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xuè yī
  • bloody shirt;clothes covered with blood;bloodstained garment;clothes covered with gore;bloodstains garment
血衣 [xuè yī]
  • [bloody shirt;bloodstaind garment;clothes covered with blood] 沾满血迹的衣衫

血衣[xuè yī]
  1. 我的第一站是试装间,我在这里穿上重口味的“血衣”。

    My first stop is at wardrobe , where I try on a disgusting bloodstained suit .

  2. 电视镜头播放了一名女子绝望地尖叫,用双手锤打头部的情景。另外两名年长的男子穿着血衣躺在医院的走廊里。

    Television footage showed a woman shrieking in grief and beating her hands against her head , while two elderly men in blood-soaked clothes lay in a hospital corridor .