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  • robe;gown
  • 中式长衣:~子。长~。旗~。棉~。皮~。同~(旧时军人相称)。~泽(“袍”和“泽”均为古代衣服,后以此称军队中的同事,如“~~之谊”、“~~故旧”)。

  • 衣服的前襟:“反袂拭面,涕沾~”。


(中式的长衣服) robe; gown:

  • 长袍

    long gown; robe;

  • 棉袍

    cotton-padded robe

  1. 穿着浴袍时怎么可能出现这样的灼痕?

    How can she have a linear mark when she was wearing her robe ?

  2. 《实习生》(TheIntern)里的安妮·海瑟薇(AnneHathaway)穿着客用浴袍坐在酒店床上,正喝着茶,吃一罐贵得离谱的坚果,显得六神无主。

    Anne Hathaway was in " The Intern , " " perched on a hotel bed in a hotel robe , eating from a can of overpriced nuts , having tea and freaking out .

  3. 她穿着羊毛宽松裤和涡旋花纹宽袍。

    She was wearing wool slacks and a paisley smock .

  4. 那个男子穿着浴袍,显然是刚刚从浴室出来。

    The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom

  5. 一位身着牧师袍服的男子进行了宗教布道。

    A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance .

  6. 教士袍挂在墙上。

    Priestly robes hang on the walls .

  7. 这个残酷的国王穿着用人皮制成的大袍,宫殿的墙壁上装饰着经过漂白的敌人的骷髅。

    The cruel king wore human-skin robes and adorned his palace walls with enemy 's bleached skulls .

  8. 他的身上穿着一件暗蓝马裤呢的夹袍,嘴里衔一支雪茄,走路时温文而稳重,很像是一个饱学的学者。

    Be dressed in dark and Blue Ma Ku on his body of clip tunic , title in the mouth is a cigar , while walking Wen Wen but steady heavy , is like a learned scholar very much .

  9. 坏消息就是,Jim,你救的那个病人,他还是用自己的浴袍带子在浴室上吊自杀了。

    The bad news is Jim , the patient you saved , hung himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom , he 's dead .

  10. 当时的高级合伙人雷·莱恩(RayLane)对一名低级合伙人开玩笑说,同事只裹着浴袍来到她酒店房间门口时,她应该感到受宠若惊。

    A senior partner at the time , Ray Lane , joked to a junior partner that she should be flattered that a colleague showed up at her hotel room door wearing only a bathrobe .

  11. 我们观看身穿栗色僧袍的小僧人正玩一种叫kuru的游戏&把一英尺长的自制飞镖掷向远处的目标。

    We watched maroon-robed boy monks hurling foot-long homemade darts at a distant target in a game called kuru .

  12. 坏消息就是,Jim,你救的那个病人,他还是用自己的浴袍带子在浴室上吊自杀了。”Mary说:“他没有自杀,是我把他吊起来好让他晾干。”

    The bad news is Jim , the patient you saved , hung himself with his bathrobe belt in the bathroom , he 's dead . " Mary replied , " He didn 't hang himself , I hung him up to dry . "

  13. 他的第一份工作是衬衫店里打杂的小职员,他在加西利亚区拉科鲁尼亚省的好几家衬衫店里都打过工。1972年,他创办了ConfeccionesGoa公司(Goa就是他姓名首字母缩写反向排列而成),主要制作睡袍。

    Starting his career as a gofer in various shirt stores in La Coru ? a , Galicia , in 1972 he founded Confecciones Goa ( his initials in reverse ) , which made bathrobes .

  14. 浴室小巧舒适,具有审美情趣,配备有巴黎时尚品牌MaisonMargiela的浴袍,白瓷砖墙,黑白格地板,黄铜配件白色大理石盥洗池,以及一面大黄铜镜。

    Snug but aesthetically fun , the bath had robes from the trendy Parisian fashion label Maison Margiela white tiled walls , black-and-white checked floors and a white marble sink with brass fixtures and a large brass mirror .

  15. 所以你们才缩在这件白大袍里。

    That 's why you 're here posing as a shrink .

  16. 福尔斯特:没有,我想我弄脏了你室友的浴袍。

    Forrest : No.I think I ruined your roommate 's bathrobe .

  17. 是一个穿紫袍,享受安乐的王子吗?

    A prince in royal purple upon a couch of ease ?

  18. 因为没有一个妻子能穿着袍装还这么漂亮。

    Because no wife should be that good in the sack .

  19. 灰袍巫师甘道夫赶到艾辛格寻求我的建议。

    And Gandalf the Grey rides to Isengard seeking my counsel .

  20. 白袍巫师萨拉曼是我们的盟友。

    Saruman the White has ever been our friend and ally .

  21. 导演:解开浴袍。乔伊:我?

    Director : Loose the robe . 1 Joey : Me ?

  22. 这些是皇袍,是中国古代的皇帝穿的。

    They are imperial gowns . Ancient Chinese emperors wear them .

  23. 我用他毕业袍剩下的材料做的

    I made it from what was left of his gown .

  24. 生活是一袭华美的袍,吾在守望着。

    Life is in the air , not on the ground .

  25. 我为什么让你不要穿毕业袍?

    Why did I tell you not to wear this gown ?

  26. 我很像灰袍甘道夫。

    Yeah , I 'm a lot like Gandalf the Grey .

  27. 三套素面工作袍(黑色)

    Three sets of plain work robes ( black ) 2 .

  28. 2001-2003年:《指环王三部曲》(白袍巫师萨鲁曼)

    Saruman the White The Lord of the Rings Trilogy ( 2001-3 )

  29. 我们的新品浴袍是纯棉制品。

    Our new brand bathrobes are made of pure cotton .

  30. 我们有每天的动态静心、亢达里尼静心和白袍静心。

    We have daily Dynamic , Kundalini , and White Robe Meditation .
