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  1. 廖平为近代蜀中著名学者。

    Liao Ping was a well-known scholar in modern SHU times .

  2. 第二部分,对元稹在蜀中的诗歌创作及诗歌理论的研究。

    The second part textually researches his poetry creation and theory .

  3. 九寨沟风光,不愧是蜀中又一幅新的山水画卷!

    It is no wonder that Jiuzhaigou is a stunning fresh picture of landscapes in Sichuan Province !

  4. 蜀中井盐

    Well Salt in Sichuan

  5. 蜀中的仙山峨眉,漂浮于云涛雾海呈秀色于烟雨浸满的山林。

    Mount Emei in Sichuan Province is renowned for its hill forests bathing in the ocean of cloud and mist .

  6. 成都历史悠久,有“天府之国”、“蜀中江南”、“蜀中苏杭”的美称。

    Chengdu has a long history , the " Land of Abundance "," Xiu Jiangnan "," Xiu Suzhou and Hangzhou " reputation .

  7. 他在蜀中为时甚短,但学术成果颇丰,讲学的影响尤为深远。

    Such a short period of his stay in Sichuan saw fruitful academic results , and his lectures brought about very great effects .

  8. 李石是南宋前期蜀中著名学者,长于经术之学和文学。

    Li Shi is a renowned scholar who is good at studying of literature and technique in earlier period of Southern Song Dynasty .

  9. 自来评价陆游诗歌创作的发展,都把他在蜀中的生活作为一大关键。

    An the studies on the development of in You 's poetic creation have made his life in the province of Sichuan a crucial point .

  10. 黎民啊,辗转在沟壑,茫茫的人流从陇右向蜀中,在寒风中逃荒。

    Oh ! The common people , passing through the many ravines , swarms of people moving from Longyou towards shu , fleeing from famine in the winter wind .

  11. 江苏兴化黄蜀葵花中金丝桃苷含量0.98%,RSD为1.49%;

    The content of Hyperoside in the drug of Xinghua is 0.98 % with RSD 1.49 % .

  12. 正交试验法优选黄蜀葵花中金丝桃苷的提取工艺

    Optimization of Extractive Technique of Hyperin from Flos Abelmoschus manihot by Orthogonal Design

  13. 超声波法提取黄蜀葵花中天然防晒剂的研究

    Extraction of natural sunscreen from the blossom of abelmoschus manihot by supersonic method

  14. 目的建立黄蜀葵花中金丝桃苷含量测定方法,为建立黄蜀葵花药材质量标准提供依据。

    Objective Applying quantitative method for abelmoschus manihot and providing the proof of quality specification in the abelmoschus manihot .

  15. κ-卡拉胶寡糖的反相离子对-超高效液相色谱-四极杆-飞行时间质谱研究高效液相-四极杆飞行时间串联质谱分析黄蜀葵花中黄酮醇类化合物

    Analysis of Oligo - κ - carrageenan by Reversed Phase Ion-pair Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled with Electrospray Ionization-Time of Flight-Mass Spectrometry

  16. 高效液相-四极杆飞行时间串联质谱分析黄蜀葵花中黄酮醇类化合物

    Analysis of Flavonols Compounds in Flos Abelmoschus Manihot . by High Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization / Quadrupole-Time of Flight-Mass / Mass Spectrometry

  17. 新发现的5处旧石器地点,石制品可能出自下蜀黄土中,时代大约为中更新世中晚期,文化性质与茅山旧石器地点群、皖江两岸及安徽南部的旧石器文化十分接近。

    The character of the Paleolithic culture of the sites is resemble with those found in Maoshan , the valley of Wan river and southern Anhui area .

  18. 太阳崇拜和历法分别代表着神话和科学,是古蜀人对同一事物的不同认识,都是古蜀文化中的重要因素。

    The calendar and the sun adoration that represent myth and sciences respectively are the different understandings by the ancient Shu people of the same thing . They are both important factors within the culture of the ancient Shu .

  19. 因此,加强蜀南地区中二叠统缝洞气藏开发地质研究对于提高探井成功率、提高采收率、正确处理出水和合理气藏开发调整有着重要意义。

    So , strengthening the study of fracture-cavity gas reservoirs development geology of Middle Permian in south of Sichuan basin is of great importance for increasing exploration wells success rate , enhance the recovery ratio , correctly dealing with water output problems and reasonably exploiting and adjusting the gas field .

  20. 从型式来看,虎图形主要体现了两种风格,这两种风格都可以直接在巴、蜀早期的文化中找到直接渊源。

    The style of tiger figures can find origin from early Ba and Shu culture .