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shé tóu
  • Snake Head;ophicephalous
蛇头[shé tóu]
  1. 那个机灵的希腊人,行动既敏捷又早有提防,轻捷地跳到一边,凶猛利落地对准蛇头打去。

    Quick and watchful , the agile Greek leaped lightly aside , and struck so fell and dexterous a blow on the head of the snake .

  2. 第二天,当蛇出洞觅食之时,他举起斧头就砍那条蛇。可惜太操之过急,没砍中蛇头,只砍断了尾巴。

    The next day , on its coming out of its hole for food , he took up his ax , but , making too much haste to hit the snake , missed its head , and cut off only the end of its tail .

  3. 联合国难民署发言人雷德蒙德说,这些蛇头丢下这些人跑了。

    UNHCR spokesman , Ron Redmond , says the smugglers abandoned them .

  4. 她的堂兄帮她找到了一个蛇头。

    And her cousin helped her find a snakehead .

  5. 那就有可能是通过蛇头偷渡到美国的。

    Chances are , they were smuggled into the country by a coyote .

  6. 基斯提街有两名蛇头。

    Two brothers on Christie Street bring in illegals .

  7. 你爸爸是一个蛇头?

    I thought your father was in a container .

  8. 没错,利比亚是一个失败国家、蛇头们的天堂。

    Yes , Libya is a failed state and a haven for human traffickers .

  9. 是你把蛇头砍下来的吗?

    You ... You chopped his head off ?

  10. 吉姆叫我把蛇头砍下来扔出去。

    Jim told me to chop off the snake 's head and throw it away .

  11. 蛇毒是从毒蛇蛇头毒腺分泌出的一种毒素。

    The ophidic toxin is secreted form the gland in the head of the viper .

  12. 海岸警卫队得到的消息是船上可能有充满敌意并持有武器的蛇头。

    The word was there could be people smugglers on board , armed and hostile .

  13. 你把假发装到蛇头上了

    Did you stick wigs onto snakes ?

  14. 受害者怕被罚或遭遣返中国,都不敢挺身举报(蛇头)。

    Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to China .

  15. 而且,就算没有合法途径,也总会有蛇头和黑市经济。

    And , where there is no legal route , there are always people - smugglers and the black economy .

  16. 累及右心腔时可见似“拐杖头”或“蛇头”状改变。

    When the right heart was involved , it looked like " walking stick head " or " snakeheads " .

  17. 我们将重点打击那些危害我国安全的人员,打击蛇头而不是非法移民家庭,打击犯罪分子而不是儿童。

    We 'll focus enforcement resources on people who are threats to our security-felons , not families ; criminals , not children .

  18. 下等酒吧总有最棒的现场音乐&乐队的好与坏直接与他们服务的蛇头多与少成正比。

    Dives always have the best live music & directly proportional to how many felons they 're serving at any given time .

  19. 迪恩设法使蛇爬到外面的地上时,在蛇头的后部狠狠地一击,把蛇打死了。

    Dean got the snake to move out onto the floor , gave it one good whack be-hind the head and killed it .

  20. 蛇头已经弃船了,控制杆卡在8-9节的速度上,让船沿一条碰撞航线驶往海岸。

    The smugglers had already bailed , leaving the controls jammed at 8 to 9 knots on a collision course for the coast .

  21. 然而,我们的海行动结束没能阻止难民的脚步,他们被绝望所驱使,又受到了蛇头的怂恿。

    Yet the ending of Mare Nostrum has done nothing to discourage refugees , who are driven by desperation and criminally seduced by traffickers .

  22. 运送亚洲人进入美国成了涉及不同种族,利润丰厚的买卖,不少希腊人、意大利人都参与进来、还有土生土长的加拿大人和墨西哥蛇头。

    Trafficking Asians into the United States became a lucrative , multiethnic affair for numerous Greek , Italian , indigenous Canadian and Mexican smugglers .

  23. 这样的路程对于将命运交给蛇头的蛇客来说,无疑是在过“鬼门关”。

    Such a journey is , beyond doubt , a trying moment for immigrant smugglers who place their fate in the hands of organized traffickers .

  24. 向蛇头支付高额费用以偷渡出国的日子在很大程度上也已成往事,因为无论是中国还是外国都已经放松了旅行限制。

    The days of paying exorbitant fees to people-smuggling snakeheads are pretty much gone as well , because both Chinese and foreign restrictions have eased .

  25. 这是一种强壮有力的蛇,硕大的蛇头呈三角形,头顶有深色的菱形纹标志。

    It is a stout , solid snake , with a large triangular head , on the crown of which is a dark spearhead mark .

  26. 主治肺热咳嗽,头目眩晕,耳鸣,耳聋,目赤羞明,肝炎,风湿痹痛,跌打损伤,蛇头疔,无名肿毒。

    It is used to cure hyperactivity cough , vertigo , tinnitus , deafness , hepatitis , rheumatism , bruises , boils , swollen unknown poison .

  27. 一只巨大的三角型蛇头正悬浮在他的眼前,蛇嘴里丝丝吐出的舌芯几乎就碰到了他的鼻尖儿。

    Huge triangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes ; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth slightest core almost touched his nose top .

  28. 许多来自有安全但相对贫穷的第三世界国家,他们通常每人要付给蛇头高达5万美金的假护照和机票费用。

    Many come from safe , but less generous , third countries , often paying people-smugglers up to $ 50000 each for false passports and airline tickets .

  29. 15例出现膀胱内边界清晰的充盈缺损,16例显示光晕征,12例显示蛇头征。

    A clear filling defect was found in intra-bladder of 15 cases . Halation sign was showed in 16 cases and snake head sign in 12 cases .

  30. 吉姆告诉我将蛇头砍下来扔掉,再把蛇皮剥了,烤一块蛇肉。

    Jim told me to chop off the snake 's head and throw it away , and then skin the body and roast a piece of it .