
xínɡ zhènɡ xínɡ wéi
  • administrative act;administrative action;act of administration
  1. 对于婚姻登记制度的性质有民事行为和行政行为、行政许可和行政确认之争。

    There are four controversial issues for the character of the registration system . And they are civil act , act of administration , administrative licensing , administrative validating .

  2. 此外,我国加入WTO以后,WTO的相关规定也对抽象行政行为的司法审查做出了相应的要求。

    In addition , our country has joined WTO , so the regulations of WTO have some requests on judicial review of abstract administrative act .

  3. WTO与我国行政行为的司法审查

    WTO and The Judicial Examination in Our Administrative Activity

  4. WTO的司法审查制度是指法院通过对行政行为进行审查,发挥司法权力对行政权力的制约作用。

    The judicial review system of WTO means that the judicial power should restrict the administrative power through the court 's reviewing administrative acts .

  5. 如果依我国现行法律的规定,对部分抽象行政行为不纳入司法审查的范围,这与我国加入WTO做出的承诺是不一致的。

    If abstract administrative act is not brought into the scope of judicial review , the promises our country has made in WTO will be disobeyed .

  6. 尤为重要的是,WTO规则主要是规范政府的行政行为,要求各成员方政府严格依法行政。

    What is particularly important is that WTO rule regulates the administrative behavior of government and each member government 's administration must depend on law strictly .

  7. 规范行政行为与规范行政救济行为;

    To regulate administrative acts and to regulate administrative remedy acts ;

  8. 抽象行政行为听证程序之适用

    On Application of Hearing of Witnesses Procedure to Abstract Administrative Action

  9. 内部行政行为司法救济之理论建构概略

    The outline of theory construction for judicial succor in Inner-administration behavior

  10. 无效行政行为防卫权及无效标准

    The Defensive Right against Invalid Administrative Act and Criterion of Invalidation

  11. 法治理念下的行政行为

    Definition of Administrative Act under the Concept of Rule of Law

  12. 类测试技术研究论网络行政行为

    Discussion on Action Research The Research of Class Test in g

  13. 试析行政行为中程序性制裁的可行性

    Try Analysing the Feasibility of Procedural Sanction in the Administrative Conduction

  14. 第一部分:行政行为与行政行为的效力。

    Part I . Administrative act and the administrative act validity .

  15. 规范权力性行政行为与规范非权力性行政行为;

    To regulate authoritative administrative acts and to regulate non-authoritative administrative acts ;

  16. 授益行政行为及其法治化研究

    Research on the Beneficial Administrative Actions and It 's Legality

  17. 第二部分,无效行政行为的理论基础。

    Second part : theoretical basis of invalid administrative behavior .

  18. 论网络行政行为行政自由裁量权研究

    Research of E - administrative Action On Administrative Discretionary Powers

  19. 论公务员行政行为的伦理选择

    On the Ethical Choice of the Public Servants Administrative Conduct

  20. 网络行政行为是相对于传统意义上的行政行为的1个理论概念,是传统的行政行为在网络中的具体运用。

    E-administrative action is a theoretical concept of Administrative Action .

  21. 行政行为效力理论之检讨

    The Review on the Theory about Force of Administrative Act

  22. 第一部分,行政行为司法审查标准概述。

    First part , the basic theory of the judicial examination standard .

  23. 这种行政行为既有合法的,也有违法的。

    Some are legal , and the others illegal .

  24. 第二部分,我国行政行为司法审查标准。

    Second part , the judicial examination standard in our national political behavior .

  25. 抽象行政行为在行政诉讼领域中没有合法地位。

    Administrative behavior does not occupy an legitimate position .

  26. 侵害与被诉行政行为之间存在因果关系。

    There is causality between damage and administrative act .

  27. 地方政府区际行政行为研究

    The Research on Regional Administrative Action of Local Government

  28. 无效行政行为是各国行政程序法的一项重要规定,本文拟对无效行政行为的内涵、存在的依据以及如何建立我国无效行政行为制度等问题进行一番探讨。

    Invalid administrative act is an important institution of the Administrative Procedure Law .

  29. 频谱管理是保证无线电通信设备有效工作的行政行为。

    The normal work of radio communication tool was ensured by spectrum management .

  30. 试析抽象行政行为之公诉制度

    Analysis of Public Prosecution System of Abstract Administrative Action