- 名vanessa;tortoiseshell;a kind of butterfly harmful to crop plans

[nymphalid] 蛱蝶科的一种蝴蝶,翅膀呈赤黄色,有黑色纹饰,幼虫身上多刺,危害农作物
Morphogenesis of Vanessa urticae Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Infected Fat Body Cells
At present , 87 percent of the sixty-one species of Vanessa which have been identified are distributed in Orient region , and 13 percent of them are distributed both in Orient region and palaearctic region .
Phylogenetic analysis of5 Chinese species of the genus Polyura was conducted based on mitochondrial COII sequences .
Mr. Chan particularly loves butterflies , a motif that appears in works such as Fluttery-Painted Lady , patterned with grass and flowers , and Ragtime , with flamelike wings crafted from paper-thin sheets of mother of pearl .
Studies on the Bionomics and Valid Cumulative Temperature of Vanessa indica Herbst
Similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces .
Nymphalidae , 12 genera , 35 species ;
It sought the path of the butterfly .
A brightly colored butterfly ( Argynnis aphrodite ) of North America . type genus of the Chaetodontidae .
Extinction rate and re-colonization rate also fluctuated over time , while extinction rate was far higher than re-colonization rate .
Both species have similar life history , and emerges one generation one year , but M. phoebe develops one month later than E.
By the survey of butterflies in Hubei Ying mountain natural preservation fields , 68 species of butterflies are recorded , belonging to45 generns and8 families .
As is the case with many species , the male Hypolimnas bolinas seek to mate with as many females as possible , but the females only mate once .
Extinction rate had a trend of decreasing , while re-colonization rate increasing between 1998-2001 . But from 2001 to 2002 , extinction rate increased , and re-colonization did not occur . M.
An orange and black North American butterfly ( Limenitis archippus ), resembling but somewhat smaller than the monarch . similar to the banded purple but with red spots on underwing surfaces .
It was suggested that the criteria to evaluate the patch quality and the conservation strategies for the two butterfly species should be different , due to their special habitat requirements of ovipositing females .
In contrast , parasitoids had little effect on the population regulation , because only 4 % of the post-diapause larvae and 7 % of the pupae were dead due to parasitoids in the 2003-2004 generation .