
  • 网络fractured reservoir
  1. 用地震资料检测裂缝性油气藏的方法

    Detection of fractured reservoirs with seismic data

  2. 根据圈闭成因类型及其含油气性,可将隐蔽性油气藏分为岩性、地层及裂缝性油气藏3大类。

    According to trap genetic type and petroliferous features , subtle reservoirs can be classified into 3 categories like lithologic , stratigraphic , and fractured reservoirs .

  3. 对准噶尔盆地腹部隐蔽油气藏的研究表明,地震预测技术具有一定的实用性和有效性。在寻找隐蔽性和裂缝性油气藏方面,AVO具有其他方法不能替代的作用。

    The application of the seismic forecast in the research of subtle reservoir in hinterland of Junggar Basin shows that it is practical and effective . Comparing to other techniques , AVO method has an irreplaceable function in searching subtle reservoir and fractured reservoir .

  4. 低渗透和裂缝性油气藏的定方位射孔完井技术

    Oriented perforating completion technique for low-permeability and / or fractured pools

  5. 复杂裂缝性油气藏裂缝系统储量的早期预测

    Early Reserve Prediction of fracture system in complex fracture reservoir

  6. 裂缝性油气藏压裂压降分析研究与应用

    Pressure drawdown analytical study and its application on fracturing of fractured reservoirs

  7. 积累了一定的经验,初步形成一套碳酸盐岩裂缝性油气藏和砂岩油气藏欠平衡钻井工艺技术。

    Underbalanced drilling technology for carbonate fractured reservoir and sandstone reservoir is formed .

  8. 用主曲率法研究裂缝性油气藏

    Research on the main curvature method and its application to cracky oil-gas deposits

  9. 但是,较为准确描述裂缝性油气藏的裂缝诱导双孔隙介质模型的研究鲜有报道。

    However , among those models , double-porosity models describing fractured hydrocarbon reservoirs are reported rarely .

  10. 轮南古潜山碳酸盐裂缝性油气藏的水锁效应及影响因素研究

    Study on water lock effect and its affecting factors of Lun'nan buried hill carbonate fractured reservoirs

  11. 研究岩石力学-水化学耦合作用对于保护储层、优化裂缝性油气藏具有重要的现实意义。

    The research of effect of the rock mechanics-chemistry coupling is of great importance to the reservoir protection .

  12. 在裂缝性油气藏中,这两个参数对提高油气采收率具有重要的意义。

    These two parameters have important meaning in increasing recovery factor of oil & gas in fractured reservoir .

  13. 裂缝性油气藏分布广泛,资源量十分丰富。

    The naturally fractured reservoirs , in which the resource amount is very abundant , are distributed extensively .

  14. 定方位射孔完井技术是提高低渗透油气藏和裂缝性油气藏勘探开发效工的一项新技术措施。

    Therefore , the oriented perforating completion is a new technology for improving the development benefits of the said reservoirs .

  15. 随着油气田开发的不断深入,人们对裂缝性油气藏的研究日趋加强。

    With the deepening development of the gas and oil field , people are increasing taking the researches on fractured reservoirs .

  16. 对裂缝性油气藏的描述主要是对介质中裂缝的属性进行定量描述,裂缝属性主要包括裂缝方位和裂缝密度。

    The description of fractured reservoir lies in the quantitative description of the fracture properties such as fracture azimuth and fracture density .

  17. 碳酸盐岩裂缝性油气藏是我国,特别是四川盆地的一种重要的油气藏类型。

    Fractured carbonate oil and gas reservoir is an important category of oil and gas reservoirs in China ( especially in Sichuan Basin ) .

  18. 因此,针对裂缝性油气藏开采过程中裂缝的动态行为开展研究,对高效开发该类油气藏具有重要的指导性意义。

    So studying the performance of the fractures in the exploitation process of reservoirs has important guiding significance to develop this kind of reservoirs efficiently .

  19. 目前,裂缝性油气藏作为一种隐蔽性油气藏在我国的油气勘探与开发中占据越来越重要的地位。

    Nowadays , fractured hydrocarbon reservoir as one type of subtle pools is taking more and more important role in the geophysical exploration of our country .

  20. 随着全球范围内裂缝性油气藏探明数量的不断增加,裂缝研究已成为当前石油地质领域的热点问题。

    Along with ever increasing assured quantity of fractured reservoirs over the whole world , Fracture research has became a hot issues in petroleum geology currently .

  21. 本文工作对裂缝性油气藏地应力与裂缝研究及裂缝性油气藏开发具有重要的参考价值。

    The work that has done is of great value to the study of stress study of fractured reservoir and the development of this kind of reservoirs .

  22. 渗吸现象存在于大多数油气藏中,尤其是具有活跃边底水的油气藏和裂缝性油气藏。

    Spontaneous water imbibition phenomena exist in the most of oil-gas reservoirs especially in the oil-gas reservoirs with active edge water or bottom water and fracture-type oil-gas reservoirs .

  23. 四川是一个以天然气为主的碳酸岩裂缝性油气藏盆地。

    Fractured carbonate gas reservoirs have been mainly found in Sichuan Basin and the particularity of natural gas wells has brought on a great deal of difficulties in drilling .

  24. 裂缝性油气藏是大庆油田古龙-徐家围子地区主要的油气藏类型之一,营城组是该区深层找气的主要目的层。

    Fractured reservoir is one of the main oil and gas reservoirs in Gulong-Xujiaweizi area of Daqing oilfield , and Yingcheng Fm is the main deep gas target in this area .

  25. 基于各向异性理论的多分量转换波裂隙探测技术近年来发展较快,已开始应用于裂缝性油气藏的勘探实践之中。

    Based on anisotropism theory , the technique of fracture detection by multi-component converted wave develops rapidly in recent years , and has started to be used in practical exploration of fractured reservoirs .

  26. 可循环微泡沫钻井液技术是目前国内外用于勘探开发低压裂缝性油气藏、稠油油藏、低压低渗透油气层、易发生严重漏失油气藏的一项新技术。

    At the present time , pumpable micro-foamed drilling mud is the new technology at home and abroad for the low pressure fissure reservoir , viscous crude reservoir , low pressure and permeability reservoir , and the reservoirs leaking easily .

  27. 另外,双层介质模型的数值模拟结果中多种波的识别,将有助于利用多波实际地震资料对裂缝性油气藏进行更加深入的探索和研究。

    This conclusion will lay a foundation of further studies on seismic wave propagation in actual earth layers . Besides , the identification of multi waves in the modeling results of double layers will contribute to further studies on fractured reservoir using multi-wave data .

  28. 由于裂缝性油气藏在油气储量中的比例逐年增高,且效益好的油田大多是裂缝性油气藏,从而正确的认识和评价地层中的裂缝对油气田开发具有重要意义。

    The proportion of fractured reservoirs in the oil and gas reserves increase year by year , and the good benefit oil field are mostly fractured reservoirs , so proper understanding and evaluation of formation fracture has great significance on oil / gas field development .

  29. 裂缝性泥岩油气藏勘探方法

    Exploration Methods of Fracture Shale Reservoirs

  30. 裂缝性砂岩油气藏是一种极为重要的隐蔽型油气藏,由于其非均质性严重及裂缝分布的复杂性,这类油气藏的测井评价难度较大。

    As one kind of reservoir in concealment , fractured reservoir is very important , and its evaluation is difficult due to its serious unhomogeneity and complex distribution of fractures .