过对触键法、延留音与连线音、装饰音及风箱运用等演奏技法的研究,探讨了手风琴演奏巴赫键盘音乐应注意的问题。

    This thesis probes into these problems in terms of such skills of accordion playing as in keyboard striking , suspensions , slurs , ornaments , and bellows .

  17. 巴赫是巴洛克时期最重要的作曲家,他对装饰音的发展做出了重要贡献。他的作品中大量的运用了各种装饰音。

    Bach is the most important Baroque composer and ornament of his important contributions to development . A large number of his works in the use of a variety of ornament .

  18. 通过举例分析的方法从触键方法,风箱的运用,变音器的选择,装饰音的处理等几方面进行分析研究。

    For analysis by the way out of touch the keys , the use of bellows anyplace , a change in the choice , and ornamentation so on several aspects of the study .

  19. 如果巴洛克音乐去掉装饰音,就如同把一座具有整体和谐艺术美的雕塑的装饰拿掉,从而破坏了整个艺术品的架构。

    If the ornament of Baroque music removed , just like the one in harmony with the overall artistic beauty of the decorative sculpture removed , thereby undermining the whole structure of works of art .

  20. 第一章将巴洛克时期的装饰音概括性地从风格的角度分为两类,并详细阐述每类装饰音的起源、特点及代表性的体裁及作曲家。

    In Chapter one , we separate the ornament in Baroque into two parts according to the style , and we illustrates the origin , the characteristic and the representation types of literature and the composers of the both parts .

  21. 通过举例分析的方法,对音色的把握、风箱的控制、变音器的选择、装饰音的处理、以及演奏状态和风格气质的把握这几方面进行具体的分析研究。

    By way of example methods of analysis , including control of sound and bellows , select variable damper , treatment ornament , Playing status and style , temperament of the grasp of these aspects of conducting a specific analysis .