
  • 网络spiral stair;The Spiral Staircase
  1. 扭板式螺旋楼梯结构设计中一些问题的探讨

    An Inquiry into Some problems of Structural Design of Torsional plate Spiral Stairs

  2. 本文结合宁波高专食堂螺旋楼梯结构设计对扭板式螺旋楼梯结构设计中一些问题进行了探讨,并提出了自已的看法。

    In the present paper , some problems of structural design of torsional plate spiral stairs are inquired into combined with the design of spiral stairs of Ningbo College dining - room , and my personal view is advanced here as well .

  3. 基于ANSYS的某带中柱钢筋混凝土螺旋楼梯的弹性静力分析

    Elastic Static Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Circular Stairs Based on ANSYS

  4. 三维螺旋楼梯的自动建模

    Automatic Creation of Three Dimensional Model of Spiral Stair Cases

  5. 钢管桁架螺旋楼梯的设计初探

    Discussion on the Design of Steel Space Truss Structure of Spiral Stair

  6. 浅谈螺旋楼梯结构设计

    A brief discussion on the design of cockle stairs

  7. 大型钢结构螺旋楼梯的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of a Large-scale Steel Spiral Stair

  8. 螺旋楼梯计算&模拟支座法

    Analysis of Spiral Stairway by Simulative Supports Method

  9. 这些商店有典型的苹果螺旋楼梯和奇特的楼上休息区。

    It had the classic Apple store winding staircase and weird upstairs sitting area .

  10. 带中柱螺旋楼梯的设计

    The design of spiral staircase with solid newel

  11. 现浇钢筋混凝土螺旋楼梯柔性支模设计及施工

    Erecting Molding Board Flexibly in the Design Construction of Job-placed Reinforced Concrete Cockle Stairs

  12. 螺旋楼梯的计算方法

    Methods . - The Calculation of Spiral Stairways

  13. 附有螺旋楼梯梯段利用图表设计的实例。

    Attached to this paper is an example of a helical staircase designed by diagrams .

  14. 钢结构螺旋楼梯的设计

    The design of a steel helical staircase

  15. 双螺旋楼梯将上下三层连接了起来。

    Double-helix staircases link all three levels .

  16. 众所周知,许多中世纪城堡中都建有螺旋楼梯来作为防御措施。

    It 's well known that many medieval castles have spiral staircases built as a defense measure .

  17. 螺旋楼梯由于其结构比较复杂,所以手工建模难度大,方法不易掌握。

    Because the construction of spiral stair is complicated , the manual creation of its three dimensional model is difficult .

  18. 本文就现浇钢筋混凝土螺旋楼梯施工提出一种模板支设方法。

    The author explores a new way of erecting molding board in the construction of job-placed reinforced concrete cockle stairs .

  19. 如果你想伸伸腿,后面有螺旋楼梯连接着两层经济舱。

    If you want to to stretch your legs , a spiral staircase at the back links the economy class cabins on the two decks .

  20. DNA是地球上所有生命的基础,它有着像螺旋式楼梯一样的双螺旋结构。

    DNA is the basis of all life on earth . It has a double helix GetWord (" helix "); structure , like a spiral staircase . / /

  21. 螺旋状楼梯双经纬仪快速放样法

    Rapid Setting - out the Spiral Stairs by Two Theodolites

  22. 螺旋悬臂楼梯的设计及简化计算

    Design and Simplifying Calculation of Conical and Cantilever Stairs

  23. 这是博物馆的出口。我个人非常喜欢这个螺旋形楼梯。

    This is the exit of the museum . I like the spiral stairs .

  24. 屋子里所有的椅子都坐满了。连长长的螺旋形楼梯上也站满了客人。

    Every chair in the house was occupied , and even the long winding stair was packed with guests .

  25. 厅的角上有个方洞,正如轮船上的升降口,楼下的人,从一道螺旋式楼梯经过这方洞,到达楼上。

    It was reached by a spiral staircase which terminated in the corner of the room at a square hole like the hatchway of a ship .

  26. 根据螺旋状楼梯的结构特点及施工方式,提出了一种用双经纬仪实现楼梯一次性三维放样的新方法。

    According to the construction features and construction technology of spiral stairs , a new three-dimensional setting-out method of spiral stairs using two transits has been given .

  27. 我在地下室花了几周的世界,给他们做了一个小型的渔港小屋,内带螺旋式楼梯和一个为便于打扫而加上的独特铰链屋顶。

    I spend weeks in the basement building a miniature Cape Cod cottage for them , with a spiral staircase and a unique hinged roof for easy cage cleaning .

  28. 两人朝房间另一头的门口挤去,门外有螺旋式楼梯通到他们的卧室。

    and the two of them started pushing their way toward the door on the other side of the room , which ledto a spiral staircase and the dormitories .

  29. 在周六浦东苹果店开张后一位姓林的顾客发现在螺旋形楼梯的下面有一群行迹猥琐的男性在专心地看着什么。

    A customer at the opening day on Saturday , surnamed Lin , spotted a group of creepy looking men at the bottom of the spiral staircase in the Pudong New Area store 's glass cylindrical construction looking upwards attentively .

  30. 本文编制了水平旋转角为300°、270°、240°和210°的两端简支钢筋混凝土螺旋式楼梯内力系数表,并举了设计例题,以便简化计算和避免错误。

    For helical staircases simply supported at two ends , with horizontal angles of rotation of 300 °, 270 °, 240 °, and 210 ° respectively , the internal force coefficients are given in tables . Using these tables will simplify the calculation and avoid mistakes .