
  • 网络expressive theories;Expression theory
  1. 诗言志与英国浪漫主义表现说

    Poem Expressing Ideal and the Romanticism Expression Theory of English Literature

  2. 前者来自于模仿说,后者来自于表现说。

    The former comes from the " imitation hypothesis ", and the latter from the " expression theory " .

  3. 20世纪中国艺术理论中的表现说

    Expression in the Art Theories in the 20th Century in China

  4. 中国表现说语境中的意象理论

    On the Imagery Theory in the Expressionism Context in China

  5. 对我今天的表现说抱歉。

    I want to apologize for the way I acted earlier today .

  6. 李贽童心说与克罗齐直觉表现说之比较他的表现说明他值得信赖。

    A Comparison Between Li Zhi s " Theory of the Childlike Heart " and Croce s " Theory of the Intuitive Expression "; He proved himself worthy of confidence .

  7. 关于次级的计音任务对序列学习的干扰作用的实质,主要有四种主要的观点:注意能量说、组织说、短时记忆说和抑制表现说。

    There are four assumptions of the role of attention in implicit sequence learning , the attention resources , the grouping factors , the short-term memory and the expression of learning .

  8. 本文通过对艺术起源假说摹仿说、心灵表现说、巫术说、游戏说的分析,指出了它们各自的合理性和缺陷。

    Based on the analysis to the hypotheses of the origin of literature and art , such as the hypothesis of imitation , spiritual performance , witchcraft and game , the article points out the rationality and blemish of each one .

  9. “表现说”是20世纪中国艺术理论史中很有影响的艺术理论,它影响了20世纪中国的艺术实践和艺术理论,也影响了对艺术起源、艺术本质的理解。

    The " expression viewpoint " is an influential art theory in the 20th century in China , which has affected Chinese art and art theory in the 20th century , as well as people 's understanding on the origination and nature of art .

  10. 不过与更加成熟的亚洲迪士尼主题乐园――东京迪士尼乐园(TokyoDisneyResort)的收益相比,香港迪士尼的业绩表现可以说是相形见绌。

    Still , the strength of Hong Kong Disneyland 's figures pales in comparison to the earnings at the more established Disney-themed resort in Asia , Tokyo Disney Resort .

  11. 表现可以说是我们民族的优秀传统。

    Show the excellent tradition so to speak being our nation .

  12. 他在评论全国性品牌销售走强的表现时说:我真的觉得,开始有了一丝希望之光。

    I actually take it as one sign of some glimmer of hope of improvement , he said , of the stronger national brand performance .

  13. 爵爷表示,今夏从拜仁加盟的小哈到目前为止在赛场上的表现可以说是“完美的”。

    Owen Hargreaves has been " perfect " on and off the field since arriving at Old Trafford from Bayern munich , according to Sir Alex ferguson .

  14. 这不是让一个牛逼门将来我们这里度过晚年生涯,坦率的说这个门在米宝宝和富咸的表现只能说上课而已。

    It 's not as if we 're getting the tail end of a World Class player 's career-he 's a decent enough keeper who played for Boro and Fulham .

  15. 本文试图在具有前瞩性的以表现(说写)为本位的创作发展型语文教育观念指导下,参照国外言语实践方面的相关实例,结合课程改革的新理念,探讨中学写作教学策略。

    In the essay the author discusses the teaching strategy of writing in the high school , combining the new concept of course reform , after studying the relevant foreign countries ' linguistic practical examples .

  16. 每次你去约会,对于如何表现、说什么、何时打电话给他、何时吻他以及如何玩爱情游戏,你要面对347规则。

    Every time you go on a date , you 're faced with 347 rules on how to act , what to say , when to call him , when to kiss him and how to play the game .

  17. 意象表现,可以说是中国绘画的本质特征。

    Image representation is a essential characteristic of traditional Chinese painting .

  18. 我们市场经济的表现更不用说合法性了要求未来的繁荣要让大多数人受益。

    The performance never mind legitimacy of our market economy demands that future prosperity benefits the great majority .

  19. 但是,我们看到小帕的表现,可以说他可能带给我们的一定让我们印象深刻。

    However , we can see what Manny did and say that what he potentially brings is quite impressive .

  20. 如果你想表现对别人说的话感兴趣,就稍微向说话的那个人倾斜一点。

    If you want to show that you are interested in what someone is saying , lean toward the person talking .

  21. 无论如何,德国统一后的经济表现,可以说目前还未得到充分理解。

    In any case , it is fair to say that Germany 's post-unification economic performance is not fully understood at this point .

  22. 从今年开年以来,我进行了很多训练,一直练习,尝试提升我的比赛表现,彭帅说。

    From the beginning year , I was doing lot of fitness and also like I keep practice , try to improve my game , Peng said .

  23. 意识心于是便被期待着去单独表现,就是说去忽略它也能够获得的高度直觉的内在信息。

    The conscious mind was therefore expected to perform alone , so to speak , ignoring the highly intuitive inner information that is also available to it .

  24. 这种对人性需求的满足在产品包装开启方式上的表现又可以说是多方面、多层次的。

    This kind of satisfaction of human needs in the way of product packaging on the performance of open and can be said to be many , many levels .

  25. 要记住,如果你去应聘,阅读你简历的人可能更愿意了解你各阶段的学习表现。比如说,你可能作为中国学生去应聘外企。

    Remember the reader of your CV may be used to a different scale of grades to you ; you might be a Chinese graduate applying to a Western company or university , for instance .

  26. 闲笔是王蒙小说语言运用中的普遍现象。从表现功能上说,闲笔可以增添语言的情致,使语言更有趣味。诸多难点使得组件的稳定性、可复用性和执行性能大打折扣。

    The " digressive style " is a universal phenomenon of language use in Wang Meng 's novels . Many difficulties cause the module stability to be possible repeating and carry out the digressive performance .

  27. 尽管美元走强提高了初始投资的成本,但它是美国经济健康的结果&美国经济的表现,可以说比中国等吸引了巨额外国直接投资的新兴经济体还要好。

    While the strong dollar raises the cost of initial investments , it is the result of a healthy US economy , which has arguably performed better than emerging economies like China , which have attracted huge .

  28. 他的表现远不像老师说的那么糟。

    He was never half as bad as his teachers made out .

  29. 我们都很清楚,不同的着装方式会令我们感到自己更有吸引力。运动风也好职业风也罢,这取决于我们所穿的衣服。但这些衣服真的能改变认知的表现吗?还是说,这只是一种感觉?

    We 're all well aware of how dressing up in different ways can make us feel more attractive , sporty or professional , depending on the clothes we wear , but can the clothes actually change cognitive performance or is it just a feeling ?

  30. 二是IPO的长期表现偏差(或者说长期定价偏高);

    Long-term discrepant performance of IPO ( or higher long-term pricing );