
  • 网络converged communication;unified communications
  1. 融合通信业务中XDM服务器高可用性的研究与实现

    Study and Implementation of XDM Server High Availability in Converged Communications

  2. XDM服务器负责维护融合通信业务平台的所有数据,包括用户数据和所有服务器所使用数据。

    The XDM server is responsible for maintenance all the data of converged communications platform .

  3. IMS(IP多媒体子系统)是下一代融合通信系统的核心部分,实现了控制与承载的分离。

    IMS ( IP Multimedia Subsystem ), which is the core part of the Next-generation Unified Communication System , successfully separated control functions from bearer ones .

  4. 接着,论文论述了多模调度系统的业务需求,提出在B/S模式下,实现分布IP环境的多网络、多终端的融合通信方法。

    Then the thesis discusses the service demand of multi-modes dispatching system and presents techniques based on B / S mode to implementing the convergence of multi-network and multi-terminals under distributed IP environment .

  5. PSTN网和以太网之间的融合通信,充分发挥两个网络资源越来越具有迫切的现实需求。

    It 's in the great demands to realize the intercommunication between PSTN and LAN , which can make good use of the network resource .

  6. 由于业务的多样化需求和融合通信的发展趋势,传统的坐席系统需要提供越来越多的新功能,并与业务相关的CRM、ERP等第三方系统结合使用。

    Because of the diversified business requirements and the development trend of converged communications , traditional agent system needs to provide more and more new functions , and combine with business related third party systems such as CRM , ERP and so on .

  7. 在企业用户使用基于IMS的企业托管式融合通信服务时,涉及端到端不同网络、业务平台及网元之间的交互与传输,将面临认证、防火墙穿越和群文件共享等方面的技术问题。

    When the enterprise users use IMS-based enterprise managed unified communications service , because of involving different network , service platform and the interaction between network elements , it will face some technical problems such as authentication , firewall traversal and group file sharing .

  8. 企业通过部署融合通信系统,可以降低企业通信的成本并提高企业通信的效率。

    Enterprises can reduce communications costs and improve communications efficiency through unified communications system .

  9. 所以实现所有数据的快速存取是融合通信业务平台的关键所在。

    So , how to fast manager all data is the key in converged communications platform .

  10. 从资源管理、网络管理和计费系统上全面保障融合通信业务的发展。

    From resource management , network management and billing systems , protect comprehensively the development of converged communication services .

  11. 未来的呼叫中心将向支持融合通信,支持移动分布式坐席,支持可扩展增值业务和支持用户数据管理的方向发展。

    Future Call-Center will be developed to the direction of fusion communication , mobile distributed user agent , and extendable value-added Services .

  12. 然后在第二章介绍了融合通信的业务框架和业务类型,并对作者所参与开发的融合通信软件终端系统进行总体描述。

    The second chapter describes the operational framework and business types for converged communications and gives a general description of the software client system .

  13. 最后,论文完善了中国电信研究院关于融合通信构想的整体解决方案,并简单概括了本文所做的工作以及有待改进的地方。

    Finally , the paper improves the overall solution of the converged communications , as well as a summary of work done and the improvement to be done .

  14. 随着移动通信业的发展以及计算机网络的成熟,融合通信的概念开始被人们提及,并成为了一种新的通信模式。

    With the development of the mobile communications industry and the mature of computer networks , the concept of converged communications began to be mentioned by people , and has become a new mode of communications .

  15. 文章的最后分析了在融合通信平台中如何集成和实现这种安全性好、扩展性强、部署简单的单点登录认证模型,并进行了应用效果分析。

    In the last place , it analyzes how to integrate and achieve such single sign-on authentication model of great security , expansion abilities and easiness to deploy , and analyze applicant effect as well on the unified communications platform .

  16. 它的主要任务就是要解决多种通信体制下的融合通信,提供一个界面友好的操控平台,建成一套完全符合国家人防要求的指挥调度系统。

    Its main task is to resolve in the fusion IP Voice Communication under the converged multi-media communication system and provide a friendly operation platform so we can establish completely accord with the requirement of State Organ People Air Defence Office .

  17. 呼叫中心是一种基于计算机电话基层技术,并且融合通信网、计算机网、信息领域最新技术、企业为一体的综合信息服务系统。

    Call center is one service system of comprehensive information based on base technology of computer technology ; it combines communication network , computer network , and the most advanced technology in field of information as well as enterprise all in one .

  18. 使用SIP的融合多媒体通信

    Converged Multi-media Communication with SIP Communications ICs

  19. RBF网络作为分类器在非线性映射、分类能力和收敛速度上具有明显的优势,本文在传统的RBF网络基础上融合了通信中的纠错编码技术,使得改进后的网络在具有自纠错能力。

    The RBF network as a classifier has great advantages in the non-linear mapping , classification ability and convergence speed . This paper combines the traditional RBF network and error correction coding techniques of communication , making the improved network the ability of wrong correction .

  20. 系统的无线通信系统采用消防专用频段(350MHz)高带宽无线数字通信系统,并融合光纤通信技术和城市3G无线通信技术,使得系统通信可以适应更复杂的环境,确保音视频通信通畅。

    Communication network of the system is a fire-specific band ( 350MHz ) high-bandwidth wireless digital communication system . By using fiber optic communications and 3G networks , this communication network scheme can ensure smooth audio and video communications in more complex environments .

  21. 基于数据融合的通信电台目标识别方法

    A Method of Target Identification of Communication Radio Based on Data Fusion

  22. 多网融合海事通信网络及其关键设备

    Maritime communication networks and key device based on multi-network convergence

  23. 融合光纤通信与微波技术优势于一身的微波光子学近年来备受关注。

    Integrating the advantages of fiber communication and microwave techniques , microwave photonics are attracting more and more attentions .

  24. 随着网络融合、通信市场的开放,电信市场上形成了激烈的竞争格局。

    With the convergence of networks and the opening of telecommunications market , a fierce competition formed in the market .

  25. 政企客户越来越倾向于融合的通信服务,公众客户追求娱乐性、时尚性、个性化、方便性和参与性等成为中国电信消费市场的显著特征。

    Tends to fusion between the customer communication service , public customers pursue entertaining , fashion , personalized , convenience and participation as China telecom the salient features of the consumer market .

  26. WAP(WirelessApplicationProtocol)是无线应用协议之意,它融合了移动通信和Internet两项技术。

    WAP means Wireless Application Protocol , it integrates the mobile communication and Internet .

  27. 通信业务网的IP化融合是未来通信网络发展的大趋势。

    The integration of all IP is the future trend of the communication networks .

  28. 随着Internet的飞速发展,人们对数据、视频、音频业务相互融合的多媒体通信的需求不断增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , the demand of multimedia communications business integrated with data , video and audio , gets rapid development .

  29. 3G旨在融合蜂窝移动通信网和因特网,而这两个网络是目前最成功和最有发展潜力的网络。

    3G is aimed at the integration of cellular mobile communication network and the Internet , which are currently the most successful and potential networks .

  30. 光纤无线通信ROF(RadioOverFiber)技术融合了无线通信的灵活性和光纤通信的高带宽、低损耗等特性,受到了广泛研究。

    The radio over fiber ( ROF ) technology is a combination of wireless communication and optical communication . It has many advantages such as full of flexibility , wide bandwidth , low loss and so on .