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  • attacker;raider
  1. 上述措施将创造出两家独立的上市公司。过去几个月,以企业袭击者卡尔•伊卡恩(CarlIcahn)为首的不满投资者一直在煽动摩托罗拉的分拆。

    The move to create two separate publicly traded companies comes after months of agitation from disgruntled investors led by corporate raider Carl Icahn .

  2. 维和部队已加强了在该地区的巡逻,并开始搜捕袭击者。

    The Peacekeeping troops strengthened in this local patrol , and starts to hunt down and arrest the raider .

  3. 我们只有那个袭击者的粗略描述。

    We had only a vague description of the attacker .

  4. 她对袭击者的特征作了精确的描述。

    She gave an exact description of the attacker .

  5. 她遭到袭击者的拳打脚踢。

    She was punched and kicked by her attackers .

  6. 袭击者用枪威胁他们。

    The attacker threatened them with a gun .

  7. 她朝袭击者的下身踢了一脚。

    She kicked her attacker in the groin .

  8. 袭击者一脚踢在他肚子上。

    The attacker kicked him in the stomach .

  9. 袭击者还站在那里,用一种鄙夷的眼神一言不发地看着她。

    The attacker still stood there , watching her with silent contempt

  10. 其中一些袭击者身背弓箭。

    Some of the raiders were armed with bows and arrows .

  11. 他呼吁任何看见袭击者的人提供信息。

    He appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers .

  12. 袭击者也许一直都在等待着动手的机会。

    The attacker may have been waiting around for an opportunity to strike

  13. 然后袭击者企图用电线勒死她。

    The attacker then tried to throttle her with wire

  14. 我用力把手从袭击者手里挣脱出来。

    I wrenched my hand away from my attacker .

  15. 袭击者再度凶残地攻击受害人。

    The attackers launched another vicious onslaught on their victim

  16. 西非部队对袭击者展开全力还击。

    The West African forces went on the offensive in response to attacks on them

  17. 她可能进行了顽强的反抗,试图击退袭击者。

    She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant

  18. 来路不明的袭击者用枪炮将两处住宅打得千疮百孔。

    Unknown attackers riddled two homes with gunfire

  19. 有迹象表明,在她被连刺数刀前,曾与袭击者进行过搏斗。

    There were signs that she struggled with her attacker before she was repeatedly stabbed .

  20. 他试图用自己的身体推开袭击者,但却失去了平衡。

    He tried to use his own weight to push his attacker off but he was off balance

  21. 沃思先生机敏地把脚一伸,把其中一个袭击者给绊倒了。

    With a deft flick of his foot , Mr Worth tripped one of the raiders up .

  22. 根据她对道格拉斯习性的了解,她敢断定他不可能是那个袭击者。

    From her knowledge of Douglas 's habits , she feels sure that the attacker can 't have been Douglas

  23. 这些死者可能是替罪羊,袭击者可能误以为他们是当兵的。

    The dead men could have been the victims of mistaken identity . Their attackers may have wrongly believed them to be soldiers .

  24. 他认出袭击者是当地一家银行的职员。

    He identified the attacker as a worker at a local bank .

  25. 袭击者把她打倒在地并狠狠地踢她。

    The attacker knocked her to the ground and kicked her hard .

  26. 去年12月,加利福尼亚州圣贝纳迪诺市两名袭击者杀死了14人。周二,联邦法院下令要求苹果公司协助联邦调查局的调查,解锁其中一名袭击者曾用过的iPhone手机,政府的行动正是源于这个法令。

    The action stems from a federal court order issued on Tuesday requiring Apple to help the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( F.B.I ) to unlock an iPhone used by one of the two attackers who killed 14 people in San Bernardino , California , in December .

  27. 如果苹果公司被迫编写代码让联邦调查局进入圣贝纳迪诺袭击者赛义德·里兹万·法鲁克用过的iPhone5c的话,如果某个黑客获取了这些代码、用来入侵其他设备,那谁来负责呢?

    If Apple is forced to write code that lets the F.B.I. get into the Phone 5c used by Syed Rizwan Farook , the male attacker in the San Bernardino attack , who would be responsible if some hacker got hold of that code and broke into its other devices ?

  28. 1977年,他执导的袭击者队获得了“SUPPERBOWL”(美国超级杯橄榄球大赛)的胜利。

    He led the Raiders to a Super Bowl victory in nineteen seventy-seven .

  29. 两种残片都袭击者太阳,而行星x的磁场引起了可怕的太阳爆发。

    Both the debris striking the Sun , and the magnetic field of Planet X , are causing these terrible solar explosions .

  30. 据报告,戴面具的袭击者从装甲车上偷了个GPS转调器,然后抢劫了一辆当地车辆逃走了。

    The masked assailants reportedly stole a GPS transponder from the armored SUV , then carjacked a local vehicle to get away .