
hánɡ yè ɡuǎn lǐ
  • industrial management;management of trades
  1. 简述了煤炭地质行业管理信息的特点,论述了充分开发和利用管理信息资源对煤炭地质行业的意义,并提出了煤炭地质行业MIS(管理信息系统)应用对策。

    The paper summarized coal geological industrial management information features , discussed the significance of thoroughly develop and use management information resource to the coal geological industry . And put forward coal geological industry management information system ( MIS ) application countermeasures .

  2. 我国电信行业管理政策趋势探究

    Study of Telecom Industrial Management & Policy Development Trend in China

  3. 省级公路运输行业管理MIS的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of MIS for Vocational Road Transportation Management

  4. EWP平台和基于EWP的制衣行业管理信息系统设计

    EWP Platform and Design of Management Information System in Garment Making Industry Based on EWP

  5. 在网络设计方面采用了基于Internet的EDI(电子数据交换)技术,使各维修及检测企业上传给行业管理部门的数据在传输、录入方式等环节完全实现了电子化。

    Introducing the edi ( electronic data interchange ) technology based on Internet in the network design , as a result , the data transmitted between the administrative department and the maintenance enterprises is completely realized Informationization in receiving way .

  6. 在研究国内公路运输行业管理MIS设计与开发方案的基础上,结合湖南省公路运输行业管理的特点和实际,设计与实现了省级、地州市级和县级行业管理广域网下的MIS。

    On the basis of studying the practice and characteristics of Hunan vocational road transportation management , an overall framework of management system is presented and the MIS , by means of WAN connecting province , city and country , is designed and realized .

  7. 但是,Bhatt说,这个仿制药市场充斥着假药,而且缺乏行业管理。

    But , says Bhatt , the market is flooded with counterfeits , with no regulation of the industry in sight .

  8. 我国汽车维修行业管理的现状及对策

    Current condition and countermeasure of automobile maintenance and repair trade management

  9. 经济全球化时代家电行业管理质量与企业发展

    Management quality and company development of household appliance in Economy Globalization

  10. 旅游协会行业管理职能和机制研究

    Research on Function and System of Industrial Management of Tourism Association

  11. 浅议城市环卫行业管理改革趋势

    Simply Discussing the Reform Tendency of Urban Environmental Sanitary Professional Administration

  12. 行业管理滞后,缺乏有效的监督机制。

    Profession management lag , lacks the effective surveillance mechanism .

  13. 加强行业管理,形成科学的管理体制;

    Strengthening the profession management , forming scientific management system ;

  14. 强化行业管理,完善救生的管理体制。

    Strengthen industry management , improve the saving management system .

  15. 面向拉动单的汽配行业管理信息系统研究与开发

    The Development of MIS for Automobile Parts Providers Based on Pull Lists

  16. 加强计量控制提高公路行业管理水平

    Improving the management for highway industries by use of the measure control

  17. 强化卫生行业管理发展国家卫生事业

    Strengthening Management in Health Field for the Development of State Health Cause

  18. 对监理行业管理水平要求有较大提高。

    Requirements for supervision industry management level has improved greatly .

  19. 加拿大绿地的规划建设与行业管理

    The Planning and Construction of Green Spaces and its Management in Canada

  20. 努力提高地质工作质量,加快地质行业管理体制改革的步伐为主要途径,方百计提高地质经济效果。

    Quicken step of management system reform of geologic profession .

  21. 加强地勘行业管理服务国民经济建设

    Strengthen the Mangement of Geology and Serve the Construction of National Economy

  22. 充实律师协会行业管理职能,发挥行业管理优势;

    Enrichment Bar Association industry management functions , a trade management advantages ;

  23. 加强行业管理提高社会效益

    Strengthen the Business Management and Promote the Social Benefits

  24. 强化汽车维修行业管理的思考

    Thoughts on strengthening the management of automobile maintenance trade

  25. 加强行业管理实现我国变频器市场的良好发展

    Realizing Rapid Development of Variable-frequency Drives Market by Increasing Management in Our Country

  26. 最后,对化肥行业管理提出了8条建议。

    In the end , 8 suggestions to the industrial administration were given .

  27. 南通纺织工业强化行业管理发挥整体优势

    Nantong Textile Industry Strengthen Industrial Administration And Give Full Play to Integral Superiority

  28. 饲料行业管理与安全工程注册会计师行业管理的问题及对策

    Feed industry management and security project Problems and Countermeasures of CPA Industry Management

  29. 加强行业管理规范人体器官移植技术

    Improving Professional Management , Standardizing Human Organ Transplant Activities

  30. 加强行业管理繁荣水运事业

    Strengthen trade management and prosper water transport undertakings