- 网络Snowmelt flood;snow-rnelt flood

The Prediction , Early-warning for Snowmelt Flood and Decision Support Based on ' 3S ' Technologies in Xinjiang
By means of the object-oriented technique and Java program language , the DSS models and other common models are developed in form of Java class , which realize the reusability , independence , integrity and extendibility of these models .
The general frame of knowledge-base system of the DSS is designed , and both knowledge-base and knowledge-base management system are built , which solve the problem of sharing and reusing of the knowledge .
Thus , the scientific level of the early warning DSS is enhanced dramatically . ( 3 ) The parametric elements theory is applied to the research on the models and parameters , and the mature RDBMS ( Relational Database Manage System ) is integrated with model-base .
The decision support system ( DSS ) of snowmelt flood prediction in Xinjiang based on " 3S " is realized by the mode which integrates warehouses , method base , model base and knowledge base , and is put forward by the author as a new method .
Development about Decision Support System for Snowmelt Flood Prediction of Xinjiang
Establishment and validation of early-warning model for snowmelt flood in North Xinjiang
Flood disaster has become a global issue of great concern , especially in floods caused by dam and levee failure , which is more destructive than the storm flood or the snowmelt flood . So many scholars have used various methods to analyze it .
Snow Melting Flood Forecast Model Based on Partial Least-Squares Regression
A new technique of forecasting and service of the heavy rain and snow-melted flood in Xinjiang is developed .
The research analysis indicates that its achievement is reasonable , and this article supply a new idea and research method of snow melting flood .
In spring , the snow melts intensively and causes snowmelt flood easily , which affected the agriculture seriously and livestock production and impacted on the living of the people in this region , meanwhile , brought serious economic losses .
On the basis of genetic analysis and flood time , the flood in Heilongjiang was divided into three types , that is , storm ( rain ) flood , snowmelt and rain flood and ice flood in this paper .