- 网络passive remote sensing

Application and Development of Passive Remote Sensing FTIR
The flame temperature of three kinds of solid propellants was measured by passive remote sensing FTIR with the resolution of 1 cm - 1 . These three kinds of solid propellants are adulterate nano-scale metal oxide particles , adulterate normal metal oxide particles , and propellant without any adulterations .
Interpretation of Passive Remote Sensing FTIR Spectra Based on Interferogram
The Calibration of Instrument Response Function during Passive FTIR Measurement
The study , additionally , showed remote sensing system of laser fluorescence has considerable extensive prospect of application , and can be expected , at some aspects , to exceed the currently often used passive remote sensing based on reflectance spectra .
Microwave radiometer is a passive microwave remote sensor , which receives the thermal emission from the observed objects in microwave frequency region , and characteristics of the objects can be retrieved from the measured data .