
  • 网络Expressive behavior;act of representation;ment
  1. 文中应用改进的离散型Hu矩描述人体行为,为了更精确的描述人体行为特征,我们选取4个Hu矩来表示行为特征。

    We use the modified discrete Hu moments to describe human behavior , in order to more accurately describe the characteristics of human behavior , we selected four Hu moments to represent the behavior characteristics .

  2. 表示行为或状态的实义词。

    A content word that denotes an action or a state .

  3. “正当”表示行为是不可避免的。

    " Justifiable " means that the action was the only alternative .

  4. 我们的那些最伟大的艺术行为及表示行为怎么办?

    What about our greatest acts of art and expression ?

  5. 但是其效果意思和表示行为都有特殊性。

    But its effective intention and the expression behaviour all have the particularity .

  6. 承购是意思表示行为,应于试用期内以明示或默示方式作出。

    And the recognition is an intention behavior and should be made expressly or impliedly in the trial period .

  7. 民事法律行为是民事主体以设立、变更、终止一定民事权利义务关系为目的的表示行为。

    Civil juristic acts are the acts that the civil parties aim to establish , vary , and eliminate the relationship of civil rights and duties .

  8. 意思表示行为是民事法律行为不可缺少的重要的因素之一,因此在民法理论中研究意思表示是非常有意义的。

    The expression of intention is one of important component , the research on the expression of intention is of good value to the civil theory .

  9. 悬赏广告是特定行为人以广告的形式对完成广告中规定的特定行为的不特定人,给付广告中声明的报酬的意思表示行为。

    The reward advertisement is one kind of action in which a particular individual pays the non-particular person some rewards for his completing the task declared in advertisement .

  10. 我国学者多有支持意思表示行为说者,然而通过分析,笔者认为效果意思说较为合理。

    The mainly scholars of our country support the view of behavior of express of will . However after analysis , the view of the effect of mean is more reasonable .

  11. 日本实行类推适用虚假表示行为模式,侧重对真实权利人的保护。美国存在产权保险模式,通过市场机制保护交易第三人。

    Japan applies an analogy of false behavior , focusing on the party enjoining real rights . The United States has put title insurance into practice , through the market mechanisms to protect a third party of transactions .

  12. 其次,否定虚伪表示行为订立合同的效力,但不否定虚伪表示行为下被隐匿真实表示的效力,这种区别对待的方法也是我们应当借鉴的。

    Second , negative false expression behavior conclude the effectiveness of the contract , but not negative behavior was hidden under false said the effectiveness of the real mean , the difference of the method is also treat we should use for reference .

  13. 基于对传统Petri网结构的修改,文章提出了一种新的模型方式,并具体给出相应的结构定义,图形表示和行为规则。

    Modifying the classical Petri Net 's structure , this paper presents a new modeling technique which gives its structural definition , graphical representation and behavioral rules concretely .

  14. 这种额外信息的交换使得有可能扩展服务接口所表示的行为而不用更改接口,因此也不用更改WSDL。

    This exchange of additional information provides an opportunity for extending the behavior represented by a service interface without changing the interface and , therefore , without changing WSDL .

  15. 行为表示是行为实现的基础,对CGF实体行为的生成及其效率与真实性都有直接影响。

    In CGF development . Behavior representation method is the basis of behavior implementation , and behavior representation directly affected the reality and efficiency of the CGF entities ? behavior .

  16. 信任管理作为传统安全技术的补充,是一个集信任知识表示、行为评价、信息管理、逻辑推理和决策支持于一体的全新研究领域,是解决P2P网络电子商务安全问题的关键技术。

    As a supplement to traditional security technology , trust management is a new research domain which gathers knowledge representation , behavior evaluation , information management , logic reasoning and decision support , and it is a key technology to solve security problem in P2P e-commerce .

  17. 用以表示相同行为的g++属性是cdecl、stdcall和fastcall。

    The g + + attributes to replicate the same behavior are cdecl , stdcall , and fastcall .

  18. 其次,基于并发变迁分析BPN模型上表示服务行为的路径,并通过遍历BPN模型获取包含UML顺序图描绘场景的服务行为集合。

    Second , the service behavior is analyzed based on paths of the BPN model by utilizing the notion of concurrent transitions . The set of behavior with occurrence of the scenario depicted by the UML Sequence Diagram is obtained by traversing the BPN model .

  19. 他表示这种行为是不利于国家利益的,是可耻的。

    He says such action is contemptible and betrays the national interests .

  20. 宽厚的表示、行为等。

    A merciful gesture , action , etc.

  21. 动量词是用来表示动作行为等的数量单位的词。

    The verb-measure words are used to mean the quantity units of the action , behavior etc.

  22. 尽管这些人辞职各自有因,但专家表示这种行为存在一定风险。

    They quit for different reasons , but experts suggest that such a move entails certain risks .

  23. 一位美国官员表示逃跑行为说明船长没有受伤。

    An unnamed US official says the escape attempt shows optimistic signs the captain is in good health .

  24. 传统理论认为意思表示包括行为意思、表示意思、效果意思和表示行为。

    Traditional theory believes that it includes behavior meaning , expression meaning , effect meaning and the behavior meaning .

  25. 未出现超过5秒钟无知觉的现象。医生还需要考虑儿童是怎样受伤,父母表示儿童行为是否正常。

    Doctors should also consider how the child was injured and whether the parents say the child is acting normally .

  26. 动词作状语其语法意义为表示动作行为的方式、情态、原因、时间等;

    Grammar meaning of the verbs to be adverbial is showing the way , modal , reason and time of verb behavior .

  27. 我们询问的许多旅行者都不同情斯诺登的困境并表示他的行为让美国面临风险。

    Many travelers we spoke with were not at all sympathetic to Snowden 's plight , and say his action put America at risk .

  28. 表示动作行为的继续进行或状态的继续存在。常用于疑问句或有能愿动词的句中。

    Indicates the continuation of an action or a state . It often occurs in an interrogative sentence or a sentence with an auxiliary verb .

  29. 它主要用作完成体标记,位于动词或形容词后,表示动作行为、状态的完成或实现。

    It is mainly marked with perfective aspect and placed after verb or adjective to express the completion or realization of behavior , condition of action .

  30. 洛杉矶市议员迈克博宁,当地呼吁新禁令的国会议员之一,表示这种行为等同于为公共停车位拉皮条。

    Los Angeles City Councilman Mike Bonin , one of the local lawmakers calling for the new ban , equated the practice with pimping out public parking spots .