
xuè pào
  • blood blister
  1. 检查右耳见一血疱,占居大半鼓膜表面,双侧听力试验呈中度性老年性耳聋。

    Check right side to see one blood blister , take appearance of house most tympanic membrane , bilateral audition experiments the gender is spent in showingSenileSexual deaf .

  2. 对于较大的脓疱或血疱,用粗火针刺,刺后用消毒棉球挤净脓液,再选用适当大小的火罐吸拔,并留罐5~10分钟。

    Pierce the agria or blood blister with thicker fire needle , cupping at the local skin lesion and retain the cup for 5 ~ 10 minutes after squeezing all the pus out with a piece of sterilized cotton .

  3. 结果7例患者血疱液、培养出致病性弧菌病原体。

    Results Vibrio vulnificus were cultured in seven patients ' tissue fluid .

  4. 至少我们不会想要血疱和黑指甲。

    At least if we don 't want blood blisters and blackened fingernails .

  5. 3例有口腔损害,伴血疱,萎缩性瘢痕和粟丘疹。

    Mucosal involvement was present in 3 cases with bloody blisters , atrophic scar and milia .

  6. 病鸡表现为衰竭、消瘦、在腿部、爪部、面部和翅下有大小不等的血疱。

    The clinical manifestations were as follows : failure , weight loss , blood blisters in the legs , claws department , under the face and wings .