
yī gōu
  • clothes hook
衣钩 [yī gōu]
  • [clothes hook] 金属或其他坚韧材料做成或弯成的曲线形或弯角,用以钩住衣服

衣钩[yī gōu]
  1. 把你的大衣挂在衣钩上。

    Hang your coat up on the hook .

  2. 把衣服挂在衣钩上。

    Hang your coat on that hook .

  3. 他的一件夹克衫挂在衣钩上。

    One of his jackets hung from a hook .

  4. 他把围巾挂在门后的衣钩上。

    He hangs up his scarf on the hook behind the door .

  5. 把你的大衣挂在门厅的挂衣钩上。

    Hang your overcoat on the peg in the hall .

  6. 托马斯脱下外套,挂在衣钩上。

    Thomas took off his overcoat and hung it on the hook .

  7. 你把衣服挂在固定在墙上或门上的挂衣钩上。

    You hang clothes on a peg fixed to a wall or door .

  8. 我们把衣服挂在衣钩上。

    We hanged up our clothes with hooks .

  9. 把你的外衣挂在衣钩上。

    Hang your jacket up By the tap .

  10. 忘记衣钩或餐桌的边角&只用衣架。

    Forget clothes hooks or the side of your dining room table – hangers only !

  11. 把帽子挂在衣钩上。

    Hang your hat on the hook .

  12. 本实用新型的具有胶粘剂的方便挂衣钩。主要是由主体、底座所构成。

    The utility model discloses an adhering clothes-hook , mainly comprising a body , and a base .

  13. 本实用新型的挂衣钩具有使用方便、费用低、坚固耐用的特点。

    The utility model has the advantages of convenient operation , firm and durable structure , and low expenses .

  14. 里面没有树林,也没有雪,只有衣橱的后壁,上面钉着一些衣钩。

    There was no wood and no snow , only the back of the wardrobe , with hooks on it .

  15. 中国古时候男子头上带帽,表示他已成年。中国古人衣服用衣钩,需要打结。

    In ancient China , when a male wore a hat , it meant he had attained the age of an adult .

  16. 她关上门,把他关在门外头,从过道的衣钩上取下钱包和一件毛衣。

    She closes the door on him , goes to get her purse and a sweater off a hook in the hall .

  17. 除了一张简单的床,里面还有镜子,电视,烟雾报警器,衣钩,以及可折叠的电脑桌。每个小房间里还有一个插座和风扇。

    Along with a simple bed , the rooms containa mirror , television , smoke detector , coat hook and fold-down computer desk .

  18. 他们彼此分了我的外衣,又为我的内衣抽签。把你的外衣挂在衣钩上。

    [ KJV ] They part my garments among them , and cast lots upon my vesture . Hang your jacket up By the tap .

  19. 如果客人把毛巾,浴袍挂在毛巾架或衣钩上,客房服务员将不给予更换,除非客人特别要求。

    If guest put the towel and bathrobe on the towel rack or hock , room attendant won 't change them , except guest require .