
xuè mài
  • circulation of blood;blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate
血脉 [xuè mài]
  • [blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate;circulation of blood] 体内流动血液的脉络

血脉[xuè mài]
  1. 导师盖国忠教授认为本病的病位在血脉,病机关键是气血失和,血随气逆。

    The faithful director Gai guo zhong professor thinks that the disease place falling ill originally is in a blood vessel in which the blood and qi circulate , pathogenesis key is that gas blood becomes estranged , blood goes against with the gas .

  2. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。

    The thrill of the chase , the blood pumping through your veins1 , just the two of us against the rest of the world .

  3. 工作作风上的问题绝对不是小事,如果不坚决纠正不良风气,任其发展下去,就会像一座无形的墙把我们党和人民群众隔开,我们党就会失去根基、失去血脉、失去力量。

    The style in which you work is no small matter , and if we don 't redress6 unhealthy tendencies and allow them to develop , it will be like putting up a wall between our party and the people , and we will lose our roots , our lifeblood and our strength .

  4. 此外,想在发生全球性灾难后仍然能够延续血脉的人只需花费约50美元就可以将自己的DNA储存到月球上。

    For about $ 50 , those who want to make themselves immortal in case of global catastrophe can store their DNA there .

  5. Adobe很惊异地看到社区对于他们(Adobe)所作的工作已经是血脉喷张了。

    Adobe is pretty amazing about giving the community bleeding edge access to the work they 're doing .

  6. 在接受《巴黎评论》(TheParisReview)访谈时,维勒贝克说自己的小说是“政治虚构文学”,和约瑟夫·康拉德(JosephConrad)与约翰·巴肯(JohnBuchan)的小说源自同一血脉。

    In an interview with The Paris Review , Mr. Houellebecq called the novel " a political fiction , " in the same vein as those of Joseph Conrad or John Buchan .

  7. 说明血脉通颗粒通过降低血脂水平尤其是降低,TC,ox-LDL水平,调节脂质代谢从而干预了颈动脉硬化发展。

    Help lower blood lipid levels through particles , especially by reducing , TC , ox-LDL levels , regulate lipid metabolism and thus interfere with the development of carotid atherosclerosis .

  8. 但是Ejeta从未忘记自己的非洲血脉。

    But Professor Ejeta has never forgotten his African roots .

  9. 他特别提到,涉及虚拟现实的项目现在变得越来越多,而就在短短几年前,有更多学生都是在开发承继Instagram或WhatsApp血脉的社交媒体应用。

    Specifically , he points to the recent rise in the number of virtual reality projects from just a few years ago , when more students were building social media apps in the vein of Instagram or WhatsApp .

  10. 好的,宝贝,我们要让人血脉喷张!

    Okay , luv , let 's get the blood pumping !

  11. 我们是做面条的,血脉里流淌着汤汁。

    We are noodle folk . Broth runs through our veins .

  12. 文学与史学有着割舍不断的血脉联系。

    The literature and the history have a very colse relation .

  13. 前辈家族血脉的开始者;先驱。

    An originator of a line of descent ; a precursor .

  14. 我们不能割断民族的文化血脉。

    We must never sever the cultural vein of our nation .

  15. 我的嗓音里有这土地的血脉。

    I got the blood of the land in my voice .

  16. 她要我保证她的血脉能够流存下去

    And she made me promise that her lineage would survive .

  17. 佩特洛娃家族的血脉与克劳斯有什么关系

    What does the Petrova bloodline have to do with Klaus ?

  18. 他也是我哥我们两家血脉相连

    He 's my brother too . Our families are connected .

  19. 疯狂的血脉深植在那个家族。

    A strain of madness runs deep in that family .

  20. 正如我们是血脉相连的,地球上的所有事物也都是相连的。

    All things are connected like the blood that unites us all .

  21. 冰冷血脉现在不能和嗜血或者英勇叠加。

    Icy Veins no longer stacks with Bloodlust / Heroism .

  22. 你不是想要个有自己血脉的孩子吗?

    But I thought you wanted a kid with your own d.n.a. ?

  23. 据上面的记载你是你们家最后的血脉

    It says in here that the family line ended with you .

  24. 冒险因子可能本就流淌在华尔街的血脉中。

    Risk may really run in Wall Street 's blood .

  25. 我们是做面条的我们的血脉里就流淌着汤汁

    We are noodle folk . Broth runs deep through our veins .

  26. 预算信息是政府财政的血脉和基础。

    Budget information is the basic of government finance .

  27. 你的体内也有我的血脉。

    Some of my blood courses through your veins .

  28. 你俩是同一条美好的血脉的。

    It 's all in the same wonderful bundle .

  29. 虽然没有我的姓氏,但你有我的血脉。

    You might not have my name , but you have my blood .

  30. 每次到中国来我都感到自己与许多事情血脉相连。

    Every time I come here I can relate myself to many things .