
  • 网络FoB;Free On Board;FOB Free on Board;named port of shipment
  1. 《装运港船上交货》是指当货物在指定装运港越过船舷时,卖方即履行了交货义务。

    Free on Board > means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship 's rail at the named port of shipment .

  2. 这是我们的装运港船上交货的价格单。

    Here is our f.o.b. price list .

  3. 因为此笔交易是以装运港船上交货价格成交,你方必须在横滨将货物装上我方指定的船只。

    Since this transaction is based on FOB loading port basis , you should ship the goods on board vessel we designated in Yokohama .