
yī fu
  • clothing;dress;habiliment;garment;gear;attire;wearable;apparel;thread
衣服 [yī fú]
  • [garment;clothing;clothes] 衣裳服饰。今泛指身上穿的各种衣裳服装

衣服[yī fu]
  1. 大多数户外运动衣服必须透气且防水。

    Breathable , waterproof clothing is essential for most outdoor sports .

  2. 他的衣服后背在大火中烧掉了。

    The clothing on his back got burnt away in the fire .

  3. 腰间的松紧带使衣服正好紧紧贴在身上。

    The elastic at the waist gives a nice snug fit .

  4. 我的衣服不够一周穿的。

    I didn 't have enough clothes to last a week .

  5. 他们专为体形较丰满的女士做衣服。

    They specialize in clothes for women with a fuller figure .

  6. 她穿着她的新衣服,那件红的。

    She was wearing her new dress , the red one .

  7. 他们的湿衣服都夹在外面的绳子上了。

    All their wet clothes were pegged out on the line .

  8. 他把衣服从身上扯下,一头跳入湖中。

    He tore his clothes off and dived into the lake .

  9. 她急匆匆地在衣服堆里找合适的衣服穿。

    She rifled through her clothes for something suitable to wear .

  10. 你看来很热——为何不脱掉衣服?

    You look hot ─ why don 't you peel off ?

  11. 她穿的衣服显得过于年轻了。

    The clothes she wears are much too young for her .

  12. 一个箱子装不下我所有的衣服。

    My clothes won 't all go in that one suitcase .

  13. 不要把衣服往地板上一扔就不管了。

    Don 't just sling your clothes on the floor .

  14. 穿上足以防风雨的衣服。

    Wear clothes that provide adequate protection against the wind and rain .

  15. 他在游泳池旁的小更衣室里脱掉了衣服。

    He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool .

  16. 买便宜衣服实际上划不来。

    It 's a false economy to buy cheap clothes .

  17. 她对她那件衣服花了多少钱有点吞吞吐吐。

    She was a little coy about how much her dress cost .

  18. 他的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。

    His red clothes stood out clearly against the snow .

  19. 他脱下湿衣服,拧干了水。

    He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out .

  20. 我们在商店买衣服时,孩子们无精打采地跟在后面。

    The kids trailed around after us while we shopped for clothes .

  21. 这身衣服你需要用三米布料。

    You need to allow three metres of fabric for the dress .

  22. 现在把衣服穿好,乖孩子。

    Get dressed now , there 's a good girl .

  23. 肤色白皙的人应当避免穿浅色衣服。

    People with pale complexions should avoid wearing light colours .

  24. 衣柜里挂着几套昂贵的衣服。

    There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe .

  25. 他的衣服堆在地板上。

    His clothes lay in a heap on the floor .

  26. 多带几件衣服,以备身上弄湿了好穿。

    Take some spare clothes in case you get wet .

  27. 她辛辛苦苦一连熨了四堆衣服。

    She slogged her way through four piles of ironing .

  28. 她又就买新衣服的事情数落起我来。

    She started on at me again about getting some new clothes .

  29. 你这个懒汉还没穿好衣服吗?

    Aren 't you dressed yet , you lazy beggar ?

  30. 他们的衣服首先重实用,其次才讲花式。

    Their clothing is primarily functional and only secondarily decorative .