
yá shǔ
  • government office
衙署 [yá shǔ]
  • [government office in feudal China] 衙门

  1. 衙署建筑特征可以说是介于二者之间,被认为是宫殿的缩小、民居的放大。

    Government Office Building features can be said to be somewhere in between , is considered to be the palace of the narrow , residential amplification .

  2. 城墙、城门、衙署建筑及坊、巷、街、弄成为街区的主要构成,它们的组合构成了今时意义的社区,成为居民日常生活的主要场域。

    Wall , gates , government office buildings , lanes , alleys and streets are main components of the blocks , which constitute the so-called communities today , and they become main field of the residents ' daily lives .

  3. 中国古代衙署建筑中权力的空间运作

    The manipulation of power-space in Chinese feudal official

  4. 南阳衙署建筑的保护与改造

    Protection and modification of office building in Nanyang

  5. 汉代衙署建筑是政权的象征,体现出了官府的威严。县衙又称县寺,外有围墙将之围成一个相对封闭的区域。

    The construction of county yamen symbolized its regime in Han Dynasty , and incarnated governmental stateliness .

  6. 保护历史街区传统风貌的理性探索&以广西忻城县莫土司衙署及周边街区保护规划为例

    Exploring for protecting traditional scenes in historic blocks & A case study in Xincheng County , Guangxi Autonomous Region

  7. 将军衙署按清一品封疆大吏衙署的格式建造,位居绥远城中心西北处,是当时城中最大的建筑群。

    General Yashu on-one format for the construction of Fengjiangtaili Yashu , ranked Suiyuan City Centre Northwest , was the biggest buildings in town .

  8. 随社会变动与政治格局变化,晚清督抚衙署房科结构日趋复杂。

    With the changes of society and political situation , the structure of " Fangke " in each Governor-General Yamun became more and more complex .

  9. 本文从文化人类学的视角,简要分析了我国古代衙署建筑和西方传统市政厅的类型特征,进而深入探讨了我国现代城市行政中心建筑的类型演变,以及建筑与城市空间的互动关系。

    With the perspective of cultural anthropology , this article briefly analyses the typology of ancient government architecture in feudal China and traditional Western municipal administration Halls .

  10. “古慈溪县衙署”建筑群的重建,作为慈城老城的保护性开发的核心工程,具有十分重大的意义。

    Reconstruction of the complex of " Ancient Town House of Cixi County ", as the key project of the preservation and development of the Old Town Cicheng , is absolutely crucial .

  11. 天聪时,部院等文职衙署设立后,他们又充斥并操纵部院要害部门,直到顺治中期,以世职集团为核心的清初政局还呈现着鲜明的贵族政治特色。

    Until middle of Shun Zhi period , aristocracy was also the brilliant characteristic of Qing Dynasty 's early political situation in which Nobility Rank Group were the nucleus of the government .

  12. 此研究视角,将衙署建筑的研究从普遍的规律性总结提高到文化艺术的高度,将是衙署研究的一个创新,为衙署研究提供一个新的视角。

    This research perspective , the Government Office Building of the laws from the general summary of arts and culture increased to the height of the study will be an innovative Government Office for the Government Office study provides a new perspective .