
  • 网络Financial Leasing Companies;lease finance company
  1. 到目前为止新批准成立的融资租赁公司数目很少。

    So far , the number of the new approved financial leasing companies was very small .

  2. 实际上,目前,几乎所有的外商投资融资租赁公司都是国家商务部批准并管理的。

    In fact , at present , almost all foreign invested financial leasing companies are approved and governed by mofcom .

  3. 引领日本企业大举进入点心债券市场的是欧力士(orix)和日立资本(hitachicapital)等融资租赁公司,它们通过购买机械设备并将其租赁给银行贷款成本较高的客户使资金跨境流入中国。

    The big push into the dim sum market has been led by leasing companies such as Orix Corporationand Hitachi capital , which have moved funds across the border into China to buy equipment and machinery to lease to customers facing higher costs for bank loans .

  4. 论我国融资租赁公司风险管理措施的完善

    Approaches to Enhance Financial Lessors ' Risk Management Measures in China

  5. 成立融资租赁公司三步曲

    Three Steps of Establishing a Financial Leasing Company

  6. 中联融资租赁公司目前正在积极拓展海外融资租赁服务和海外经营租赁业务。

    According to our strategic planning , we are establishing the HQ of Zoomlion Finance & Leasing Co.

  7. 我国融资租赁公司在经历了新世纪的又一次重整之后,当前面临的紧迫问题就是如何完善风险管理措施。

    After a recent rectification , it is now urgent for financial lessors to enhance the risk management measures .

  8. 一项非正式统计研究显示,由于现实中申请金融租赁公司许可证相对困难,几乎所有的外国投资者都转向投资融资租赁公司。

    An unofficial statistics study shows that almost all foreign investors turn to invest in FLCs since it is relatively difficult to apply for CLC permit in practice .

  9. 案例也是来自省内融资租赁公司一个已经决策过的项目,也可以通过该项目的运行情况检验模型的科学性与合理性。

    The case is also from the project finance leasing companies in the province has a decision-making , by the operation of the test model of the project of science and rationality .

  10. 第三部分主要针对存在的问题,从政策法规等宏观方面以及融资租赁公司的内部经营管理方面,分析了制约我国融资租赁业发展的原因。这是本文的一个重点。

    Then according to these problems , it systematically analyzed elements which limited the development of Chinese finance leasing industry , from policy and law and internal management and administration , etc ;

  11. 如果国家商务部能核准申请,时代华康医疗设备租赁有限公司作为理所当然的合格的外商投资融资租赁公司,能够自愿地、合法地执行所有的医疗器械融资租赁协议。

    If the application is approved by mofcom , sdhk , as a duly qualified fie flc , will then be able to execute all medical equipment financial leasing agreements freely and legally .

  12. 对外商投资融资租赁公司来说,外国投资者的总资产不得低于五百万美元,远远低于对“主要出资人”的要求。

    For fie flcs , a foreign investor shall have total assets of no less than USD5 million , which is much lower than the requirements of a " principle capital contributor " .

  13. 外商投资融资租赁公司可以通过各种方式开展融资租赁业务,包括直接租赁、转租赁、回租、杠杆租赁、信托租赁和联合租赁。

    The foreign invested financial leasing company may undertake its financial leasing business by adopting various forms , including direct lease , sublease , leaseback , leverage lease , Trust lease and joint lease .

  14. 但是,由于融资租赁公司将处理医疗设备,所以需要获得相关医疗管理部门的同意,也就是说,医疗器械经营许可证是的前提条件。

    However , since financial leasing company will be handling medical equipments , it will need to get approval from relevant health administrative department , namely , the medical equipment operating permit as a pre-condition .

  15. 使A融资租赁公司从单纯直接融资租赁、售后回租赁的资金类业务逐渐发展为集合新设备采购、原材料采购、大订单采购和二手设备交易的产业运营业务。

    A simple direct financing leases , capital leases back to class after-sales services in A financial leasing company are gradually developed into a collection of new equipment purchases , raw materials procurement , large orders , purchasing and trading used equipment industry operations .

  16. A融资租赁公司深入附着于印刷产业链,不断提升在行业中的地位与威望,最终形成资金类业务、经营性租赁业务和生产监理三大业务板块,成为印刷产业链的核心。

    A finance leasing company deeply attached to the printing industry chain , improving the position and prestige in the industry , and ultimately develops into three major business segments the classes of funds business , operating leasing and production supervision as the core of the printing industry chain .

  17. 请中国人民银行各分支行将本办法转发辖内的城市商业银行、城市信用社、农村信用社及其联社、信托投资公司、财务公司及融资租赁公司。

    Each branch of the people 's Bank of China shall transfer the present tentative procedures to the urban commercial banks , urban credit cooperatives , rural credit cooperatives and its cooperative unions , trust and investment companies , finance companies and financial leasing companies within their own jurisdictions .

  18. 金融(融资)租赁公司是金融机构的重要组成部分,与其他金融机构一样,它有两项业务,一是提供金融产品和服务给顾客,二是从事金融中介和管理风险。

    Nowadays , like the other financial organizations , there are two things for financial leasing companies to do : ( 1 ) offering clients the financial products and services ; ( 2 ) embarking upon financial medium and managing risks .

  19. 汇率与利率的波动会对单一进行融资租赁的航空公司造成经营风险,在经济上使其蒙受损失。

    Exchange rate and interest rate volatility will pose risks to the operation of airline carriers that employ only leasing model for aircraft financing , thus sustain economic loses .

  20. 当你看到进入中国融资租赁行业的跨国公司大部分是以资本或厂商为背景的。

    He says , When you see the multinational companies in the China leasing industry , most are captives or serve vendor clients .

  21. 融资租赁是国内航空公司通用的飞机采购方式,这种具有中国特色的飞机融资方式,在二十世纪末我国基础建设资金短缺的背景下成为国内航空公司飞机引进的主要融资方式。

    Finance lease is a common domestic airlines aircraft procurement and the introduction of the major domestic airlines aircraft financing with Chinese characteristics in the context of the end of the twentieth century .

  22. 文章第二三部分进入正文部分,其中第二部分对于融资租赁以及融资租赁公司的概念做了介绍,总结了融资租赁的特点以及融资租赁公司的功能。

    The second part and the third part come into the body part , and the second part introduced the finance lease and finance lease concepts , and summarizes the characteristics of finance leases and finance leasing companies .

  23. 注意:今年厂商融资租赁和资本融资租赁公司将会赞助一项旨在以实效角度看待中国融资租赁运营的研究。

    Note : This year , the Equipment Leasing and Finance Foundation will be funding a study that will take a pragmatic look at making the decision to conduct business in China .

  24. 融资租赁项目风险管理是融资租赁公司经营中的核心内容之一。

    The risk management for financial leasing project is one of the business operation focuses in the financial leasing companies .

  25. 而融资租赁风险管理越来越成为融资租赁公司提高盈利能力和竞争力的重要方面。

    At the same time , the finance lease risk management has increasingly become an important aspect for the finance leasing companies to improve profitability and competitiveness .

  26. 融资标的物选择限制约束使融资租赁公司在经营上不能有效的满足客户的需求,使更多的潜在市场没有得到有效的开发。

    Restriction from financing targets limits the capacity of financial leasing firms to satisfy customer needs and to develop market potential .

  27. 近年来,伴随着船舶融资市场的不断发展,以及各融资租赁公司对船舶融资租赁项目的积极推进,具有独特优势的船舶融资租赁表现出广阔的发展前景。

    But in recent years , with the continuous development of the shipping financing market , shipping financial leasing which is promoted actively by financial leasing companies is considered as the bright future relying on the unique advantages .

  28. 而保理融资、证券化融资、信托融资和外债融资是我国融资租赁公司现阶段最现实的选择和最有可能实现突破的融资渠道。

    While factoring financing , securitization financing , trust financing and foreign debt financing are the most realistic and possible financing channels .

  29. 第二,大力发展融资租赁市场,通过引进西方具有成熟理念和完善体制的融资租赁公司、大力扶植本土企业以及吸收专业人才等手段来改善目前我国在此领域的现状。

    Second , develop financing lease market , by introducing large lease financing companies with mature concept and completed system , fostering local enterprises and absorbing professionals .

  30. 文章论述了融资租赁的基本概念、融资租赁对企业发展和社会繁荣的作用及融资租赁公司的组建与业务监督等问题。

    This article discusses the basic concept of the financing rents , and the function of the financing rents to the enterprise development and the society prosperities , and the questions of the financing rents company establishment and service surveillance , and so on .