
xíng wén
  • style or manner of writing;(of a government office)send an official communication to other organizations
行文 [xíng wén]
  • (1) [style or manner of writing]∶组织文字,表达意思

  • (2) [(of a government office)send an official communication to other organizations]∶给某处发公文

行文[xíng wén]
  1. 因此,目标明确、层次清楚、行文简洁、针对性强是其基本特征。

    The administrative levels are clear ? style or manner of writing being concise and the aimed target are its basic characteristics .

  2. 例子太多会使行文不流畅。

    Too many examples can interrupt the smooth flow of the text .

  3. 这是他行文风格轻松活泼的作品中最出色的作品之一。

    It is one of his finest works in a lighter vein

  4. 行文冷静客观,一针见血。

    It is written in a detached , precise style .

  5. 她的行文风格并非总是恰到好处,往往爱重复。

    Her prose style is not always felicitous ; she tends to repetition .

  6. 他的行文晦涩而生硬。

    He had a dense , ponderous style .

  7. 它的行文确实有些信马由缰,要是简洁一些就好了。

    It would have been best written in a more concise way as it does tend to ramble .

  8. 即将行文各部委。

    An official communication will soon be sent to all the ministries and commissions .

  9. 这篇作文行文流畅。

    This composition reads smoothly .

  10. 文章对这一表达的结构方式以及充当X的成分进行了描写说明,并集中论述了零X在焦点信息突显、行文明晰简洁、蕴涵科学色彩等三方面的语用价值。

    And then , the illustration of pragmatic value of ' ling X ' is focused on : information prominence ; concise writing style and implicit scientific features .

  11. 早期的办公自动化系统(OfficeAutomationSystem,简称OAS)主要负责文字处理、表格编制、文档管理、行文管理等一般性事务工作。

    The major functional components of an early office automation system include some universal affair works such as : word processing , table typeset 、 document administration , style management and so on .

  12. 在提出了社区建设和NGO发展的背景之后,笔者把行文的思路和方法做了简单的介绍说明,同时列出了理解中国城市社区和社区研究的基本框架。

    Community building and NGO development background , I do the ideas and methods of the wording simple a description lists the basic framework of understanding of urban communities and community .

  13. 此外,如果您发现Scala非常有用,如果您对本文有任何意见建议,或者(叹息)您发现代码、行文中存在bug,请给我留言,让我知道您的意见。

    And , as always , if you find Scala useful , if you have a comment on the article , or you ( sigh ) find a bug in the code or prose , drop me a note and let me know about it .

  14. 这种行文模式是由语言的语篇功能决定的。

    The convention is determined by the textual function of language .

  15. 好处是,这鼓励作者行文清晰。

    On the upside , it encourages writers to be clear .

  16. 其实她想说的是:我们的报告必须行文清晰,以下是实现方法。

    What she meant was : Our reports must be clear .

  17. 在这本情节跌宕起伏的长篇小说中,克拉克夫人的行文风格有点慢条斯理。

    Ms Clark takes her time with this long , undulating novel .

  18. 同时,也是作者此次行文的主要目的。

    And it 's the main purpose of this dissertation .

  19. 所有现金红利,均须缴纳所得税。(根据行文习惯,增加动词。)

    All cash bonus shall be subject to income tax .

  20. 行文同时指出了一些需要关注的问题。

    Meanwhile , it points out some issues needed to be attention .

  21. 卢斯行文幽默,富有感情,对印度有卓越的领悟。

    Luce writes with affection , humour and great perception about India .

  22. 在实际行文中,全文分为三大部分。

    In the actual wording , this article is divided into three parts .

  23. 如果不是因为行文枯燥乏味,这篇新闻稿简直就像是出自德鲁克本人之手。

    Vapid prose apart , Drucker himself could have drafted that press release .

  24. 你的文章行文冗赘,弄得我有点糊涂了。

    I got lost in your rather diffuse essay .

  25. 把握行文目的是撰写公文的关键

    The Key to Writing An Official Document : TO Hold the Writing Purpose

  26. 却已经展现出了这样的刚毅勇敢,行文有条有理。

    but there was already the fortitude , the clarity and the courage .

  27. 但是在没有上下文的条件下,软件对于自由行文的理解只能用撞大运来形容。

    But software is hit and miss in understanding free-form writing without context .

  28. 思维方式影响着人们说话和行文的遣词造句。

    The thinking mode has some influence on how to speak and write .

  29. 结论:由综合性医院定点诊治肺结核确实存在较高的住院率;事实上,行文目的对公文的撰写起着关键的作用。

    Conclusion There actually exist the high rate of the hospitalization of TB cases .

  30. 以上即是笔者的行文思路。

    Above is the thought that I followed .