
  • 网络administrative supervision system
  1. 这些都是我们在完善行政监督体制时应该加以借鉴之处。

    These are we in perfecting administrative supervision system should be used for reference .

  2. 解决中国公共政策监督中存在的问题路径是完善行政监督体制,完善社会和舆论监督制度,营造良好的政策监督环境。

    The countermeasures to those problems are to consummate the administrative supervision system , to consummate the society and consensus monitor , to build a nicer policy supervision environment .

  3. 行政监督体制创新与责任政府建设

    The Innovation of Administration Supervision System and Construction of Responsible Government

  4. 这表明我国现有的行政监督体制存在根本性的缺陷和结构性的弊端,建立在公仆假设和利他人假设基础上的现有行政监督理论已不能适应社会主义初级阶段的经济基础。

    Obviously , there are fundamental defects and systemic faults in the present system of supervising administration .

  5. 适应于计划经济和人治社会的原有行政监督体制的低效、失效和无效,大概是一个不争的事实。

    There is no doubt that the present system of supervising administration , which is adapted to planned economy , is ineffective .

  6. 第四部分,在借鉴现有研究成果的基础上,运用利益分析的方法,提出了改革和重构我国行政监督体制的系统方案。

    Part four applies the method of interest analysis to the subject , raises some reform measures on how to innovate our nation 's system of supervising administration .

  7. 因此,我们亟需建立适应社会主义市场经济的新理论,并以它为指导,改革和重构我国的行政监督体制。

    Therefore , it is urgent that we construct a new theory , which is fit for socialist market economy , and then reform the present system of supervising administration .

  8. 因此,分析我国现行的行政监督体制,发现这些问题并通过具体的对策加以克服,对强化行政监督效能具有重要意义。

    Thus , this article analyzes the present the administrative supervision system in China , and discovers such issues and some specific solutions , which is very important to strengthen the administrative supervisory efficacy .

  9. 笔者还分析了我国现行行政监督体制的执行力状况,并从监督体制的执行层面探索了在现实根本制度环境下提升中国特色的行政监督体制执行力的对策与思路。

    The author also analyzes the present situation of the executive power of the Chinese administrative supervision , and tries to research onthe measures and thoughts on improving the Chinese characterized administrative supervision system from its execution under the present basic system .

  10. 行政执法监督体制的制度分析

    System Analysis of the Supervising Regime of Administrative Enforcement of Law

  11. 从制度安排上说,我国行政执法监督体制包括权力机关监督、层级监督、司法监督和社会监督。

    The supervising regime of administrative enforcement of law in China includes the supervision of the power department and grade and justice and society .

  12. 要理顺林业行政执法监督体制,成立专门的林业行政执法监督机构,真正保证执法监督机构从中立的角度对执法工作做出客观公正评价;

    The special administrative law enforcement supervisory organ is established to really guarantee that the supervisory organ makes objective just appraisal on the law-enforcing work .

  13. 在完善加强行政权监督体制方面,笔者主张在推进常规监督的同重视法外监督的技术的运用。

    In perfecting and strengthening the administrative supervision system , the author advocates in advance of conventional supervision with attention outside the law supervision of technology application .

  14. 又次,完善对行政程序的法律监督体制,加强对行政执法程序的监督立法,健全行政执法程序监督体制,充分发挥舆论对程序违法的监督作用,真正做到有法必依、执法必严、违法必究;

    Fourthly , the legal supervision system for administrative procedure should be perfected , and the supervision function of public opinion be made full use of .

  15. 依法行政,改革卫生行政监督体制,防止政府失灵。

    Executing the law following the rule of law , reforming sanitary administration and supervising system , defending the failure of government .

  16. 平政院体现了将中国传统监察制度和近代西方先进行政诉讼制度与行政监督体制相结合的特点,极具本土特色。

    Ping-Zheng-Yuan highly reflects the localized characteristics , combing the supervisory system of Chinese tradition with advanced modern western administrative litigation system and administrative supervisory system .

  17. 第四部分主要是探讨了公务员激励机制实施的对策,认为公务员激励机制的有效运行应该深化行政体制改革和健全行政监督体制。

    The fourth part have mainly probed into the countermeasure that civil servant 's motivation mechanism is implemented , suggesting that the effective operation of civil servant 's motivation mechanism should deepen the administrative system reform and perfect the administrative supervision system .

  18. 最后将它运用于行政监督领域,引申出与市场经济相适应的行政监督体制的三个理论基石。

    This part also applies it to the field of supervising administration , leading to three mainstays of the theory of supervising administration .

  19. 在该部分,首先指出了行政监督的特点和开展行政监督的必要性,并界定了行政监督体制;

    In this part , it points out that supervision on administration 's characteristics and the necessity of carrying through the supervision on administration again defines system of supervision on administration .

  20. 加强对地方政府行政效能测量、控制、纠错和报告制度建设,完善地方政府行政效能监督体制是提高各级政府服务质量,获取人民信任,构建和谐社会和践行社会主义科学发展观的重要途径。

    To improve the public service and to get the peoples ' credit , so as to construct harmonious society , we must establish a set of institutions of efficacy-supervision to strengthen the evaluation , control , regulating and reporting of the administration-efficacy of local government .