
  • 网络CRACK;Surface crack;KIE
  1. 含表面裂纹PE管道临界失稳压力的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of the Critical Buckling Pressure of PE Pipes with Surface Crack

  2. 半椭圆表面裂纹前缘任意点处Jx与Jy的关系

    The Relationship between J_X and J_Y of Half-Elliptical Surface Crack

  3. H型钢异型坯表面裂纹和洁净度控制研究

    Study on the Control of the Surface Cracks and the Cleanliness for H-Beam Blank

  4. 用改进后的泰勒级数修正法确定具有表面裂纹的圆柱壳体的应力强度因子k1

    Determining SIF K_1 of A Cylindrical Shell with A Surface Flaw Using An Improved TSCM

  5. V型钢导轨表面裂纹分析

    Surface crack analysis of V-typed steel guide

  6. D组,表面裂纹较加载前增加,与C组类似,出现长度100μm左右的裂纹。

    In group D , many cracks occurred such as group C , a crack of 100 μ m length was found .

  7. 焊接表面裂纹J积分直接测试法研究

    Study on direct evaluation of J-integral of surface crack in Weldments

  8. 采用Paris公式描述缺口表面裂纹扩展速率的条件

    The Conditions of Application of the Paris Relationship to Representing Notch Surface Crack Propagation Pate

  9. 热/机械载荷作用下含半椭圆表面裂纹FGM的3D数值模拟

    3-Dimensional Numerical Simulation for Surface Cracks in FGMs under Thermal / Mechacal Loading

  10. 压力容器表面裂纹弹塑性J积分特性研究

    Study of Elastic - plastic J-integral Characters of Surface Cracks in Pressure Vessel

  11. 利用超声显微镜(SAM)对表面裂纹进行了C扫描成象检测,并对其检测结果进行了分析。

    Scanning acoustic microscope ( SAM ) was used to detect surface crack with C scan imaging method and results were analyzed .

  12. 用表面裂纹法测中强钢板材断裂韧性K(IE)和K(IC)的探索

    Exploring the Fracture Toughness K_ ( IC and K_ ( IC ) of a Medium Strength Steel Plate Using the Surface Flaw Test

  13. CSP薄板表面裂纹的形成机理与预防措施

    Forming Mechanism and Preventive Measures of the Surface Crack in Thin Strip Produced by CSP

  14. 介绍了用由面阵CCD组成的单列阵扫描法测量大型显像管玻壳模具的表面裂纹和砂眼等缺陷。

    A measuring method of the surface defects for the large model of the monitor tube , by scanning with planar CCD array is presented .

  15. 根据Paris疲劳裂纹扩展规律,对拉伸和纯弯曲疲劳载荷下表面裂纹扩展进行了数值模拟。

    Fatigue crack growth of surface cracks in tension and bending plates is investigated with numerical simulation technique based on the Paris law of fatigue crack growth rate .

  16. 通过此法可以得到两种模型,一种是用3-D实体单元模拟的不含裂纹的Y型管节点有限元模型,一种是用不同实体单元模拟的带表面裂纹的Y型管节点模型。

    Hence , two models can be obtained by this new method . One is the model of tubular Y joint without any crack simulated with 3D solid element .

  17. 含表面裂纹焊接结构断裂影响因素的PFM分析与失效概率计算

    PFM analysis of influencing factors on fracture of welded structure with surface crack and the calculation of failure probability

  18. 通过数值计算,得出了身管内表面裂纹J积分值随裂纹长度及深度的变化规律。

    By means of numerical calculation , the rules of J-Integral values varied with the length and depth of the inner surface crack of gun barrel were obtained .

  19. BHW-35钢表面裂纹疲劳扩展行为的研究

    Research on Surface Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of BHW-35 Steel

  20. 并提出曲轴表面裂纹几何因子的表达方法和曲轴裂纹扩展速率的表达式,对Paris经验公式进行修正。

    In this paper , a method for representing geometric factors of the crankshaft surface crack and an expression for the crankshaft crack propagation rate are proposed . The Paris empirical formula is also revised .

  21. 研究发现,无Ni含铜钢在1100~1200℃会形成液态富铜相,并向奥氏体晶界渗透,成为表面裂纹源。

    The results showed that copper enriched liquid phase is formed at reheating temperature of 1 100 ~ 1 200 ℃, and the liquid Cu enriched phase is penetrated along austenite grain boundary leading to surface cracking .

  22. 指出依据COD概念不能合理地评定和保证具有表面裂纹构件的安全性,而全面屈服准则是评定构件表面缺陷的有力工具。

    It is worth noting that the safety of structures with welded surface cracks cannot be assessed by the COD concept reasonably , and that the general yielding criterion is a most valuable tool for the surface defects .

  23. Q460高性能钢表面裂纹的分析

    Analysis on the Surface Cracks of High Performance Q460 / Z35 Plate

  24. 结果表明,材料的S-N曲线均由表面裂纹萌生型和内部裂纹萌生型组成。

    The results show that the testing material can be classified into two S-N curves corresponding to the surface induced fracture and the internal inclusion induced fracture , respectively .

  25. 本文介绍了电站锅炉汽包用钢BHW-35表面裂纹扩展速率及形状变化的初步研究结果

    Primary research results on surface crack growth rate and shape changes in BHW-35 boiler drum steel samples are presented

  26. 用半椭圆表面裂纹试样单轴拉伸研究了塑性变形诱发Cr-Mo-V铁基内生复合板的力学行为。

    Crack sensitivity of deformation induced in-situ composite plates ( DISC ) were studied by uniaxial tensile test using semi-elliptical surface crack specimens .

  27. 应用断裂力学的基本原理,研究了表面裂纹前缘各点J积分随荷载与裂缝的不同位置、不同加载方式及路面结构参数的变化规律。

    By making use of fracture mechanics fundamental , the effect of the pavement parameters and the relative locations of the load and crack as well as loading styles on J integral of the front points of surface crack are studied .

  28. 对于裂纹深度较浅的周向表面裂纹管,其塑性垮塌失效形式呈现为裂纹净截面塑性垮塌失效,净截面垮塌(NSC)准则能较好地预测其韧带局部塑性垮塌失效载荷;

    For the surface circumferentially part-through wall cracked pipes , the plastic collapse pattern was net section collapse and the net-section-collapse ( NSC ) criteria could be used to predicate their plastic collapse loads .

  29. 将传统的用于静态表面裂纹分析的线弹簧模型推广用于动态断裂分析,导出了相应的线弹簧本构关系,并与有限元(ANSYS)相结合,建立了相应的求解技术。

    The main content includes : The traditional line-spring model which is used in the static analysis of surface crack is extended to the dynamic case , the corresponding constitutive relations are derived and combined with the software ANSYS , and then the corresponding computational technique is formulated .

  30. 基于现场采样管段的材料力学性能测试资料和焊缝缺陷检测资料,采用FAD方法对某含360°内表面裂纹管道的剩余强度进行了评价。

    Based on material properties of the field sampled section of pipeline and dimensions of inspected weld-ment defects , the auther analyzed the remaining strength of certain pipeline containing 360 ° circumferential internal surface crack with FAD method .