
  • 网络the Stolen Generation
  1. 这项政策在“被偷走的一代”身上造成的影响传递到了下一代。

    The impact of the Stolen Generations has also passed on to the next generation .

  2. 国内方面,澳大利亚被偷走的一代以及被迫放弃孩子的白人母亲所遭受的创伤和悔恨在很大程度上影响了澳大利亚当代人对待国内领养的态度。

    The trauma and remorse generated from the Stolen Generation and the white relinquishing mothers have a profound influence on the contemporary sentiments the Australians hold towards adoption .

  3. 这一裁决对于其他许多被称作“偷走的一代”的告状者,以及一直在斗争并要求政府承认自己过去的不道义行为的土著居民团体都是一个很大的打击。

    The ruling will be a major setback to hundreds of other claimants from the so-called " stolen generation " , as well as to the Aboriginal community , which is fighting for the government to acknowledge past injustices .