
  • 网络Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother;Battle Hymn of Tiger Mother
  1. 在《华尔街日报》登出蔡美儿(AmyChua)的《虎妈战歌》(BattleHymnoftheTigerMother)节选后不久,黄就找到出版商,提出了想写《初来乍到》这样一本书。

    The book proposal for " Fresh Off the Boat " was sent to publishers not long after an excerpt from Amy Chua 's memoir , " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , " appeared in The Wall Street Journal .

  2. 但是如果翻开她的书《虎妈战歌》,我们很难理解她是不是在开玩笑。

    But reading the book ," Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother ," it can be hard to tell when she is kidding .

  3. 此外,《虎妈战歌》一书的作者蔡美儿(amychua)在她书中所描述的虎妈症候群似乎也不无道理。

    There also seems to be some truth in the Tiger Mom syndrome described by author Amy Chua .

  4. 此外,《虎妈战歌》一书的作者蔡美儿(AmyChua)在她书中所描述的虎妈症候群似乎也不无道理。

    There also seems to be some truth in the " Tiger Mom " syndrome described by author Amy Chua .

  5. 蔡美儿第一本书《虎妈战歌》(BattleHymnoftheTigerMother)曾让各地的宽容妈妈十分不安,使我们为曾经这么软弱地对待子女感到忧虑。

    Chua 's first book , Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , upset liberal mothers everywhere , making us feel uneasy about being such softies with our children .

  6. 最近,有一本名为“虎妈战歌”(作者是美籍华人蔡美儿)的书引起了关于子女教育方法的文化差异的争论。

    A new book called " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother " by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting .

  7. 2011年,美籍华裔作家蔡美儿和她的畅销作品《虎妈战歌》让这种育儿方式闻名全世界。

    It 's a parenting style made famous in 2011 by the Chinese-American author Amy Chua and her best-selling book The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother .

  8. 但是《虎妈战歌》的营销活动节选也是营销活动的一部分迎合了白种美国父母对于自己是不是太溺爱孩子的担忧(这担忧不是没有一定道理)。

    But the marketing campaign , of which the excerpt was a part , appealed to an underlying ( and not entirely unjustified ) concern among white American parents that they had grown too indulgent toward their children . Huang found the book repellent .