
  1. 行政行为无效理论探讨

    The investigation on the theory of invalid administrative act

  2. 所以,立法上应确立行政行为无效制度。

    Therefore , legislation should stipulate the system of ineffectiveness of administrative action .

  3. 关于确立行政行为无效制度的思考

    Consideration of Establishing Unvalid System of Administrative Behaviour

  4. 宣布行政行为无效与撤销的法律限制&由一起国有土地使用权纠纷案引发的法律思考

    Legal Limitation of Announcement to the Invalidation and Revocation of Administrative Action : Legal Reflection on a Case of Dispute over the Land Use Right

  5. 第四部分,具体行政行为的无效。

    Part IV discusses the invalidation of concrete administrative act .

  6. 论行政行为的无效

    On the Invalid Administrative Act

  7. 行政行为的无效、撤销和补正是追究违法行政行为补救性法律责任的三种方式。

    The invalidity , cancellation and correction of an administrative behavior is an action taken against an illegal administrative behavior and an remedy of legal duty .

  8. 在分析我国大陆地区的有关实定法之后,提出了构建环境行政违法行为无效制度的构想。

    After analyzing related laws in the land area of our country , I propose the visualization of constructing the invalid system of the environmental administrative illegal activity .

  9. 我们应参考国外的立法经验,确立绝对无效行政行为自始无效,相对无效行政行为可撤销;

    Taking for reference the foreign experience in legislation , we should set up rules to make absolute invalidity of an administrative behavior invalid from the very beginning , and to make relative invalidity of an administrative behavior possible for cancellation ;

  10. 无效行政行为防卫权及无效标准

    The Defensive Right against Invalid Administrative Act and Criterion of Invalidation

  11. 而行政行为又可作无效行政行为和其他非无效行政行为的区分,其他非无效行政行为还可分为形式审查的行政行为和实质审查的行政行为。

    Administrative action can be divided into avoid and not - avoid .

  12. 申请、宣告或确认其无效不受时效限制。在国外立法上,狭义的无效行政行为分为绝对无效行政行为和相对无效行政行为。

    In the law abroad , invalid administrative acts can be divided into two kinds : the absolute invalid administrative act and the relative invalid administrative act .

  13. 最后,分析假象行政行为、可撤销行政行为与无效行政行为的关系。

    Last , the relations are analyzed between false administrative behavior , cancelable administrative behavior and invalid administrative behavior .

  14. 本文从撤销的概念人手,对行政行为的撤销与行政行为的无效、行政行为的废止以及可撤销行政行为等一系列相关概念进行了比较分析。

    Starting from the concepts of cancellation , the article focuses on comparing and analyzing a series of related concepts like the cancellation of administrative act , administrative act cancelled , the invalidation of administrative act and the abolition of administrative act .

  15. 当行政程序违法致使行政行为被依法确认无效或撤销时,行政行为被视为自始不发生效力。

    Administrative procedures resulting in illegal administrative act shall be confirmed invalid or revoked , the administrative act is regarded as the beginning not take effect .

  16. 对于行政程序瑕疵的行为是否导致行政行为必然无效这一问题,理论界存在一定的分歧。

    Currently there are disagreements among scholars on whether defective act in administrative procedure will lead to definite invalidity of administrative act .

  17. 再则从作成的行政行为观察,违反何种程序将导致行政行为无效、得撤销或根本不生效力。

    Thirdly , an administrative act can be withdrawn or is of no force when it violates what kind of procedure .

  18. 并不是所有的行政行为都是合法的,行政相对人在面对违法的行政行为特别是无效的行政行为时,有没有一种法律所支持和认可的抵抗权?

    Not all the administrative acts are valid , do the private party have the right to resistance which is supported by law , when they face to the invalid administrative acts ?