
  • 网络bullish
  1. 股市开盘时行情看涨。

    The market opened in a bullish mood .

  2. 选求他们放自己走的朋友:行情看涨指数20%。

    Anthology " beg them to put them to go " friend : Prices is bullish index 20 % .

  3. 行情看涨。

    Market will be strong .

  4. 楼盘行情看涨。

    The real estate market is strong ( or bullish ) .

  5. 我们很清楚,这种产品在世界市场上的行情看涨。

    We is fully aware of the rising tendency of this product in the world market .

  6. 这使得资深顾问的行情看涨,并在各公司间引发了一场人才暗战。

    This has raised rates for senior consultants and caused a bout of poaching between firms .

  7. 选装死或假装睡觉的朋友:行情看涨指数99%。

    Anthology " possum or pretend to sleep " friend : Prices is bullish index 99 % .

  8. 行情看涨的股票市场

    A buoyant stock market

  9. 该商品行情看涨。请尽快订购。

    The market for this commodity is on the rising trend . Please place your order as soon as possible .

  10. 由于市场坚挺,行情看涨,为了贵方利益我方建议贵方接受报价。

    As the market is firm with an upward tendency , we would suggest in your interest that you accept our offered price .

  11. ‘行情看涨’和‘令人鼓舞’这些词被用来形容1/4世纪以来首次连续三个季度的经常项目账户盈余。

    " Buoyant " and " encouraging " are the words used to describe three consecutive quarters of current-account surplus & the first in a quarter-century .

  12. 房地产企业也一直在做最坏的打算:去年早些时候,许多房企利用市场行情看涨之机提前对债券进行了再融资,以减轻近期的资金压力。

    And companies have also been preparing for the worst : many of them used buoyant markets early last year to refinance debt early , easing near-term strains .

  13. 近十多年来,国内船舶修理行情看涨,船舶修理行业得到了长足发展,不仅已有的船舶修理厂发展势头强劲,规模迅速扩大,而且还催生了很多新的船舶修理企业。

    In recent 10-odd years , the domestic ship-repairing market is bullish and ship-repairing industry has been developed considerably , which not only can be reflected by the booming momentum of existing dockyards developing in a large scale but also can be seen from the newly established ship repairing enterprises .

  14. 股票行情现在看涨。

    The stock market is stronger now .

  15. 这种货物供应不足,因此下周市场行情可能看涨。

    The goods is in short supply , consequently the market will probably rise next week .

  16. 股票行情现在看涨(买者踊跃)。

    The stock market is stronger now , ie People are more willing to buy shares , etc.

  17. 牛市指证券市场行情普遍看涨,延续时间较长的大升市。

    A bull market is a market condition in which investment prices rises and investor confidence increases in a prolonged period .

  18. 随着近年来中国人对健康的重视程度越来越高,未来几十年,职业睡眠师的行情将看涨。

    As Chinese people have put greater and greater emphasis on health in recent years , professional sleepers could easily see their stock rise in the next several decades .

  19. 进入本世纪以来,由于国内经济持续高速增长,有力地拉动钢材需求不断增长,钢铁行情日渐看涨,在全国出现了钢铁工业投资热潮。

    After entering this century , the domestic economy has rapidly developed , which stimulates the demand for steel products to improve continuously and the price rises day by day . A great mass fervor of investment to steel industry has been unfolded over the country .

  20. 有信息表明市场行情将进一步看涨。

    Information show that the market will advance further .

  21. 受此影响,市场对法务会计师的需求迅速增加,薪酬行情也逐渐看涨。

    Under the influence , the marketing demand for the accountant is increasing rapidly and so is the payment .

  22. “相对于服装市场过去四年较为疲软的行情,奢侈品市场的需求行情似乎一路看涨,它就成了ipo的晴雨表,”瑞信分析师巴斯说。

    " The demand environment looks to be improving , relative to three or four years of fairly weak apparel trends . That stimulated activity has led to a window of IPO activity , " says Mr buss at Credit Suisse .