
The operator = = is shorthand for object equivalence in the Java language , but not for object reference identity .
GORM helps mitigate the leaky-abstraction problem by allowing you to represent your object model in a way that makes sense in Groovy .
A vat is a container for objects .
Another option for expressing relationships among objects is containment , where one object is the parent of another object .
This data model is constituted by three kinds of models , i.e. Geometric Object Model , Geographical Feature Model , and Graphical Representation Object Model .
This paper presents a workflow model based on object flow , and gives a workflow definition using a relation view to present the object flow state , at the same time , presents a design and realization of the workflow definition and process control .
We use the geometric models to present the objects and transform the positions into numeric constraints among objects . By its constraint solving mechanism , BPU-CLP can evaluate the values of the variables .
They are also often used as a way to indicate object ownership .
Secondly , how to represent relations between objects .
Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor .
Curly braces { } indicate an object , and brackets [ ] indicate an array .
The first character of a long listing describes the type of object ( d for a directory ) .
Once you have the object represented in a class , you next need a class to manage it .
Probability information systems , which are used to represent the uncertainty information between objects and attributes , are discussed .
Image segmentation is the process of partitioning an image into meaningful regions . Those regions represent objects or their parts .
Networks could be modeled as graphs , where nodes ( or vertices ) represent the objects and edges represent the interactions among these objects .
The method gives out the presentation be constrained to objects into pipeline by using collision matrix , and findsout scheduling model with goal-oriented optimization by heuristic search .
It allows geographic object to have multiple deputy objects which can be defined as its multiple representations since deputy objects can be used to represent object views and role multiplicity .
Measure of uncertainty is a model that quantifies the uncertain degree embedded in an uncertainty measure . In different uncertainty theory , different uncertainty measure is used to describe different types of uncertainty .
The normalization design for complex object schemes is not only to group objects into related relationships , but also to choose a structure which is a good representation of semantic relationships among objects .
An O O model of deep foundation pit monitoring system is constructed . The object ′ s attributes and action are presented and the corresponding software is developed by Visual C + + .
Are you manipulating the object directly , or are you dealing with some kind of indirect representation ( a pointer in C or C + + ) that must be treated with a special syntax ?
In Jena , the subject of a statement is always a Resource , the predicate is represented by a Property , and the object is either another Resource or a literal value .
You should follow a well-defined set of expectations when you create a POJO to represent a domain object .
In this picture the yellow push pins represent your Placemarks .
This is especially important when using UTF characters to represent database object names .
Spatial data are the main objects in representation and research in Geographical Information System , and its quality as well as its correct representation in GIS is very important and the most fundamental issue in GIS ′ s engineering construction .
Using Zh transform , the binary bitmap which represents the shape of video object is decomposed into a sequence of small binary bitmaps .
With XJConf , it 's quite simple to instantiate custom objects from an XML configuration file , and even configure the properties of said object using the data present in the configuration file .
There are many ways of representing the objects of mathematics in programs , and Martin Johansen 's Dcas system demonstrates just how different these methods can be .