
  • 网络apparent value
  1. 再根据相对目标距离,折算得到目标到达试验塔址处的表观值,为该武器系统试验塔址的定位提供了参考依据。

    Then , the apparent value from target to test tower is calculated with relative target distance , thus a reference for positioning the weapon system test tower is provided .

  2. 线性回归得出化学反应速率常数表观值。

    The apparent reaction rate constant can be obtained by linear regression .

  3. 同时,根据测试距离和大气环境参数,对测量表观值进行了修正得到目标辐射的真实值。

    According to the parameters of measurement distance and atmosphere environments , we calculate apparent measurements of target radiation into true value .

  4. 采用实验及有限元数值分析相结合的方法,研究了试验片关键尺寸对层间剪切强度表观值的影响,确立了最佳试验片形状与尺寸。

    Theoretical and experimental methods were used for the analysis of the relationship between the specimen 's key dimension and the results , and the favorable shape and dimension of the specimen were established .

  5. 证明大分子具有剪切变稀的性质,铵盐阳离子中,季铵基团(R1R2R3R4N~+)的数量越多,大分子溶液表观粘度值下降程度就越大。

    The outcoming testify that macromolecule has property of shear thinning . The more quaternary ammonium groups ( R1R2R3R4N + ), the decreaser of apparent viscosity .

  6. 结果表明:TPA改性煤沥青的黏度与温度的关系曲线呈现W型,并且在200~225℃之间处于低黏流区,表观黏度值约200~400mPa。

    The experimental findings are as follows : ( 1 ) The curve of the relations between the viscosity and temperature is the " W " profile . There is low viscosity flow area at 200 ~ 225 ℃ in the modified coal tar pitch .

  7. 常规施肥处理造成0-90cm土体的无机氮表观平衡值超过1400kg/ha,减半量施肥处理下的无机氮表观平衡值可下降到450.49kg/ha。

    Conventional fertilizer application resulted in inorganic N apparent balance value over 1400 kg / ha in 0-90 cm soils , which will be reduced to 450.49kg/ha in half the amount of fertilizer treatments .

  8. 家兔血液表观粘度值及其影响因素的观察

    Observation of the blood apparent viscosity of rabbits and its influence

  9. 配制最低成本的加酶家禽日粮:酶的表观能量值

    Strategy for least cost poultry formulatlons : apparent energy value of enzymes

  10. 观察实验前后3组儿童发锌值,并在实验最后1周,用化学代谢平衡法观察3组儿童锌表观吸收值的变化情况。

    Zinc bioavailability was determined with the method of chemical metabolic balance in the last week of the experiment .

  11. 主要观察指标:①主要结局:两个测量过程7个剪变率下的表观黏度值。

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES : ① Major consequence : apparent viscosity under 7 shear rates in two measuring process ;

  12. 计算结果表明,压力高和液体流量大的体系,其摩擦阻力系数和表观粘度值均较高。

    The calculation results showed that the friction factor and apparent viscosity of hydrate slurries increase with increasing pressure and flow rate .

  13. 对于快交换体系,化学位移或弛豫速率的观测值是自由态与结合态配体的表观平均值,因而得以计算出结合态配体的浓度。(第五章)

    For a fast exchange system , value of the observed 1H relaxation rate is assumed to be the weighted average of the ligand at free and bound states .

  14. 在相同的剪切速率下,球磨时间越长,淀粉糊的表观粘度值越小,剪切稀化的程度降低;

    Under the same shearing rate , the longer the milling time was , the smaller the apparent viscosity of lotus seed starch paste was , the degree of Shear-thinning reduced .

  15. 通过曲面回归,对各种不同原料的带肉果蔬汁分别回归得到了一个包含均质压力(芹菜汁的为果肉颗粒粒度)、汁液温度、果蔬浓度的粘度方程,以预测其表观粘度值。

    In order to forecast the apparent viscosity five equations including the effects of temperature , pulp content , homogenization pressure ( pulp granule size as to celery ) on different nectar were obtained .

  16. 对于环氧/桐油酸酐/有机蒙脱土固化体系用Kissinger方法看到固化体系的反应级数均为0.9左右,表观活化能值为66kJ/mol;

    As to Epoxy / TOA / Org-MMT system , the reaction order was 0.9 and active energy was 66kJ / mol by Kissinger method ;

  17. 表明CL-2具有更优秀的匀染性和高的表观色深值,有利于匀染和染料利用率的提高。

    It showed that CL-2 has excellent level dyeing property and can improve the use rate of dyestuff .

  18. 三种小麦混合日粮表观有效能值测定方法的比较研究

    Comparison of Three Bioassay Methods for Apparent Effective Energy of Wheat Mixed Ration in Broiler

  19. 作者通过浇注试验法,提出了一种铸型表观物性值的方法。

    In this paper , a method of measuring apparent thermal properties of sand molds was provided by pouring method .

  20. 小麦中的戊聚糖含量及添加木聚糖复酶对鸡表观代谢能值和养分消化率的影响

    The content of pentosan in wheat grain and effects of xylanase supplementation on ame values and nutrient digestibility of cocks

  21. 松弛转变行为出现的温度越高,其表观活化能值越大。

    The apparent activation energy of relaxation process at higher temperature location showed a higher value than that at lower temperature location . 4 .

  22. 动力学计算拟合结果表明,聚苯乙烯的主要失重阶段(第一阶段)的热解符合二级化学反应方程,其平均表观活化能Ea值为166.19kJ/mol,lnA值为32.15。

    Associated kinetic analysis results indicate : the thermal degradation of PS in main mass loss stage ( the first stage ) accords with second order chemical reaction equation ; besides , the average activation energy Ea for this stage is 166.19 kJ / mol and lnA is 32.15 .

  23. 主成分回归法研究热分析中样品用量与表观活化能实测值之间的关系

    Principal component regression method of studying the relation between sample mass and experimental value of apparent activation energy

  24. 回&直肠吻合猪的排泄规律对饲料氨基酸表观消化率测值的影响

    Effect of the period of excreta collection on the value of apparent amino acid digestibility determined with ileo & rectal anastomosised swine

  25. 在实验温度和湿度范围内,变色和降解的表观活化能平均值分别为105.51和130.72kJ/mol。

    Within the ranges of experimental temperatures and humidities , the average apparent activation energies of discoloration and degradation are 105.51 and 130.72 kJ / mol , respectively .

  26. 随重熔加热保温时间的延长,半固态浆料的稳态表观粘度逐渐降低,当稳态表观粘度达到最低值后,随重熔加热保温时间的延长,稳态表观粘度又逐渐增大。

    With increasing the holding time , the steady apparent viscosity of the remelted slurry decreases and gradually reaches a lowest value , and then increases again .

  27. 延长静置时间、或增加固相分数、或降低剪切速率,再次剪切搅拌时,半固态浆料到达稳态表观粘度的时间随之增长,同时稳态表观粘度值也相应增大;

    With increasing the resting time and the fraction of solid and decreasing the shearing rate , the steady apparent viscosity will increase at the same shearing rate and the time required for the semi-solid slurry to reach the steady state also becomes longer .

  28. 实验结果表明:干砂型的表观导热系数是其密度、温度的函数;湿砂型水分凝聚区的表观导热系数是干砂区表观值的3~4倍。

    The experimental results show that the apparent thermal conductivity of dry sand mold is a function of its density and temperature and the apparent thermal conductivities of moisture condensation zone in green mold , are about three or four times as great as those of the dry sand zone .