
xínɡ zhènɡ lì shǔ ɡuān xì
  • Administrative affiliation;relationship of administrative subordinateness
  1. 这种身份上的变化也导致了高校教师与高校之间的原有的行政隶属关系发生了变化。

    Accordingly , the administrative subordination relationship formerly existed between university teachers and government was also changed .

  2. 此后,行政隶属关系多有改变,但县名沿用至今。

    Since then , the relationship between the number of administrative changes , but the counties were still in use .

  3. 分析两国航海类院校行政隶属关系的构成,并探讨两种隶属关系的优势所在。

    Analysis of nautical institutes administrative subordination relations between the two countries , and discusses the advantage of two subordinate relations .

  4. 受行政隶属关系的制约,城市与城市、城市与乡村的协调一直是区域发展面临的问题。

    Restricted by administrative relationship , the coordination and cooperation between cities and that between city and rural area have always stood in the way of regional development .

  5. 随着经济体制的改变,工商企业之间的关系逐步由行政隶属关系转变为市场交换关系,渠道的作用更加突出。

    As the economy system changes , the relationships between business corporations have been translated step by step from administrative subjection relationship into market exchange relationship , the channels have more prominent effect .

  6. 2)游客集散地的变化受制于游客市场的变化,旅游产品的变化及产品的级别、数量、景区(点)的分布和行政隶属关系。

    The changes of tourist hubs are under the control of the changes of tourist market , the quality and quantity of the tourist products , the layout of the scenic spots and the administrative-division relations .

  7. 作者从区域协调、合作发展的思想出发,概略介绍了在行政隶属关系以外进行区域合作的措施和做法,提出了重视开展非正式规划的建议。

    Based on the ideas of regional integrated development , the essay introduces some measures of regional cooperation apart from administrative management and suggests that both formal and informal planning be taken into consideration in regional development .

  8. 指出了供应链管理与企业内部管理最大的不同之处在于,在供应链中没有组织机构和行政隶属关系作为支撑,只能以强调合作和签定契约来作为管理职能实施的基础;

    The greatest difference between supply chain management and enterprise management is that in the former there is no organizational system or administrative subjection relationship which can be relied on , and the implementary base of managerial function is only partnership and contract .

  9. 应该说,当前的政府间高等教育投资责任划分还过于简单,还是停留在计划经济模式下的按照高校的行政隶属关系来划分投资责任的归属。

    We should say that the current division of intergovernmental responsibility in higher education is too simple , only remain in planned economy mode , the division of investment between central government and local governments completely according to the administration of colleges affiliated to .

  10. 提出了打破原有行政隶属关系,分清企业管理的工作界面,强化企业的监督保证制度,独立董事出任国有股董事,建立职业经理人市场等提高国企绩效的建议。

    A lot of suggestions are put forward to improve enterprises ' performance excellence , these are breaking the existed subordinate relationship to administrative organs , clearing enterprises ' work scale , strengthening its supervisory system , independent director being national stock director and building professional manager market .

  11. 随着高等教育体制和教师人事制度改革的深入,公立高等学校与教师之间原有的行政隶属关系逐渐被打破,教师通过与高等学校签订聘任合同,与之构成受法律保护的人事关系。

    With the deepening of the reform in higher education system and personnel system for teachers , the previous relationship between public higher educational institutions and teachers has gradually been broken . Through signing up the letter of appointment , teachers started to enjoy a personnel relationship protected by law .

  12. 第二是高等航海教育行政管理体制隶属关系比较。

    The second is the comparison of the higher education administration system subordinate relations sailing .

  13. 仲裁委员会独立于行政机关,与行政机关没有隶属关系。仲裁委员会之间也没有隶属关系。

    Arbitration commissions are independent of administrative organs and there are no subordinate relations with any administrative organs nor between the different arbitration commissions .

  14. 即赋予经济发展状况较好、行政管理水平较高的县(市)更多的行政管理权限,并在行政隶属关系上变市管县为省管县。

    Namely , to entrust more administration jurisdiction to the governments of counties ( cities ) which have better economic condition and higher administration level , and changes " city administering county " system to " province administering county " system in administrative subordination relations .