- 名ADAPTOR PROTEIN;adapter protein

Adapter protein is one of the proteins expressed in heart , but little is known about its role in the regulation on heart development .
A Cytosolic Adaptor Protein-FADD
Adaptin 2 is a key part of clathrin-coated vesicles ( CCVS ), which participates in protein transduction from membrane to the cytoplasm .
Adaptor / Adaptin protein ( AP ) complexes are one of the key regulators of intracellular membrane trafficking , which can dictate the sorting of specific cargoes into transport vesicles for conveying from one membrane compartment of the cell to another .
There is a great variety of cytoskeleton binding proteins with complex and unclear functions .
Based on the platform , highly expression of the PACAP in the serum of lung adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma was discovered firstly .
Adaptor proteins , composed of two or more proteins without enzymatic activity which interact with each other , regulate various cellular functions .
Active focal adhesion kinase regulates cell adhesion , migration , proliferation and differentiation by interacting with Src family kinase , phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase , cytoskeletal proteins , Graf and adoptor proteins through the phosphorylated tyrosines and the proline rich sequences .