
  • 网络expeller
  1. 针对目前螺旋榨油机存在的问题,全面阐述了榨油机开发的新思路,包括榨螺轴部件设计的新方法、新材料的开发与应用、榨油机的控制系统的开发与应用等。

    Based on the problems with current expeller , this paper elaborates the new thoughts of developing ex-peller , including new method of worm assembly design , development and application of new materials and press control systems .

  2. 通过研究发现,冷榨前,适当的加热处理有利于提高南瓜籽油中VA、VE、胡萝卜素的含量,其中,单螺旋榨油机制取的南瓜籽油中VE的含量是双螺旋榨油机的3倍。

    The pumpkin seed oil has higher content VA , VE , carotene before pressing by suitable heat treatment . The content of VE in pumpkin seed oil of one - screw pressing is three times of the two - screw pressing .

  3. 螺旋榨油机榨螺表面抗磨工艺的研究现状

    Development on screw 's surface craft to resist wear of expeller

  4. 螺旋榨油机榨排的设计计算

    Design and Calculation of Extract Bar and Pen in Spiral Squeezer Machine

  5. 螺旋榨油机榨螺螺纹体积计算的研究

    Volume calculation of worm thread of continuous screw press

  6. 螺旋榨油机喂料段的理论与实践

    Theory and practice of feeding zone in screw press

  7. 小型螺旋榨油机干饼残油率试验分析

    Experimental Research for Residual Oil Rate in Pressed Cakes of Rapeseed by Screw Press

  8. 该机与传统螺旋榨油机相比,具有结构简单、制造方便、便于推广等优点。

    Compared with the traditional screw press , the oil press of turning round has advantages of being simple in structure , convenient in manufacture and easy to extend .

  9. 设计了一种测定螺旋式榨油机膛内压力的方案,并在螺杆式榨油机上完成了测试.油厂水塔水位简易自动控制装置的研制及应用

    In this paper an experiment is designed for the pressure determination of a screw oil mill . DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF A KIND OF SIMPLE AUTOMATIC CONTROL DEVICE FOR WATER TOWER WATER LEVEL OF OIL MILL

  10. 对螺旋型榨油机中的榨螺零件如何采用液态模锻工艺生产进行了实验研究,分析了该种制件采用液态模锻工艺生产的难点和工艺设计的要点。

    The paper carries out an experimental research on how to integrate the liquid forging process into producing the extracting spiral parts of the spiral oil press , and analyses the difficulty in producing these parts and the key in process design .

  11. 螺旋式定量包装秤的研究螺旋榨油机喂料段的理论与实践

    Study on the Screw Feeding Gravimetric Filling Machine Theory and practice of feeding zone in screw press