
tuì biàn
  • change qualitatively;transform;transmute;decay;transmutation;degenerate
蜕变 [tuì biàn]
  • (1) [transmutation;transform;change qualitatively]∶比喻形质的改变、转化

  • (2) [decay]∶见衰变

蜕变[tuì biàn]
  1. InfoQ:当你谈到原生云时,有哪些特征可以让一个WSO2云镜像(cloudimage)蜕变成一个原生云平台?

    InfoQ : When you refer to cloud native , what is / are the features that transform a WSO2 cloud image into a cloud-native platform ?

  2. 在理想化的极限情形下,当数值模式或历史相似完全准确时,ACE方法的预报结果将分别蜕变为动力或统计学方法的预报结果。

    Moreover , under the ideal situations , when numerical models or historical analogues are perfect , the forecast of the ACE would transform into the forecast of dynamical or statistical method , respectively .

  3. 毛毛虫最终将蜕变成一只蝴蝶。

    The caterpillar will eventually metamorphose into a butterfly .

  4. 蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。

    The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land

  5. 蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。

    The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter .

  6. 老鹰需要五个月的时间完成蜕变,获得新的生活。

    It takes the eagle five months to complete its change and get a new life .

  7. 换第四次皮时,它们蜕变成蛹。

    The fourth time they molt , they change into pupae .

  8. 再过几天,蛹就会蜕变成发育成熟的蜜蜂,它们从自己的小蜡室飞出之后就会立刻投入到工作之中。

    A few days more , and the pupa has changed into a perfect bee , which makes its way out of its little room or cell , and is ready to set to work at once .

  9. 西宁与南京地区足月胎盘X细胞蜕变率的研究

    Study of X-cell decay rate of full-term placental in Xining and Nanjing

  10. 给出了蜕变因子控制的概念,建立了“蜕变因子控制机构构态转换原理”,通过原始机构选择、组合和蜕变因子约束数U的自动控制,形成了具有特殊功能的蜕变机构。

    Thus the rationale of the mechanism conformation change based on transforming factor control is developed .

  11. J村就是在这个大背景下通过走市场兴村的道路蜕变为如今形态的都市村社共同体。

    J Village has transformed into urban village community by taking the market village road .

  12. 每一次a射线或b射线的放射都伴随着原子的蜕变,因为赋予这些射线的能量来自于原子的内部。

    Each emission of an alpha or beta ray accompanies the transmutation of an atom ; the energy communicated to these rays comes from inside the atom .

  13. 亚微米MOSFET热载流子蜕变的二维计算机模拟和分析

    Two Dimensional Computer Simulation and Analysis on Hot-Carrier Degradation of Submicron MOSFET

  14. 分子蜕变偶合参数积分MonteCarlo法模拟无限稀释水溶液活度系数

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Activity Coefficients by Thermodynamic Integration with a Coupling Parameter in Infinite Dilute Aqueous Solutions

  15. 托尼·布莱尔(TonyBlair)和比尔·克林顿(billclinton)曾宣称第三条道路,但这一说辞已蜕变成陈词滥调和空谈。

    Tony Blair and Bill Clinton proclaimed a third way , but this degenerated into platitude and vacuity .

  16. 第二章主要是阐述J村由城郊村蜕变为都市村社共同体的变迁过程。

    The second chapter is mainly explains the change process of J village from suburban village to urban village community .

  17. 薄膜全耗尽SIMOX/SOIMOSFET中单晶体管Latch引起的器件性能蜕变实验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Degradation Effects in Fully Depleted SIMOX / SOI MOSFET 's Induced by Single Transistor Latch

  18. 使用透射电镜、能谱、电子衍射等微观分析手段,对脉冲大电流冲击后的ZnO非线性电阻I-V特性蜕变现象进行了研究。

    The high-energy impulse degradation of ZnO nonlinear resistors is studied by transmission electronic microscopy in conjunction with X-ray diffractometry and energy dispersive X-ray analysis .

  19. icann最近在悉尼召开的会议蜕变成了关于该问题的全面争论。

    A recent meeting of ICANN in Sydney descended into full-blown conflict over the issue .

  20. 在雅虎8月流出的一段视频中,斯威夫特说,自从两年前发布上一张专辑《Red》以来,她已成长蜕变,音乐风格也因此要有所变化。

    During a live video stream on Yahoo.com in August , Swift said that in the two years since she released Red , her last album , she grew and changed in a way that made it necessary for her to change her style of music .

  21. 加入WTO后,中国的高新技术产业迎来了二次创业的挑战,如何完成二次创业的蜕变,推进高新产业的可持续发展已成为当今社会的研究热点。

    After China 's Entry into WTO , the high-tech industry in China meets serious challenges in the second pioneering work . How to finish the transformation of the second pioneering work and obtain sustainable development has become a hot issue in our present society .

  22. 方法:孕大鼠第3天ip环磷酰胺(Cyc10、20、40mg/kg),孕第4天评价胚胎的胚胎化作用,胚胎发育时相,及蜕变胚胎率;

    METHOD : Pregnant rats on d3 of gestation were given ip cyclophosphamide ( Cyc ) 10,20,40 mg / kg . On d4 , the blastulation , the developmental phase of embryos and the frequency of degenerated blastocysts were evaluated .

  23. AMT基于自适应随机测试产生原始用例,提供对复合蜕变关系的支持,并且是一个开放的系统,为新的原始用例生成策略预留了接口。

    It generates test cases based on Adaptive Random testing and supports compound metamorphic relations . Moreover , it is an open system which also provides an interface to add new original test case generation strategies .

  24. SrTiO3压敏电阻的化学蜕变

    Chemical Degradation of SrTiO_3-based Varistor

  25. 为解决这个问题,T.Y.Chen提出了蜕变测试。

    Metamorphic testing ( MT ) is proposed by T.Y.Chen to resolve the problem .

  26. 结论:Cyc在未引起早期胚胎蜕变率显著增加时,可影响细胞周期,但不影响发育里程;

    CONCLUSION : When Cyc had not induced no significant increase in the frequency of degenerated blastocysts , the cell cycle was influenced by Cyc , but the developmental landmark was not changed .

  27. 温斯坦的传记《乔纳森·弗兰岑:愤怒的喜剧》(JonathanFranzen:TheComedyofRage)将探索“弗兰岑的个人和写作蜕变过程”,包括对《普丽蒂》的分析。温斯坦说,传记写作得到了弗兰岑的同意与合作。

    Mr. Weinstein 's biography , titled " Jonathan Franzen : The Comedy of Rage , " will explore " Franzen 's metamorphoses as a person and as a writer " and includes an analysis of " Purity . " It was written with Mr. Franzen 's consent and cooperation , Mr. Weinstein said .

  28. 为了检验基于ECCEM准则生成的测试用例的效果,本文中运用了一种基于测试用例使用率和变异检测能力的新的度量标准,以求全面综合的观察蜕变测试效果。

    During the metamorphic testing , a new metrics that combines the utilization of test cases and the capability of mutation detection is proposed in order to comprehensively observing the effect of metamorphic testing .

  29. 组织蜕变:大学学科后成熟期的战略选择

    Organizational Transformation : A Strategic Choice to Disciplines in Post-Mature Period

  30. 而且它们蜕变的存活率也更低。

    And they had slimmer chances of surviving metamorphosis , too .