
  1. 论职工补充医疗保险的发展与规范

    On the development and regulation of worker 's supplementary medical insurance

  2. 论城镇职工大额补充医疗保险的市场化发展

    The Research on Commercialization of Large-amount Supplementary Medical Insurance for Urban Workers

  3. 补充医疗保险保费测算方法研究

    The Premium Calculation of Supplementary Plan to Social Health Insurance

  4. 补充医疗保险的需求研究虾青素营养补充保健食品研究

    Demand for Supplementary Health Insurance Research on astaxanthin nutraceuticals food in Japan

  5. 对推进企业补充医疗保险的思考

    Thinking on promotion of supplementary medical insurance by enterprise

  6. 城镇职工补充医疗保险的组织与筹资研究

    Organizing and financing urban employees ' supplementary medical insurance

  7. 福建省商业补充医疗保险情况分析

    Analysis on commercial supplementary medical insurance in Fujian

  8. 商业性补充医疗保险发展研究

    Analysis on the Commerciality Supplements of Medical Insurance

  9. 在西部经济条件较差的地区,应建立以医疗救助为主的模式,而西部经济发展较好的地区,可以学习中部地区,实行新型农村合作医疗制度,在此基础上发展多种补充医疗保险。

    Medical assistance models should exist in areas in poor economic conditions in western region .

  10. 第二,北京市企业补充医疗保险运行具有强制性;

    Secondly , government of Beijing requires the enterprises must establish employee supplementary health insurance .

  11. 地方补充医疗保险和生育医疗保险实行社会统筹。

    The local supplementary medical insurance and birth medical insurance shall be planned by overall society .

  12. 高额医疗费用保险是补充医疗保险中的一种重要形式,它的保险责任是对基本医疗保险支付限额以上,合理必需的医疗费用进行补偿。

    The major medical expense insurance is one important kind of the supplemental medical expense insurance .

  13. 商业医疗保险等补充医疗保险形式具有巨大的市场潜力,也是社会医疗保险的重要补充。

    Commercial health insurance has great market potential as important supplement of social health Insurance system .

  14. 也就是说,针对不同收入层次的农民,建立档次更为明显的补充医疗保险。

    According to different income levels of farmers , build more levels to supplement the medical insurance .

  15. 有条件的企业可以为职工建立企业补充医疗保险。

    Enterprises are encouraged to set up enterprise supplementary medical insurance for their employees , where conditions permit .

  16. 在中部地区应探索建立以新型农村合作医疗为主体,多种补充医疗保险制度共同发展的模式;

    New rural cooperative medical models accomplished by other medical insurance system should be set up in middle region ;

  17. 政府建立公务员医疗补助,并鼓励、支持企业建立补充医疗保险。

    The government provides medical subsidies for civil servants , encourages and supports enterprises to establish supplementary medical insurance system .

  18. 重钢补充医疗保险制度改革方案设计与实施研究

    A Research on Design and Implement of the Supplement Medical Insurance System Reform of the Chongqing Iron and Steel Group Company

  19. 论文完善企业补充医疗保险的具体实施方案,具有一定的针对性和操作性。

    This paper has consummated the particular implementing schemes of enterprise supplementary medical insurance , and possesses certain pertinence and operability .

  20. 政府建立基本医疗保险、地方补充医疗保险和生育医疗保险等医疗保险制度。

    The government establishes medical insurance system , such as basic medical insurance , local supplementary medial insurance and birth medial insurance .

  21. 大额电子资金划拨立法势在必行。大额医疗费用与补充医疗保险

    It is necessary to legislate for large-value electronic funds transfer . A study on the relationship between large medical expenditure and supplementary medical insurance

  22. 医疗保障的政策框架由基本医疗保险、补充医疗保险、商业医疗保险及社会医疗救助四个部分组成。

    Policy frames of medical security were composed of basic medical insurance , complementary medical insurance , commercial medical insurance and social medical aid .

  23. 此外,还将基本医疗保险与企业补充医疗保险、商业医疗保险及社会医疗救助进行了区分。

    In addition , will the basic medical insurance and enterprise supplementary medical insurance , a distinction between commercial health insurance and social medical aid .

  24. 结论建立社会医疗救助制度、建立多形式补充医疗保险等方式是完善医疗保险制度改革的方法。

    Conclusions We can establish the system of social medical help and various forms of the complementary medical insurance to guarantee the reform of medical insurance .

  25. 大额补充医疗保险是针对基本医疗保险统筹基金最高支付限额以上部分进行补偿而建立的保险形式。

    We can foresee the realistic developing model of catastrophic supplementary medical insurance , that the medical insurance sector cooperating with insurance companies is the main model .

  26. 本研究针对三个运行特点,分别给出了建议,以使北京市企业补充医疗保险能更健康迅速地发展,使其效果发挥得更好。

    Firstly , to the first characteristic , I suggest government of Beijing should provide more support for the development of employee supplementary health insurance of Beijing .

  27. 因此,我们在着力提高社会基本医疗保险覆盖面的同时,也要大力推进补充医疗保险的发展。

    So while the coverage of basic social health insurance may be raised emphatically , the construction of supplementary health insurance system should advance and develop energetically .

  28. 对成都市现行4种补充医疗保险办法进行比较分析,并分别比较不同社会经济状况职工的补充医疗保险参保率,为完善和发展补充医疗保险提供参考依据。

    The paper analyzed the strength and weakness of four supplementary health insurance plans in Chengdu and compared the enrolment rate of the employees with different socio-economic situation .

  29. 在实践中,本研究对北京市企业补充医疗保险政策的完善具有一定的意义,而且对我国其他省市企业补充医疗保险的发展及完善具有一定的借鉴意义。

    My study not only is helpful to make the policy perfect , maybe it also can bring the new research about employee supplementary health insurance of Beijing .

  30. 商业医疗保险是补充医疗保险的重要组成部分,其优势在于可以有效地解决社会医疗保险保障水平偏低的问题。

    Commercial Medical Insurance is the important component of the Supplementary Medical Insurance . It can help to solve the problem that low insurance of Medical Security System .