
zhuānɡ xiānɡ dān
  • packing list;container load plan
  1. 卖方应包括完整的装箱单和物料清单。

    Seller shall include a complete packing list and bill of material .

  2. 难道是说所有的包装都必须粘贴发票和装箱单的复印件?

    All packages must be paste copy of invoice and packing list .

  3. 在检入站的信息输入中,报关单或装箱单是需要输入的主要信息,本软件采用扫描仪对它们进行录入,并按照Twain规范编写了扫描仪的控制程序。

    Of all the information of check in station inputs , the customs declaration or the encasement declaration is the main informations to be input . In this software , they are input by scanner and the control module of scanner is programmed according to Twain criterion .

  4. 我将会把修改好装箱单尽可能快的发送给你。

    I am sorry I 've lost the packing list .

  5. 签字装箱单,一正一副。

    Signed packing list , one original and one copy .

  6. 装箱单或重量单2份。

    Two copies of packing list and or weight memo .

  7. GB/T15310.2-1994外贸出口单证格式装箱单

    Form of document for export trade & Packing list

  8. 后附的是商业发票和装箱单。

    Attached is the commercial invoice and packing slip .

  9. 出口方的钻石清单和装箱单(复印件);

    Copy of Billing of landing and Goods list .

  10. 装箱单、提运单和货运发票复印件;

    Photocopies of the packing list , bill of lading and freight invoice ;

  11. 制作发票和装箱单并协助解决紧急关务问题。

    Make Invoice and packing list and assist in solving emergent customs problems .

  12. ③货物的运单、发票、装箱单;

    Goods shipping document , invoice and packing list ;

  13. 确认运输是否符合装箱单与接收确认。

    Verifying compliance of shipment with the packing slip and acknowledgement of receipt .

  14. 包装:出口标准包装,与装箱单相符。

    Packing : export standard packing and packing list must evidence the same .

  15. 在装箱单上,只有一箱配件,里面显示的是袜子。

    The packing list shows a box of accessories , which are socks .

  16. 装箱单日期与发票日期有联系吗?

    I usually take the packing list and commercial invoice as " twins " .

  17. 装箱单(提货单、材料清单)在那里?

    Where is the packing list ( bill of lading , bill of materials )?

  18. 制造商或卖方签发的装箱单正本3份,副本2份。

    D.packing list in3 originals and2 copies issued by the manufacturer or the seller .

  19. 装箱单必须作详细的缮制。

    Separate packing list in full details required .

  20. 完成每周出货装箱单的资料输入工作。

    Input the delivered encasement report every week .

  21. 提供装箱单不能是联合格式的装箱单。

    Combined of packing list is not acceptable .

  22. 产地证书、保单或保险凭据和装箱单

    " Certificate of origin , certificate or policy of insurance and packing list "

  23. 我方随即将提单、发票和装箱单传真给你。

    We will be faxing you the bill of lading , invoice and packing list .

  24. 出口:报关前做好中文的发票、装箱单和出厂检验证明供报关;

    Export : Make Chinese invoice , packing list and certificate of product inspection application .

  25. 我们能不能将发票和装箱单和货物一起发到你们仓库。

    Can I attach our inv & packing with goods to delivery to your warehouse ?

  26. 这个地点主要是为对装箱单细节的简要说明。

    The only locations taken into account are those indicated in the picking detail lines .

  27. 只要您一个电话,一份装箱单,我们就可以将您的货物安全送达世界的每一个角落。

    With your call and instructions , we will safely send your goods to any destination .

  28. 出货后制英文发票、装箱单、船运单给香港总部以供购买商。

    Make English invoice , packing list and shipping note for HK office offering to clients .

  29. 装箱单,三份原件。

    Packing list in three originals .

  30. 贵方没有把装箱单和其他货运单据一起寄来,这使我们大为其难。

    We are greatly embarrass by your omission to enclose the packing list with other document .